What to say when people ask you your weight



  • ChristieStearns
    ChristieStearns Posts: 94 Member
    I see both sides to this. As in, I can see how it offends some people to be asked, and I can also understand how some people treat it as a fact like hair/eye color. What I think is this... the way you answer it will determine how the question is treated. If you act offended or that the question is rude, that allows it to be that way. If you act that it's a fact and you have nothing to be ashamed of one way or another, then hopefully that is how it comes across to the person who asked. If I feel comfortable I'll share my number. If not, instead of being offended I'll say something like "you know, I'm not even sure, I don't really worry about the scale, I focus on my eating habits and exercise."
  • TracyRFogleson
    the only people that have ever asked me that question were the military when I started to enlist, my doctor, and my close family. And they were the only ones to get an honest answer. But when talking to friends and family they look at me like I am handing them a line of lies as i do not look like I weigh as much as I do. I started out one year ago in aug at 310lbs. I can honestly say that most everyone including my doctor and the army recruiter didn't believe me when I gave them my weight so they put me on a scale to prove it. Ofcourse I am obese and know it that is what makes it so much easier for me to be honest as I look them in the face and tell them well this is what i am doing to fix it and if you don't like how I look go away.
  • KathieSwenson
    I agree. It's all about owning responsibility about where you are at. If you don't own up to the responsibility that you did this to yourself how are you ever going to change. I'm a food addict. I love the stuff and I would eat it even when I wasn't hungry. I couldn't stay away. I had to own up and tell myself that I am the reason I was obeses. I am the reson I couldnot loose weight. I am the reason I sit and do noothing. I am 220 lbs. once I did that it became much much easier to find the will powe to get up and exercise even though it hurt and to eat correctly even tough I anted my three slices of pizza. I'll gladly tell anyone who asks me. Where I started out at, where I'm at now, and where I'm going. Because I know that that is the first step to recovering from years of food abuse and neglect.
  • Burlesque12
    Burlesque12 Posts: 177 Member
    Very tactful :) Although I usually dont mind telling people my weight...but to each his own.
  • PeggyWoodson
    PeggyWoodson Posts: 337 Member
    I agree. It's all about owning responsibility about where you are at. If you don't own up to the responsibility that you did this to yourself how are you ever going to change. I'm a food addict. I love the stuff and I would eat it even when I wasn't hungry. I couldn't stay away. I had to own up and tell myself that I am the reason I was obeses. I am the reson I couldnot loose weight. I am the reason I sit and do noothing. I am 220 lbs. once I did that it became much much easier to find the will powe to get up and exercise even though it hurt and to eat correctly even tough I anted my three slices of pizza. I'll gladly tell anyone who asks me. Where I started out at, where I'm at now, and where I'm going. Because I know that that is the first step to recovering from years of food abuse and neglect.

    While I agree with this and many other posts on here, my original post dealt with people who are obviously rude people in general. I know that not everyone wants to tell their weight and this is only one of many ways of "not telling your weight to people who are just downright rude." I do believe you have to be honest with yourself or you will never be able to change things. That is why we are all in here. We are being honest with ourselves.

    My original post was not meant to be used in a circle of close friends where you can talk about anything you want to talk about including weight. It was meant for those people who object to answering the question in general.

    I enjoyed all the responses Thanks. I think the main thing to remember on this site is to agree that we don't always have to agree.
  • KathieSwenson
    I agree. It's all about owning responsibility about where you are at. If you don't own up to the responsibility that you did this to yourself how are you ever going to change. I'm a food addict. I love the stuff and I would eat it even when I wasn't hungry. I couldn't stay away. I had to own up and tell myself that I am the reason I was obeses. I am the reson I couldnot loose weight. I am the reason I sit and do noothing. I am 220 lbs. once I did that it became much much easier to find the will powe to get up and exercise even though it hurt and to eat correctly even tough I anted my three slices of pizza. I'll gladly tell anyone who asks me. Where I started out at, where I'm at now, and where I'm going. Because I know that that is the first step to recovering from years of food abuse and neglect.

    While I agree with this and many other posts on here, my original post dealt with people who are obviously rude people in general. I know that not everyone wants to tell their weight and this is only one of many ways of "not telling your weight to people who are just downright rude." I do believe you have to be honest with yourself or you will never be able to change things. That is why we are all in here. We are being honest with ourselves.

    My original post was not meant to be used in a circle of close friends where you can talk about anything you want to talk about including weight. It was meant for those people who object to answering the question in general.

    I enjoyed all the responses Thanks. I think the main thing to remember on this site is to agree that we don't always have to agree.

    My point was regardless of whether it was rude or not I would still gladly tell them I'm 188 lbs today I was at 220 and my goal weight is 140. I feel like ignoring the question is ignoring the fact that I had an issue with food and that because of it I now have a very good chance of diabetes. I want to be proud of what I have accomplished. Not hide it. Even if it was a rude question. I get asked all the time now. How much have you lost you are looking slim! Stuff to that point, I don't find it rude I find it comforting that some one has noticed my efforts and my control.
  • Jelliefishie
    Jelliefishie Posts: 13 Member
    It isn't a big issue to lie about your weight to me, and I never could relate to the stereotype in movies and TV that you NEVER ever ask a woman her weight XD Perhaps because of the stereotype, I grew up to find it ridiculous to hide...but at the same time, it may also just be that I grew up in an area/community where people are open about such things. Things like asking your weight, your income range, how much your apartment/house costs, what your job is, all this from people you just met...it's not uncommon. Especially "how much is your rent"; I find that people from other areas are noticeably irked by this question, but people from my area will talk excitedly about it to strangers. Admittedly I would be a bit vague on the income, and I round DOWN to the nearest whole number on my weight. Which I did not have to do until I got a digital scale at home :P
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    It isn't a big issue to lie about your weight to me, and I never could relate to the stereotype in movies and TV that you NEVER ever ask a woman her weight XD Perhaps because of the stereotype, I grew up to find it ridiculous to hide...but at the same time, it may also just be that I grew up in an area/community where people are open about such things. Things like asking your weight, your income range, how much your apartment/house costs, what your job is, all this from people you just met...it's not uncommon. Especially "how much is your rent"; I find that people from other areas are noticeably irked by this question, but people from my area will talk excitedly about it to strangers. Admittedly I would be a bit vague on the income, and I round DOWN to the nearest whole number on my weight. Which I did not have to do until I got a digital scale at home :P

    I think you've nailed it. I equate someone asking me about my weight or how much I've lost with someone asking me my income or how much I pay in rent. Where I was brought up, it's just not something that is discussed. I find it almost offensive, but I can't pinpoint why.