I don't have a single tattoo



  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I don't have one either. Im not anti-tatt at all..quiet envious of the more tasteful ink you see on folks...guess I'm too much of a wussie when it comes to needles, and at 45, I'm just too old now :-)
  • merimeaux
    merimeaux Posts: 304 Member
    We have a rule about tattoos in our house (for those who don't already have one): Think about something you want and keep that idea in your head for one year. If you still like that idea one year later - go get it.

    Once you have a few, you get better at determining what you do, and do not want.

    I have a few, and still use this rule. Thank goodness - otherwise I'd have a fairy and a rolling stones tongue. No bueno.

    This is a good rule to have :)
  • norse1965
    norse1965 Posts: 44 Member
    Get one.. or two,,, or three or 9 like me! Each one mean something specific to me and I love them all! Planning my 10th soon!
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I have one on my lower back (higher than a tramp stamp...) and it's the Japanese character for LOVE. I know but I had a necklace with the same character that I got from an anime convention and I looked it up. It hurt like hell! Lol but I keep forgetting it's there...
  • KelseyDawn84
    KelseyDawn84 Posts: 129 Member
    Best repsonse I've heard to the question "Do you have a tattoo?"...

    "Would you put a bumper sticker on a Ferari?"
  • deejaycee114
    deejaycee114 Posts: 139 Member
    Tattoo your name somewhere visible so you don't forget it... alcohol or oldtimers disease, works either way.

    i actually got my name on my ankle as a joke for my parents. at the time, they said i was partying too much and so they always worried about me. so i got my name tatted as a way of saying, "hey, if something happens to me and you can't ID my face, check my ankle and you'll know it's me." that was money well-spent....um, not. LOL
  • Shriffee
    Shriffee Posts: 250 Member
    Choose to be unique and mysterious by not getting one. That's what I did. LOL
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    We have a rule about tattoos in our house (for those who don't already have one): Think about something you want and keep that idea in your head for one year. If you still like that idea one year later - go get it.

    Once you have a few, you get better at determining what you do, and do not want.

    I have a few, and still use this rule. Thank goodness - otherwise I'd have a fairy and a rolling stones tongue. No bueno.

    And if you don't get it, then want it again, wait ANOTHER year. See vis re: Lorax (20 years ago and last year just before I found out there was a movie)
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    What should I do?

    Depends on whether you want a tattoo? Or some tattoos?
  • ariant23
    ariant23 Posts: 161 Member
    Best repsonse I've heard to the question "Do you have a tattoo?"...

    "Would you put a bumper sticker on a Ferari?"

    ^^^^ THIS 100% this. I've never met an old person who didn't regret them
  • roycelynberry
    roycelynberry Posts: 46 Member
    Me neither but my hubby has 9. 4 of them self portraits of our kiddos which I love but I am a total baby when it comes to getting 1 and so have chickened out every time had 4 kids but too scared of getting a tat. lol I also think it depends on what you get my husbands tattoos of our kiddos I love ad everyone always stops him and ask if he has photos of them as babies which he does his wallet they are amazed at how real they look he says out of all the tattoos he has gotten those and his cross are what makes the most sense and mean so much.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    I'm not afraid of the pain. .just worry whatever I pick would be silly in a year. . I once saw a guy with the "Cinderella" band emblem on his shoulder. . kind of felt sorry for him . .
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    No tattoo for me... it will probably stay that way.:)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I always thought I would get one, but am glad I never got any of the ones I wanted! But you could go for something related to your kids-birthday dates, names/initials or something like that.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    My body is presently ink free...part of me wants to do it and the other part isn't so excited about it. Hmmmm....
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Me neither but my hubby has 9. 4 of them self portraits of our kiddos which I love but I am a total baby when it comes to getting 1 and so have chickened out every time had 4 kids but too scared of getting a tat. lol
    wait. self portraits imply that the kids drew them? Is that right? you probably won't even look at this thread again and I will always wonder:huh:
  • roycelynberry
    roycelynberry Posts: 46 Member
    No self portrait as in he took a photo of each of our kids at age 4 months professional photos and had that photo tattooed on his arm (face shots and there name under) and on each arm
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    What should I do?

    Nothing. I don't have a single tattoo either.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    Stay that way?
    Only get one if you really have a deep meaning for it.

    If someone wants to tell me what deep meaning a white boy has with a tribal tattoo across his shoulders, I'd really like to know.

    Also, tattoos don't hurt at all.
    I just sit there and chat with people.
    But make me give blood or get a shot at the doctor and I will PASS OUT. haha.
  • aboadle
    aboadle Posts: 27 Member
    Brilliant! That is exactly how I feel about tattoo's ;)