Placenta Eating (DO NOT MOD)



  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    Well for example I had a client (I'm a doula by the way, professional labor support and childbirth educator) who suffered from severe postpartum depression after the birth of her first baby. She also had issues with her milk supply and gave up breastfeeding within the first month. This pregnancy she did not want to have to take antidepressants or use formula so she did some research and contacted me. I was her doula for her birth and I also encapsulated her placenta. Her husband will tell you that she reacted completely different with this postpartum period. She had tons of energy and she never showed signs of depression. Best of all, to date, she has such a great milk supply that she has donated over 900 oz of milk to two local mothers who could not produce enough milk for their babies.

    While I am sure this is true, I don't know how related it was to the eating of the placenta.
    My mom had postpartum badly with my sister, and none with me. Every pregnancy is different, and everyone's postpartum is different with each pregnancy. Some women have a good milk supply one pregnancy and none the next. I'm still not convinced eating the placenta had anything to do with this.

    True but when I see it client after client I can't ignore it. I see a very distinct difference in moms who do PE and those that don't. Not in every case mind you but pretty frequently. Moms with PE have a shorter healing time and milk tends to come in faster and in larger quantities, and "baby blues" are seldom an issue. Ask me for studies and I can't provide much but I see it so I believe in the benefits.

    How much does it generally cost? I am 17w5d pregnant, and I am open to this being accurate, but still get the 'gross out' factor. I will have to ask my doctor more about it and others who have experienced it.

    Why on earth would you waste that money to get the nutritional value you could probably gain from a cow's liver. Don't be a sucker. It's just waste material. Animals eat it to keep predators away from their dens and their newborns. You have that problem? NO. Try not to be foolish.

    Wow, SO rude.
    I was asking out of curiosity more than anything. In fact, I had a personal conversation with someone saying "unless someone proved to me it was some sort of miracle I would NOT eat my own placenta."
    In that same personal conversation I said "I would rather get those nutrients from somewhere else then eat my own organ"

    I really do want to know how much people are spending on it, though... because I am curious.

    If you read my very first post, you would see I have no desire to partake in this...but even if I did, WHY on earth do you feel it appropriate to decide on what I do with my body or my pregnancy?

    I still plan on asking others experiences (again, for curiosity, not that I should have to state this), because it would be interesting to hear what others have to say. I personally think it is placebo affect and have found no scientific conclusions on the benefits...but so long as it isn't causing harm and you have the disposable income, I see nothing wrong with the women who want to try it. It is just not for me.

    Sorry. I did not mean to be rude or judgemental. I'm usually niether. I guess this just smacks of snake oil to me and makes me think people are getting conned. That tends to raise my hackles. I could be totally wrong. So please accept my apology for being so abrupt. :embarassed:
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    We are just like any animal just with a higher IQ, But its natural to eat the placenta among humans and other animal! It's full of good things and can help with PPD! If they did not need to take my daughters for testing because of her IUGR i would of took it and had it turned in to supplements. In todays society it's looked at as taboo. . . among other natural things likes breast feeding. . .

    Some animals eat their young also.
    And poop.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    ALOT of people do not drink their own urine. Some extremists do. Urine is full of toxins your body wishes to dispose of. It is also not always sterile, that is a myth. It often contains bacteria. If you drink your own urine, what will stop you from consuming your own feces? Both are waste products. They are meant for ELIMINATION. Not consumption. Basic common sense. If it is a matter of life or death, that's one thing I guess.
    As far as eating the placenta goes, no. Not for me. And I am into natural and holistic. But um, no.
    To each their own, and yeah, it may be natural and all that, but I could never do it. I have a hard enough time eating meat that comes from an animal, let alone stuff that I grew inside of me.

    that was my thought... people have said there is benifits to drinking your own pee....... im just thinking this isnt popular around the world... this is a USA thing for now...

    Yes, a LOT of people drink their own urine. It is sterile.....

    There is a Mexican Boxer that is widely known for drinking his own urine.

    As someone else mentioned, we are still animals. Just because we get up and put clothes and shoes on and drive vehicles still doesn't make us very much different than any other animal in this huge kingdom.

    Except humans are the only animal that is destroying the environment and the earth............for an animal that has such a High IQ, we are really stupid.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Well for example I had a client (I'm a doula by the way, professional labor support and childbirth educator) who suffered from severe postpartum depression after the birth of her first baby. She also had issues with her milk supply and gave up breastfeeding within the first month. This pregnancy she did not want to have to take antidepressants or use formula so she did some research and contacted me. I was her doula for her birth and I also encapsulated her placenta. Her husband will tell you that she reacted completely different with this postpartum period. She had tons of energy and she never showed signs of depression. Best of all, to date, she has such a great milk supply that she has donated over 900 oz of milk to two local mothers who could not produce enough milk for their babies.

    While I am sure this is true, I don't know how related it was to the eating of the placenta.
    My mom had postpartum badly with my sister, and none with me. Every pregnancy is different, and everyone's postpartum is different with each pregnancy. Some women have a good milk supply one pregnancy and none the next. I'm still not convinced eating the placenta had anything to do with this.

