*** Runners' Team * 50+ and 100+ Miles in April *



  • tori_yates
    tori_yates Posts: 11 Member

    Is it too late to join this group? I started running in December and on April 1st completed my first half marathon in 2:14. I want to build my strength up and get my half marathon time to under 2 hours. I have set myself a personal training goal of running 100 miles a month and I came across this thread and thought it would be nice to have the support. So far this month I have run 43.4 miles so I am on track for 100.

  • timadotcom
    timadotcom Posts: 674 Member
    I was sick of the week last week and I could not really do anything but I am back at it today and I updated my ticker ...

    13 miles today

  • Carlton_Banks
    Carlton_Banks Posts: 757 Member
    4/10 3
    4/12 4 miles
    4/15 13.1

    42 miles, 38 more to go

    Rest day after the Go! St Louis half marathon. Might be a pretty easy week,

    Congrats! I was there at the GO St. Louis marathon too.
  • Carlton_Banks
    Carlton_Banks Posts: 757 Member
    Finishe my 1st 1/2 Marathon yesterday...I ran it at 1:56:33....an average of an 8:48 min mile...rolling hills the whole course...I am so happy with that time...next 1/2 is a flat course, hoping to shave my time down....

    I am at 56 miles for the month so far....


    Awesome run! I ran my first half yesterday too. My goal by next year at this time is to run a 1:45. I started out on an 8 min mile pace yesterday and when I started facing the rolling hills at mile 7 I started losing my confidence and slipped back into a 9 min mile pace. Plus, I felt my hamstring starting to cramp up. I guess I need to follow a real workout plan before I attempt the next race in October.
  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    10/16 - 10.2 Miles



  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    I'm late checking in!! Got in 8 on Friday and 5.5 today.

    That puts me at 39 for the month!
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Totally forgot to check in yesterday ran 20 miles yesterday

  • Carlton_Banks
    Carlton_Banks Posts: 757 Member
    Ran 6.53 miles today.

  • dorseykm
    dorseykm Posts: 412 Member
    Ran 6.15 miles today for a monthly total = 97.45. My monthly goal is 150 miles.
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Rest day for me today - my achilles is finally healed, but now I got hip soreness, and I saw a doc this morning, resting for the rest of the week, and my goal is still to run a relay on Sunday, two legs wit a total of about 12 miles. I know that is risky, but I am hoping the rest will nip the inflammation in the bud.
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    tori_yates said:

    Is it too late to join this group? I started running in December and on April 1st completed my first half marathon in 2:14. I want to build my strength up and get my half marathon time to under 2 hours. I have set myself a personal training goal of running 100 miles a month and I came across this thread and thought it would be nice to have the support. So far this month I have run 43.4 miles so I am on track for 100.


    you are on the spreadsheet, it will be updated in a few moments. What was you weekly mileage for the first week, I can put that in if you want (:
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    momof3and3 said:

    Finishe my 1st 1/2 Marathon yesterday...I ran it at 1:56:33....an average of an 8:48 min mile...rolling hills the whole course...I am so happy with that time...next 1/2 is a flat course, hoping to shave my time down....

    I am at 56 miles for the month so far....


    CONGRATS!!! WOW that is a great time. I am hoping to sign up for one that is on May 20th. We will see.
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Finishe my 1st 1/2 Marathon yesterday...I ran it at 1:56:33....an average of an 8:48 min mile...rolling hills the whole course...I am so happy with that time...next 1/2 is a flat course, hoping to shave my time down....

    I am at 56 miles for the month so far....


    Awesome run! I ran my first half yesterday too. My goal by next year at this time is to run a 1:45. I started out on an 8 min mile pace yesterday and when I started facing the rolling hills at mile 7 I started losing my confidence and slipped back into a 9 min mile pace. Plus, I felt my hamstring starting to cramp up. I guess I need to follow a real workout plan before I attempt the next race in October.

    CONGRATS!!! you guys are definitely encouraging me to do a HALF!!! I want to do one badly and soon!
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    dorseykm said:

    Ran 9.1 miles yesterday & 10.1 today for a monthly total = 91.3.

    Wow you are almost at your goal!!! CONGRATS!
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    pafagel said:


    Yesterday I ran 8.6 miles, or so I believed, and today I ran 8.8 miles. Except, it was the exact same path. This made me somewhat curious so I decided to measure the path on a map. It was neither 8.6 nor 8.8 miles, it was in fact 7.02. It seems my perfectly calibrated pedometer is not so perfectly calibrated after all. For every mile I thought I ran, it was actually 0.8 miles. Stupid pedometer lying straight to my face. I have to assume it has been wrong this whole time, so instead of being at 102 miles for the month I am only at 89. This sucks!


    I am sorry about the inexactness. , BUT really 89 miles is very impressive!!!
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Carlton_Banks said:

    I ran my first Half Marathon race today. I felt pretty good about my time of 1:52. My goal was 1:55. I had a lot of help from my friends and a pace leader. Maybe later this year I'll shoot for 1:50 or an optimistic 1:45 or better. I'll need to lose a little more weight or start incorporating a few long tempo runs into my routine. I usually run no more than 6 miles when I workout, and I could definitely feel when I crossed over my comfort level today. Thanks Cooriander for maintaining this group! I'm sure I would not have broke 2 hours without the inspiration I get from this group every month!


    Congrats!!!! that is a a very good time! I am also changing up my routine a bit, doing hills and speed workouts, but I also need to build distance and endurance!!
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Zoekat05 said:

    9 more miles today, including a new 10K PR of 47:57. 102 month to date. Hoping to get out for another easy run this evening, we'll see how I feel later.

    GASP that is a GREAT PR!! Envy that time!!! WOW! Mine is still above 50, hoping to break below fifty this year, it may be optimistic!!!
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Here is the spreadsheet for Week's 2 check point - I was late today so I may have miscalculated a bit (e.g., some milage for week 3 may be in week's 2 mileage, and vice versa). Let me know of any corrections!!

  • Mceastes
    Mceastes Posts: 303 Member
    Love this idea! Thanks!

  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I posted in the other thread but I am finally back - just a short but glorious 2 miles today. So happy to be running again.