Ladies, How do you keep your cravings in check during that t



  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 154 Member
    I LOVE the weight watchers ice cream bars. They got a few different kinds (plus regular ice cream) and they are soooo good, plus only around 100-150 calories!!!! I've also made fat free/sugar free jello pudding which is really good and low cal!
  • Sasanna
    Sasanna Posts: 55 Member
    I recommend trader joes chocolate covered potato chips! 1/ bag 1st craving. Then other 1/2bag Next craving. I have to workout allot to cover the calories .....but im outta wack bad eatin 2 days ....not the whole week :)
  • jwilson2001
    jwilson2001 Posts: 80 Member
    Chocolate light soy milk. LOVE it!! But, also the pudding cups or popcorn or pretzels...shoot, I feel like I can eat the whole pantry a day or two before! And, I am VERY moody! My husband says that I am more arguementative! I do force myself to work out even if I don't want to...

    I know with the right diet and vitamins there should be no cravings. I was there once...but, obviously my diet isn't perfect any longer or I wouldn't be needing to lose so much weight! Eventually, I will get there again :)
  • I find that if I deny my craving, I end up eating everything else in sight. If I just give in the the chocolate craving, by eating some dark chocolate, I am much better. I do not keep chocolate in my house, so I actually have to make a concious decision to go the the gas stations a few blocks away, and buy 1 candy bar. I have denied myself the chocolate before, and ate everything I could think of....600-800 cals later, I still wanted chocolate. Should have just got that candy bar and saved myself 400-600 cals!
  • Chocolate nutrition bars! Kellogs brand is my favorite. Nutritious but still taste delicious. Also chocolate gelato if you really need something sugary, you can eat less gelato and feel just as satisfied as eating twice the portion size of ice cream. For me though i just crave more food in general, i'll allow myself more cals and just workout more, its good for you and it makes your cramps less harsh.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Once again.... It's not about the sugar!'s+not+about+the+sugar#posts-7391707


    When TOM strikes and you go all ape and try to kill the poor guy stocking the chocolate shelf, you aren't doing it for the sugar. Really, it's NOT about the sugar.

    Women in general are more likely to be anemic (iron deficient) than men are. This is heightened whenever TOM strikes. You are losing iron by the second! When someone is asked to give a good source of iron, one of the first few responses is typically Steak! (Mooooo!!!!!)

    Well, there is something better than steak. It is our wonderfully delicious friend, Mr. Chocolate. He's absolutely delicious!

    Stop those chocolate cravings in their tracks with an iron supplement when TOM strikes! It works. I started taking iron a day or two before and during TOM and NO. MORE. CRAVINGS!

    So, remember, it's not about your sweet tooth because you don't want it for the sugar!
  • is great.. and eating healthy meals every 2-3 hours, with no fast carbs on an empty stomach, because if i keep blood sugar levels normal and protein intake high i almost never have cravings to begin with :)
  • There's an excellent french chocolate called "Fluer de Sel". Lindt makes a great one. It's an amazing PMS cure. Dark chocolate and really good quality salt. What more does a PMS girl need? :O) I keep a bar at my desk and let myself have 1 - 3 squares at PMS time in the afternoon (when my cravings are the worst). It works for me. Good luck. And, thanks for the excellent post. I've gotten a lot of great ideas.
  • Emmajool
    Emmajool Posts: 12
    I've been monitoring my period and how it acts for many, many years now. I've learned that when I behave (exercise and eat healthy), my period is 'relaxed'. I hardly notice it is there. When I don't exercise and when I eat junk, my period is horrendous. I'm a day late in my calendar and I've had horrible night sweats and cramps - but then I've been out of town traveling the last three weekends in a row, only twice to the gym during that whole time, and we have extra candy in the house because Sunday is Easter. I'm in my mid 40's and really looking forward to the day this business quits.
  • missjones93
    missjones93 Posts: 74 Member
    Eat ice! Also, I read somewhere to sniff an apple (never tried it). Sounds a little goofy but who knows.
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    I suppose I'm "lucky" since I am much more prone to migraines at that time, so I am long used to avoiding dairy (which really effects my migraines) at that time.

    I find it difficult to excercise but do a lot of walking since the fresh air helps my head. I probably also eat more fruit than on average for the sweetness.
  • I just gave in to a bad, bad craving. I inhaled an entire 7-serving bag of Ruffles cheddar and sour cream by myself. I've been craving this for over 2 weeks now and I tried eating healthier chips, eating an apple (to get the crunch) and eating just cheese (to get the flavor). Nothing worked. Ruffles was on my mind every single day. Decided to end the torture today -- it was so BAD but also so GOOD. LOL!

    Like what others have said here, I could've saved myself all those calories from the other "alternatives" and just ate Ruffles as soon as I had my craving.

    So give in from time to time, ladies!