    True but when I see it client after client I can't ignore it. I see a very distinct difference in moms who do PE and those that don't. Not in every case mind you but pretty frequently. Moms with PE have a shorter healing time and milk tends to come in faster and in larger quantities, and "baby blues" are seldom an issue. Ask me for studies and I can't provide much but I see it so I believe in the benefits.

    How much does it generally cost? I am 17w5d pregnant, and I am open to this being accurate, but still get the 'gross out' factor. I will have to ask my doctor more about it and others who have experienced it.

    Why on earth would you waste that money to get the nutritional value you could probably gain from a cow's liver. Don't be a sucker. It's just waste material. Animals eat it to keep predators away from their dens and their newborns. You have that problem? NO. Try not to be foolish.

    Wow, SO rude.
    I was asking out of curiosity more than anything. In fact, I had a personal conversation with someone saying "unless someone proved to me it was some sort of miracle I would NOT eat my own placenta."
    In that same personal conversation I said "I would rather get those nutrients from somewhere else then eat my own organ"

    I really do want to know how much people are spending on it, though... because I am curious.

    If you read my very first post, you would see I have no desire to partake in this...but even if I did, WHY on earth do you feel it appropriate to decide on what I do with my body or my pregnancy?

    I still plan on asking others experiences (again, for curiosity, not that I should have to state this), because it would be interesting to hear what others have to say. I personally think it is placebo affect and have found no scientific conclusions on the benefits...but so long as it isn't causing harm and you have the disposable income, I see nothing wrong with the women who want to try it. It is just not for me.

    Sorry. I did not mean to be rude or judgemental. I'm usually niether. I guess this just smacks of snake oil to me and makes me think people are getting conned. That tends to raise my hackles. I could be totally wrong. So please accept my apology for being so abrupt. :embarassed:

    Apology accepted, thank you :)
    I understand where you are coming from, and I understand the women who want to try it. To me though, its not worth the money even if it is 'beneficial'. Although if someone told me it cured morning sickness I'd be asking to buy women's placentas in a heartbeat because I am that desperate, lol!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Well for example I had a client (I'm a doula by the way, professional labor support and childbirth educator) who suffered from severe postpartum depression after the birth of her first baby. She also had issues with her milk supply and gave up breastfeeding within the first month. This pregnancy she did not want to have to take antidepressants or use formula so she did some research and contacted me. I was her doula for her birth and I also encapsulated her placenta. Her husband will tell you that she reacted completely different with this postpartum period. She had tons of energy and she never showed signs of depression. Best of all, to date, she has such a great milk supply that she has donated over 900 oz of milk to two local mothers who could not produce enough milk for their babies.

    Exactly, this practice has been going on for centuries and probably since the beginning of time.

    What I don't understand is why people are so grossed out by someone eating their own placenta but they are not worried about the aborted babies they are drinking everytime they pick up a pepsi.

    Think of the aborted babies the next time you pick up a PEPSI
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I didnt eat my placenta and I didnt suffer for PPD and had plenty of milk. This is all anecdotal evidence.

    What do I think of eating the placenta? It grosses me out because its a form of cannabalism in my mind.
    What do I think of others that do it? The same thing I think when they do anything else. I really don't give a f!@#

    Just dont serve it at your next dinner party.

    How is a practice that has been done for thousands of years anecdotal evidence, yet the latest pharmaceutical drug that comes on the market is better than the second coming of Jesus?

    This baffles me? I will take a natural remedy that has been proven over thousands of years over something with 3 paragraphs of side effects that has been on the market for 20 seconds.

    Makes me SMDH
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member

    Doula Tabare Depaep is a placenta lady. She works out of her Annapolis kitchen, and said a placenta feels “like a big rump roast.” She doesn’t find it any worse than handling meat. (Depaep is a vegetarian.) “I actually feel warmer toward the placenta because it grew a baby,” she said.

    If all this sounds a bit too cannibalistic, there are “placenta encapsulation specialists,” often midwives or doulas, who transform the placenta from its messy postpartum condition into neat, sometimes even flavored, pills. “Mad Men” actress January Jones told People magazine that she began taking placenta pills after giving birth last fall and credits them with helping her to bounce back quickly. “It’s not witchcrafty or anything! I suggest it to all moms,” she told the magazine. “Your placenta gets dehydrated and made into vitamins. It’s something I was very hesitant about,” but she ended up taking the pills daily

    personal opinion?

    would you do it?

    how did this become a craze?

    It didn't become a "craze". This practice has been done for thousands of years. Most Westernized people don't care about knowing the first bit about alternative or chinese medicine.

    I believe more people (unlike most on this website) are becoming more in tune with their bodies and turning back to traditional and natural remedies with ailments and just over all health.
  • vonnywaft
    vonnywaft Posts: 182
    But when you breast feed in public people stare and stare and make comments like its wrong. . .

