Ladies, How do you keep your cravings in check during that t

Hi All,

I'm relatively new to myfitnesspal and my history in a nutshell is that I have already achieved my goal twice in life (I'm in my late twenties) but slowly over time put the weight back on. I have come to the realization that for me to have the body I want, there is no getting away from it I have to exercise and keep those cals down.

Since joining, I have been pretty good. This is a great tool to help you eat properly and cut down on all those empty calories. I was doing really well until for some reason I could not resist my cravings of chocolate. It was driving me CRAZY. Needless to say I gave in to these cravings and went totally off rail for about a week. I couldn't understand why 1) I suddenly had these chocolate and sweet cravings and 2) I couldn't seem to resist them; then my period came and it all fell into place.

I'm sure I'm not the only woman here who has experienced these cravings triggered by hormonal changes and would love some advice or learn any tricks as to how to resist these high caloric cravings.

Much appreciated!

DaniDido :smile:


  • Its that time of the month for me, and last night I reallllly did not want to exercise because of cramps. I forced myself to get off the couch and bust out a half hour workout session. Then I was able to have my little bit of chocolate and did not go over my calorie count. So I guess its just moderation and as long as you try to eat a salad or something else super healthy to supplement it?
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    Skinny Cow chocolates. So yummy and are portioned out. They helped me!
  • 198601
    198601 Posts: 33 Member
    Have the same issue! Found that even with some chocolate could still be under limits. I think there is a reason we crave it so we should give in and enjoy it with moderation. I think I saw those pretzel M&M's were actually recommended for dieters compared to other chocolate candy and they are great!
  • heatherrose86
    heatherrose86 Posts: 43 Member
    Ice cream is my biggest I got an ice cream maker and made chocolate gelato with cocoa powder and a bit of sugar. I guess you could add some skim milk for a more milk chocolately taste because the gelato is like super dark chocolate. This way I can control what's in it... I LOVE skinny cow but the selection at my grocery store is crap (only ice cream sandwiches and cones) and this way it has fewer chemicals and sweeteners. For some reason I like this way more than dark chocolate bars.

    I can even make plenty of fruit ice creams with no sugar added, or use coconut milk instead. I did make a full fat (and amazing) peanut butter ice cream but I only eat a little bit once in a while :)
  • Dovekat
    Dovekat Posts: 263 Member
    I think all women get cravings around that time of the month, I generically get the munchies and struggle not to eat everything in site even though i normally don't snack at all. I find a good fix for my chocolate cravings is home made hot chocolate. I use dark cooking chocolate (2 big squares), bournville cocoa powder (1 heaped teaspoon), semi skimmed milk (1 ..hmmm... I suppose that’s a mug) and honey to sweeten i use about half to 1 teaspoon (naturally sugar or algarve etc can replace this) as cocoa can be bitter, top it off with cinnamon and nutmeg after heating on the stove and it kills my craving dead. I have no idea how many calories that actully has in it as i have only recently joined MFP but i don't think a little treat once in a while will hurt :smile:
  • DaniDido
    DaniDido Posts: 5
    Thanks for all the suggestion ladies...also knowing that I am not the only one with this struggles helps!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    No tactic has ever worked for me, I get the most terrible sugar cravings even on a normal day, lol, and it triples at that time of the month. I might try making my own popcorn, but need to find somewhere I can get grocery paper bags to microwave it in (apparently a very good way of making your own).

