Ladies, How do you keep your cravings in check during that t



  • amysuespears
    It's very hard for me to control my cravings during that TOM... there's one day during that I could literally eat everything in sight... it seems that I'm never full no matter how much I put in my mouth. I don't allow myself to do that anymore because it's very counterproductive. Instead, I just boost my calories up a little on that day and excersice a little bit more. If I am absolutely DYING for some chocolate (usually for me, it's cobbler or fruit pie.. I know, weird), then I will have a few Oreo cookies or maybe a 100 calorie pack of something or other. I don't usually eat those, but I find that they come in handy if I'm having period cravings. What I REALLY want is a big piece of peach pie or blackberry cobbler with ice cream.... YUM!!
  • kpwatson
    kpwatson Posts: 60 Member
    stauffers chocolate animal crackers. 16 = 130 calories. they are slightly sweet and work well with coffee or soy milk . I can eat them slow and usually avoid busting my diet on chocolate candy.
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    Dark Chocolate melting wafers. I read somewhere, that when these cravings happen during TOM its because your lacking iron, so make sure you're getting enough iron.
  • hstanton7
    hstanton7 Posts: 4 Member
    Nearly everyday at work I get a chocolate craving... and my trainer said a small serving (1 ounce) of dark chocolate is actually good for me! The antioxidants are great and everyone needs a little fat to sustain their body... and since the dark chocolate is more concentrated a small amount goes a long way!
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I see a lot of people mention ice cream and chocolate.... this is how I get BOTH ---
    150 calories for the entire pint :) Gluten free, lactose-intolerant friendly...and I think they taste great.
    My favorites are chocolate mint cooking, cookies & cream, coffee, pumpkin and vanilla maple.

    Arctic Zero
    Arctic Zero Ingredients:

    It's not cheap...but it's worth it for a guilt free splurge once in awhile.
    I sometimes order in bulk from amazon :)
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I always make something to have every day of that PMS week...this week I had homemade dark chocolate fruit & fibre krispie per day, very satisfying, still lost weight.

    Of course, I'm highly motivated at the moment since I joined, but usually I throw in the towel and allow myself unlimited chocolate for two days! :laugh:

    Don't fight your body or you wont be any fun to be around :wink:
  • tbellamy1
    tbellamy1 Posts: 353
    I completely understand and relate to your problem. That time of the month was hell for me. I had no energy to workout, no will to eat right and just completely fell off the wagon for the week. I recently began taking a supplement called "Y Cramp" You take 3 pills a day everyday. It helps with ALL the joys of being a girl. This was my first month on it. And when that time came I had very very mild cramps ( I think part because my mind knew I was on my period) but I need to take anything for cramps. I also had the energy to do my workouts and some days I had 2 workouts to do and I powered through. No fatigue, no bloating or anything. I found it in the health food store and I also found it online. It is my new BFF!!! All natural and its not a stimulant. I would suggest reading up on it and giving it a try. :flowerforyou: And for my cravings I usually eat a chocolate fiber bar or skinny cow chocolates not to many calories and they satisfy my cravings.
  • NicoleG_86
    NicoleG_86 Posts: 61 Member
    Girl I crave sweet and salty when it is that time and I really feel like eating everything in sight! It's hard for me as well and I am pretty new to this too. I try and go for the healthier options.... Nutella and Pretzels, Baked Potato Chips or Veggie Chips. The Skinny Cow snack packs are good too.

    And I make sure I work out. As much as I hate working out then, it really makes all the difference and can sometimes curb my craving for the junk.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Weirdly i only get the craving a day or two before to devour the whole cake cupboard, and then during TOM, I eat normally again to get rid of that bloated feeling... Maybe im a lucky one, i dont tend to get cramps/headaches/sickness during... Im just a moody b***h the day before!! HA Ha :laugh:
  • KilikiMom
    KilikiMom Posts: 237 Member
    i usually just give in lol....try the jello temptations chocolate silk yummy but only 140 calories
  • 1girlcook
    1girlcook Posts: 8 Member
    Take a good MULTIVITAMIN every day to keep cravings down. People who crave chocolate are usually low in magnesium. Also if you exercise when you have your period it will lessen the cramps and make you feel less sluggish.
  • saturnine15
    saturnine15 Posts: 140
    This is going to sound weird, but I drink 8 oz, of light soy milk either original or vanilla if I want something sweet and savory. It works like a charm, I tried eating yogurt, but that doesn't seem to satisfy the monthly craving for fat and sugar. The soy milk tastes sweet and a lot fattier than it actually is.
  • curiousmissclay
    I'm very lucky in the fact that the birth control that I use means I only get period once every 2 months or so TMI I know anyway I find if I dont have any means to eat chocolate meaning its not in the house I cant have it and if I'm pratically ripping my hair out for some I will eat a Cadbury Freddo bar which is 95 cals If your in the US I'm not sure if you have those but I find they give me the taste but not to much.

  • TMcMillan
    TMcMillan Posts: 59 Member
    Each month I still struggle during this time. I always end up eating a cheeseburger, fries, and chicken nuggets. I will try to defeat it this month!!!
  • lynsie86
    lynsie86 Posts: 17
    Emerald Cocoa roasted Almonds were a lifesaver for me! They gave me that perfect chocolate fix and were still healthy. I ate so many that I'm sick of them now though, lol. Skinny Cow chocolate and ice cream are also super good. I almost feed bad eating it, it's so good :)
  • Tashry
    Tashry Posts: 151 Member
    For me, I can generally fill my chocolate cravings with pineapple. It sort of satsifies that sweet / bitter craving. That or my chocolate protein powder with some milk and a banana. If you use almond milk its lower calorie and sort of gets drinking a chocolate banana shake.

    When all else fails - Ben & Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk it is!
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    Dark Chocolate!
  • Hi, Atkins (treat) has some really, really good bars. I'm in love with the Nutty Fugde Brownie. Its all the fudge and chocolate a girl could ever want. I introduced them to my office and its been fun every since. We take turns trying and sharing the different bars but the bownie is the favorite so far.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I don't get cravings or anything during my period.

    But you don't have to deprive yourself... everything in moderation. I still eat chocolate and cookies and things. I just make sure they fit into my calorie budget.
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I drink a lot of flavored tea and water at this time... I think the best thing to do is to take in more protein during this time.