Do you log your high calorie days?



  • rugbybaby
    Yep, I log those days, probably more due to feeling guilty the next day if I don't rather than because I want to be accountable. I feel like I'm accountable enough just from logging in at some point every day and making a conscious effort to fill everything out. I feel the same way, though, when I set goals on my Wii Fitness Balance Board program, and I know the day before or whatever that I'm not going to meet my goal. But heck, that program is so discouraging anyway, it hardly bothers me for more than five minutes.

    Anyroads, I'd log it. If I ate it, I log it. It's the only way I've been able to get my eating under control. And that one day is small compared to all the progress you've made!
  • lkblazek
    lkblazek Posts: 36
    I log my high calorie days so I can keep track of any patterns that might have set me off on a binge. For instance, pastry is something I have to avoid completely, especially bear claws. They set me off on a binge that can last for weeks (sometimes months) before I can get it under control.
  • Serenity64
    I always log it. I don't worry if I have a few "high calorie" days...unless they are occurring in the same week. Logging helps me stay honest about how often I am eating more than usual.
  • jessicae1aine
    I always log my calories, high or low - the phone app has an excellent "weekly average" graph you can see, and that puts the bad days in perspective and helps you keep on track. :)
  • liveskinnyxo
    liveskinnyxo Posts: 259 Member
    sometimes I log it truthfully, sometimes I just quick add the calories. Sometimes I don't log it at all but get the guilts the next day about not being honest with myself and go back and fill it out lol

    THIS! haha..i hate the guilt but if im disappointed with my weight loss that week or my progress so far i can go back and see how many times i went over & by how much to keep myself in check. when i first started MFP i wouldn't log days i went over by more then 100 because it made me too sad....but as i got smaller & my losses weren't as big i had to pay more attention to what i was eating to prevent myself from the "i don't know why im fat, i eat super healthy" hahaha i always eat over by a minimum of 300 calories one day out of the week (usually sunday) to prevent my body from getting comfortable. in the beginning i used that day as an excuse to get fast food, but now im shocked to say i just use it to drink an extra large protein shake and a bagel BLT (since i usually use lettuce or one piece of whole grain bread) sometimes the scale spikes th next day, but usually i just maintain for two or three days after & then i see a loss...i also drink over a gallon of water a day so water weight is almost never an issue
  • tammyraymo
    tammyraymo Posts: 7 Member
    Log'll keep you accountable. The only thing I don't log is green veggies. Those can't hurt so eat as many as you want!
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    If I'm not willing to log it, then I'm not going to eat it!

  • PRprincess
    PRprincess Posts: 200 Member
    I log it all.. It helps me be accountable..

    Same here!
  • euraja
    euraja Posts: 1
    I hate to.I do it anyways though -___- But before I do , I usually do alot of excersize to burn it off
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Yes. Then I can know how to eat or exercise for the rest of the week to make up for it.
  • MichelleRenee13
    MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member
    I log high calorie days except holidays. They are specialty family recipes that I don't plan on figuring out calories on. I log in in the sense that I put in 2000+ quick calories. I know I will be eating well over my typical caloric intake for 2 days over easter. Potato kibbie, shells, tabouli, mac salad, vegan green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, cookies, bread, cake, hummus....the list goes on. I am just going to enjoy myself and get back to the usual on Tuesday.
  • VanessaMFaulkner
    Everything I put into my mouth gets logged...keeps me from eating what I shouldn't ;)
  • sexycute
    sexycute Posts: 74 Member
    I absolutely do. If I'm not honest with myself then I will never take off the weight. I'd rather see the red numbers to see just how ridiculous my eating was for that day. That way I can do better the next day.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Do you log your high calorie days?

    Yes. My body knows about the calories, why shouldn't my brain?
    Thats the correct answer.

    Daily and weekly reports tell a story just like the check in's. When you are accountable you begin to be more accountable. Over and under happen. I try to do my best every day for the days that just get away from me. It's a true story. Write it like one. Then you will see changes in how you try, and think about food.

    The over days happen, so do the binge times or party times. As do the times I feel like I ate too much, but the diary says "shh, you did fine, see?". That is part of the story, and the results. My mind likes to minimize it and deny it sometimes. If you log it you can't really hide from how often it happens. Then you can try to limit it.

    By now, from logging, I know how much it takes to undo my hard work. I can see it coming if I make it real and log it. I can go the other way, too, feeling like I overdid it when the logging says i'm fine. Just because I feel like I failed or i'm not doing enough, I can shut up that lying unsupportive voice in my head and see for myself. Because I logged it.