Anyone eating fast-food and still loosing? :)



  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    I did something similar with a Wendy's chicken sandwich. Was shocked at the calorie count. I did some cardio, and still was over by 189 for the day, but it wasn't the end of the world. I know that if I can't occasionally splurge on something decadent (although next time I'll try a slice of tiramisu, or a high-end steak! haha), I won't stick to this long-term.

    I'm trying to picture a 1,000 calorie-plus sandwich! Wow! :smile:
  • LastTenPoundsGodDamnYou
    OMG One meal??? how can that be? what on earth is it?

    It is very possible. When I go to Strings Italian Cafe, I order the lasagna pastry...1000 calories by its @#$& self!!! I plan ahead for these days. Double workouts at the gym.

    It's American food. It is like a mystery to me. I can only guess at what half the stuff is LOL (This is not an insult BTW). I would be the size of a house if I lived there with my lack of willpower.
  • samiramom
    samiramom Posts: 11 Member
    Yes! Fast food in moderation is okay every now and then. I order the kids meals mostly as this allows me to have fries as well within moderation. Stay away from ketchup, mayo and cheese where possible...If you need ketchup definitely stay away from mayo.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I rarely have fast food. I indulge in the occasional pizza though and yes, I am still losing...
  • swthrtsmrf
    swthrtsmrf Posts: 384
    I do. I always log my food. The thing that kills me is when I see the sodium contents. The calories bother me, but not as much some days. But I do it in moderations. That is the key. Do not give up what you enjoy, but eat it in moderation and not all the time for fast food days.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I eat out a lot (except lately because money is tight) and I lost a ton of weight and have been maintaining for a couple of years now.

    IMO there is no such thing as Good Food vs. Bad Food. Every fast food place my family goes to, there is at least one item on the menu that fits into my nutritonal goals. For example, at McDonalds, I get a Honey Mustard Grilled Snack Wrap. Sometimes I eat the tortilla and sometimes I don't. At Wendy's, I get the chili. I don't get my own fries ever but I do allow myself up to 5 of my family's fries.

    The main issue I have with eating out is the sodium. I need to keep mine low because I get high blood pressure when I do not. It's hard to keep your sodium low and eat out!
  • Vench
    Vench Posts: 56 Member
    Nope. I did my homework on what's in half that stuff (some I already knew from 2 years as a fast food manager) and no thanks. Not to mention my health won't let me digest most animal protein anymore.
  • Pearl0105
    Pearl0105 Posts: 35 Member
    It had chicken tenders (fried), fries, coleslaw and texas toast. I didnt have the toast though or the sauce that comes with it. But I still logged it as I had eaten the whole thing!
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    You can eat whatever keeps you sane, just don't overdo it and bust your calorie limit.

    That's the whole concept behind MFP - ultimately weight is about how *much* you eat, not *what* you eat.

    *Caveats obviously apply: get your macronutrients correct, limit sugar and salt, go for whole grains, etc.
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    I still eat whatever I want- including fast food. The difference is that I have learned to eat it in moderation. I have lost 25 pounds and 13 inches since January just by staying within my daily calorie allotment, and exercising.

    Me too
  • jlenz74
    jlenz74 Posts: 30
    I just went out to eat on Saturday and I knew that I would need to work out later that day to gain some extra calories back to compensate for the meal I ate. I just weighted myself this morning and I was down 2 pounds. I was actually suprise!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I still eat fast food almost daily. What I did was go to the nutritional info websites for the restaurants I go to most often and pick out something that might not be as devastating as some other things. Then, I completely ignore the macros. It has worked well for me.
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    when I have to eat fast food, I order a kids meal, smaller portions or something grilled (no mayo, no cheese).
    For example at Chik fil A I order a grilled nuggets meal with a fruit cup for my side, but at McDonald's I order an All American Meal (no cheese) and give the apple pie to my husband, The sodium is still awful, but I have at least cut fat and calories.
  • LastTenPoundsGodDamnYou
    It had chicken tenders (fried), fries, coleslaw and texas toast. I didnt have the toast though or the sauce that comes with it. But I still logged it as I had eaten the whole thing!

    Yummers! What is Texas toast?
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    No, I don't eat fast food at all. I used to. When I lost 40lbs I stopped eating fast food entirely. I lost weight because I care about my health, not because I care about pounds on the scale. I realized that if I wanted to be healthy, I not only had to eat less, I had to eat BETTER. There's a tremendous difference between eating fewer calories and eating healthy food. You'll lose weight if you eat fewer calories, sure. But how often do you eat fast food?

    The phrase "in moderation" gets thrown around so often here, but it's not a helpful term because it doesn't give an indication of exactly how much "moderation" is.
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    I still eat whatever I want- including fast food. The difference is that I have learned to eat it in moderation. I have lost 25 pounds and 13 inches since January just by staying within my daily calorie allotment, and exercising.

    Ditto. I just make sure it's within my calorie count.

    And if it's something I know is crazy I try to log it first to see exactly how many calories it'll be. Sometimes that works as a "hell no I don't want to exercise that much today" deterrent.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I have insomnia so there are times late at night when I crave something and my mother, who has a hard time sleeping due to health problems, gets hungry too and it's just easier to drive the 1/2 mile to a Burger King for a sandwich. I drink a lot of water to try and help with the sodium and I always make sure to workout a little harder the next day to make up for it. I don't feel guilty because it's one of the few things I allow myself that's super bad but I don't just eat it then veg out and let it put the pounds back on. I still lose even though I do it maybe twice a week if that, but sometimes I can hurt myself from the exercise because of the water retention.
  • Pearl0105
    Pearl0105 Posts: 35 Member
    I do. I always log my food. The thing that kills me is when I see the sodium contents. The calories bother me, but not as much some days. But I do it in moderations. That is the key. Do not give up what you enjoy, but eat it in moderation and not all the time for fast food days.

    Yeah the sodium on this meal was my whole sodium intake for the day!
  • BreakingOath
    BreakingOath Posts: 193 Member
    I don't eat fast food but I don't eat healthy foods all the time. It's all in moderation.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member

    Yes, moderation like previously stated and plan for it.
    I had Johnny Rockets chlii cheese fries and a cheesburger last night....don't be jealous.