? for Runners that don't believe in wearing shirt b4 earned



  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I understand what you are saying. I hated the last 10k I ran, when after the race, the next day, I saw on facebook they were selling the shirts to anyone. I understand that the guy who put together the race was stuck with a stack of tshirts and wanted to get rid of them. And, it all went to charity, so it's ok. But, I felt a little cheated.

    I don't know, I agree that it's kind of a silly thing to worry about. But, if I see someone wearing one of those shirts, I can't be certain that they earned it. So, it takes the prestige away from it. If it's a shirt that you have to earn to wear, it means something if you see someone walking down the street with it. I know it's silly, but is everything only about money anymore? Is there not a way to just throw away the extras by only ordering shirts for those that sign up, so if you have extras, that means people paid, but didn't show, and therefore, no shirt for them?

    10k... serious business.

    maybe it is for someone who likes the distance, or has it as their goal...stop being a running snob....
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    Being told I'm pretentious, have nothing better to do, it's a "1st world problem", and a quite a few other comments like "ridiculous thread" or that I'm pretty much dumb for asking the question about "just a tshirt" would pretty much qualify and warranted my prior response. A few people actually understood that I was NOT asking about tshirts in general and that it was in particular about a tshirt for someone else's race. The derogatory comments were just not necessary.
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    Dude.. I wouldn't take it to heart.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    OMG. Wear the damn shirt, it's for a good cause & acts as promotional material. If it's not promotional, wait tunil after you complete it. As for regular non-charity races don't wear the shirt until after. It's not rocket science.
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    Well I guess when I report back to the friends that asked me to post it I will say that many of the responses came from angry, negative people that have nothing to do but pick on a stranger asking a simple question instead of just moving on to a different topic, and majority of those saying those things probably didn't spent hours and hours a day for month after grueling month training for a race to understand what "earning the shirt" actually even meant. I'm not saying everyone because some people have and don't care about the shirt which I clearly was only asking the question to a specific group of people "runners that believe in wearing a shirt after earned".
    Its like the "insanity" tshirt from the program, you can't buy it but you have to earn it. I did the program and after going through a few months of the program, passing out and throwing up along the way you have a new-found respect for "earning" things and what it takes physically and mentally. It definitely doesn't take judging others that's for sure.
    Thanks for those that gave good input and maybe I will give it to the shelter as I know that I am not running 100+ miles in 3 days like the people competing are. I already have many police memorial shirts so I already show my support since it's close to home. And to those that were just mean, maybe you need more exercise because that usually makes people happier and if you exercise a lot maybe you need a punching bag because being mean to someone who posts a question isn't a good way to get out whatever frustration you have in your own life. Cheer up, smile a little, go for a run maybe.

    I think maybe you need a good run too. You seem very tense.

    You asked for feedback and got it. I didn't read anything that was outright rude; people were simply stating their opinions. Maybe just take it with a grain of salt and move on? Or if you can't, don't post in forums like this. These responses are normal, if not tame, compared to some I've seen elsewhere. Go for your run and smile :flowerforyou:
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    i don't wear the shirt unless i "earned" it.
    for both great races, i didn't wear the shirt until after i finished. for the frigid 5 miler, i didn't wear the shirt until i finished. last year's race for the cure? didn't wear it until i finished.
    i signed up for and got a shirt for the pittsburgh half marathon. i injured my foot the night before the race, so i don't wear the shirt. i wore it once when i was sitting around home waiting for my laundry to finish.
    but that's just me. my boyfriend started the race for the cure wearing his shirt on his chest and finished with it wrapped around his head to protect it from the sun.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Seems WAY more complicated than it needs to be.

    lol, this. if i do a walk, or if i don't but I have the shirt in my possession i will wear it
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    wait- dont you give your charity money raised before you get the shirt?

    I always thought that as long as all your dues were paid and you raised your quota of money- that you didnt actually have to show up for the race... since the running part doesnt actually raise money- all your hard work before -hand does...

    I raise the money.
    I have some kind social anxiety about running with people.
    I turn in my money.
    I get my shirt.
    I wear the shirt and run the race route on a different day.

    Am I doing this wrong?

    /serious ?
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    My brother-in-law never wears the shirt until he has completed the race. I understand his logic but I personally don't follow the same practice. At the end of the day I know I ran it and I know I completed it and I honestly don't care if someone else is wearing the same shirt but didn't do it. I'm signing up for my own personal health not to flaunt a shirt that proves I can complete a 5k.