    I also drink a lot of diet hot chocolate, and might try making my own chocolate dessert using greek yoghurt.
  • I go easy on myself at that TOM. I always end up with a huge hormonal headache so if I feel tired I give myself a couple of days off if I need it. I also allow myself some dark chocolate on my headache day because it does help. In the big picture it doesn't seem to hurt.
  • Amy_Lee_2012
    Amy_Lee_2012 Posts: 156 Member
    The time of the month is always terrible for me! I could easily eat everything in sight and still want more.
    I force myself to work out everyday, even if the cramping is bad (I actually find exercise helps with getting rid of cramps), and I do allow myself some chocolate. I have the 70% cocoa dark chocolate- about 5 pieces. If I really need more, I will have some.
    I go easy on myself during the time of the month and indulge a little bit, but always make sure to keep it under control, as best as I can!
  • zoeluiisa
    zoeluiisa Posts: 392
    At my time of month I crave pasta and chocolate. I'm trying to resist the pasta these days as it's ludicrously high in calories and also it really bloats me up. However, I do let myself eat the chocolate, as long as it's proper good quality stuff that's not packed full of sugar and additives... Current favourite is Lindt dark chocolate, either chilli flavour or sea salt. It's so GOOD, and because it's dark a couple of squares are enough.
  • DaniDido
    DaniDido Posts: 5
    No tactic has ever worked for me, I get the most terrible sugar cravings even on a normal day, lol, and it triples at that time of the month. I might try making my own popcorn, but need to find somewhere I can get grocery paper bags to microwave it in (apparently a very good way of making your own).

    I also drink a lot of diet hot chocolate, and might try making my own chocolate dessert using greek yoghurt.

    In regards to the popcorn it's true and works like a charm. I learnt that method a couple months ago and have never turned back. Just put the kernels in a brown paper bag. You can try the little lunch bags and put it in the microwave and it works like a charm. No butter or oil just air's fantastic! You can season it how you choose to after,
  • DaniDido
    DaniDido Posts: 5
    You guys are great! Thank you all!! I especially like the dark chocolate suggestions..
  • zoeluiisa
    zoeluiisa Posts: 392
    No tactic has ever worked for me, I get the most terrible sugar cravings even on a normal day, lol, and it triples at that time of the month. I might try making my own popcorn, but need to find somewhere I can get grocery paper bags to microwave it in (apparently a very good way of making your own).

    I also drink a lot of diet hot chocolate, and might try making my own chocolate dessert using greek yoghurt.

    In regards to the popcorn it's true and works like a charm. I learnt that method a couple months ago and have never turned back. Just put the kernels in a brown paper bag. You can try the little lunch bags and put it in the microwave and it works like a charm. No butter or oil just air's fantastic! You can season it how you choose to after,

    If you don't have a bag or a microwave, you can also just put them in a dry saucepan on the hob. Just don't forget to put the lid on ;)
  • Skinny Cow chocolates. So yummy and are portioned out. They helped me!

    ^^ These really are amazing.
  • ReneeJ814
    ReneeJ814 Posts: 72 Member
    Like some of the others said, Skinny Cow totally rocks! Also, Russell Stover makes sugar free candy that tastes really good. The Jello Temptations are awesome too. I recommend the cheesecake ones because it's like real cheesecake in that little cup!

    Also, if you want something really sweet, eat fresh pineapple. It's the sweetest fruit I can think of and it definitely curbs my cravings when they're really strong.
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    1 tablespoon of Special Dark chocolate chips ( in the baking aisle :) is 70 calories or so... eat the chocolate chips one at a time and let them melt in your mouth... dark chocolate seems to help more for some reason ;) .....
  • knrob
    knrob Posts: 65
    Last month, on the night before I started, I could have scarfed down anything in sight, and was ready to...I went for a walk instead, that turned into a good run, and i couldnt believe how satisfying it was! That pent up energy (or whatever it is/anxiousness???) went out a better way and I was relaxed, and amazed that i had prevented my usual carb craving attack!
  • NMJosephs
    NMJosephs Posts: 185
    This post is fantastic as I am currently eating every morsel of food in sight these last two days. I feel like I'm a professional eater! :) What's funny is that before I lost my weight I never had crazy cravings and binges like this...
  • SaundraM2009
    SaundraM2009 Posts: 65 Member
    I feel like exercise helps me feel better. I also give in to the chocolate. Probably too much. =P
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    The mystery of the day... again.