    Just my opinion of course......
  • reneegee23
    reneegee23 Posts: 233 Member
    Seems WAY more complicated than it needs to be.

  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    I wear the shirt on race day for the first time, and anytime after that. But if for some reason I bought the shirt but missed the race, I would probably still wear it if I liked it. I mean I paid for it, so why can't I wear it? Of course I wouldn't go around saying "Look what I did!", but I don't wear any of my race shirts for that reason. I only wear them if I like the way they look on me! :-)
  • reneegee23
    reneegee23 Posts: 233 Member
    First world problem.

    I love people.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    for me, i wouldn't wear the shirt if i didn't run, basically because I'd know I didn't do it... guilty as charged when asked. and people do ask!
  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    I don't think they should wear the shirt unless they win the race.

    That's how those races work, right? If you come in first, you get to wear the shirt?

    "If you're not first, you're last!"
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Just recently I wasn't able to make a race due to a stress fracture in my 1st metatarsal. It was for a charity that I paid the entry fee and received a shirt. I figure that I donated to a good cause and got a shirt. Felt bad I didn't make the run but I know the money went to a good cause. And I am going to wear the shirt. Its just a shirt.

    I had signed up for a 10 miler. I couldn't finish my training due to sinus infections + some knee pain. Then it was confirmed I couldn't even ATTEMPT it after I fractured a toe. Know what? I went to the packet pickup and asked if it was ok if I still got my packet. They said "of course!". So I picked up my race packet, including awesome dri-fit shirt, and have worn it. Hopefully I'll get to run it next year, but I paid my $40 and totally intended to run it, so screw it, I'm wearing my shirt!

    Oh, and the proceeds for this were going to cancer research, so it's for a good cause, too!
  • jdelot
    jdelot Posts: 397 Member
    Ok I am a total subscriber to you can only wear the shirt AFTER the race and after it is earned. My friends and I are firm believers but don't judge others for wearing it though. I would like to ask those that also believe in that theory a question... so my sister knows someone who is running in the Police Memorial Run from Philly to Washington DC. To raise money for that, the person is selling tshirts from the race that say Police Memorial Run 2012... looks like a regular race shirt. I have run several races and if I had to cancel on a race I know that I would not wear the shirt from that race... since the shirt is what is given in exchange for the donation I'm not sure if that's a game-changer. The theory of "it's for charity" does not work because every race i do/will do is for a charity and if I cancelled on a race then I wouldnt wear the shirt. I have no problem giving my $12 donation without a tshirt but wasn't sure the "runner's protocol" on this. thoughts? And i'm not asking to be told that the "not wearing until earned is flawed" i'm pretty stuck on that theory and can't be talked away from it lol
    I agree with this...Similarly, I bought a 13.1 sticker even though I haven't completed a half marathon yet. I won't put it on my car until after the 1/2. Stick to your guns...you have to earn the shirt.
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    Isn't wearing the shirt at any time good promotion for the cause?

    I think that is the point of the shirt yes.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I just put on the shirt and run.

    I registered early so I could get one in most cases. And it's good PR for the cause when they photograph u at the start line and again at the finish line.
  • JMarigold
    JMarigold Posts: 232 Member
    As a poor woman who shops at thrift shops I often end up wearing T-Shirts for things that I have never heard of. I try not to make it things I wouldn't want to represent or might have people asking weird questions. I don't buy Breast Cancer Walk T-Shirts that say "Survivor" on them. that would be a little misleading.

    However, sometimes if the pickings are slim in the thrift store T-Shirt section I just don't get to be very scrupulous. So I might throw in a few 5Ks and since I've NEVER done one. It's definitely a misrepresentation. I can run that long though if it makes you feel better. Sorry.
  • smoten
    smoten Posts: 53 Member
    I think i understood the original question and i do think it is protocol to wear the shirt later. The people at the event are already familiar with the cause (thats why they are there) so spreading the word at that time isnt really as productive as it would be at another time/location.

    If you get the shirt but dont do the race for whatever reason, wear it if you like it. You must appreciate the cause or your wouldnt have signed up right?

    i dont know if earning it is what it would be called, but i understand its a pride thing. Especially for long distances that you work your butt of for, however i was never prouder than when i completed my first 5K and i put my shirt on as soon as i got home.
    Its a personal preference and i've found that runners are the least judgemental of any fitness group i've encountered, i'm proud to be one of them and at a race, everyone is just glad you're there, they dont care if you are a "newbie" or have been at this for years. So if you run in your shirt, no one will really care.