    Don't people just stare to try and get a glimpse of boob? If someone wasn't property covering the boob, me being a heterosexual female would be all grossed out at the nudity and lack of shame (they make really cute, affordable easy to use swaddler things that mom's can use and you don't see an ounce of skin so there is no excuse) but that's not due to the act of feeding, it’s the lack of discretion some women have when wiping out your baby-feeders.

    Regarding eating the placenta, sounds pretty gross because after all, how bad did that baby smell coming out?? EWWW! Would you suck on a tampon if it was good for you? Ground up however is a different story - to each their own. A co-worker is preggo and I saw hiring a Dula who performs no medical actions once or ever costs $850, boo! That prob. does not include the drying of the placenta. I'll take my free doctor and nurses, supportive family and 1 year off from work with pay so no concern with breast feeding hiding there but that’s just my deal hunting nature.

    Where do you live that you get a free doctor and nurses, and 1 year off with pay??? I want to live THERE!!!!

    Healthcare is free in the UK and I was able to take a year off, paid with my daughter, It was on a scale, like full pay for 18 weeks then it went to half pay. I work in the NHS. Typically public service workers in the UK get quite generous benefits like mat leave and sickness. I didn't pay for any of my ante- or post- natal healthcare.

    Also breast-feeding is pretty much normal here. I fed my daughter wherever we were and only ever had positive comments, or mostly people would just look and smile.
  • beckys19
    beckys19 Posts: 119 Member
    I actually do placenta preparation and encapsulation. It's becoming more and more common among health conscious women. I actually had seven in the month of March, a record for the year I've been doing it. I admit it took me a while to get used to the idea but once I saw the benefits first hand I knew it wasn't just a placebo effect. I have a lab background so handeling it wasn't too much of stretch for me. It's not for everyone, I've never had a client complain about having it done but I've had plenty who regretted NOT having it done.

    I'm just wondering, is this in any way regulated? I'm not sure what branch this would fall into, usually anywhere you prepare food for public consumption you need a health inspection, but as a dietary supplement, are you regulated by the FDA? Or somewhow because of the scale are you not regulated at all?

    I would hope there is some sort of safety inspection of this, all it takes is one person doing this that has no idea of food safety to get someone seriously ill.....
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Well for example I had a client (I'm a doula by the way, professional labor support and childbirth educator) who suffered from severe postpartum depression after the birth of her first baby. She also had issues with her milk supply and gave up breastfeeding within the first month. This pregnancy she did not want to have to take antidepressants or use formula so she did some research and contacted me. I was her doula for her birth and I also encapsulated her placenta. Her husband will tell you that she reacted completely different with this postpartum period. She had tons of energy and she never showed signs of depression. Best of all, to date, she has such a great milk supply that she has donated over 900 oz of milk to two local mothers who could not produce enough milk for their babies.

    Exactly, this practice has been going on for centuries and probably since the beginning of time.

    What I don't understand is why people are so grossed out by someone eating their own placenta but they are not worried about the aborted babies they are drinking everytime they pick up a pepsi.

    Think of the aborted babies the next time you pick up a PEPSI

    I read this and decided to have a diet pepsi this morning instead of tea. It's pretty tasty.

    As for the placenta, yes I'm sure we'd all enjoy eating a human organ rich in potentially infectious human blood products. Even better when it's your own and prepared in a kitchen that processes others with no efforts to contain cross contamination. Why not suck on a juicy tampon too since it's the endometrial lining?

    Animals and ancient humans do/did a lot of stupid stuff. Does that mean it's what we should do too?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Well for example I had a client (I'm a doula by the way, professional labor support and childbirth educator) who suffered from severe postpartum depression after the birth of her first baby. She also had issues with her milk supply and gave up breastfeeding within the first month. This pregnancy she did not want to have to take antidepressants or use formula so she did some research and contacted me. I was her doula for her birth and I also encapsulated her placenta. Her husband will tell you that she reacted completely different with this postpartum period. She had tons of energy and she never showed signs of depression. Best of all, to date, she has such a great milk supply that she has donated over 900 oz of milk to two local mothers who could not produce enough milk for their babies.

    Exactly, this practice has been going on for centuries and probably since the beginning of time.

    What I don't understand is why people are so grossed out by someone eating their own placenta but they are not worried about the aborted babies they are drinking everytime they pick up a pepsi.

    Think of the aborted babies the next time you pick up a PEPSI

    Do have anything more solid then an alarmist site?
  • Crazyartgrrl
    Crazyartgrrl Posts: 46 Member
    Pill = Processed. BAD!

    Let me share some of my delicious recipes with you all instead.
    Perhaps with fava beans, washed down with a nice Chianti...

  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Well for example I had a client (I'm a doula by the way, professional labor support and childbirth educator) who suffered from severe postpartum depression after the birth of her first baby. She also had issues with her milk supply and gave up breastfeeding within the first month. This pregnancy she did not want to have to take antidepressants or use formula so she did some research and contacted me. I was her doula for her birth and I also encapsulated her placenta. Her husband will tell you that she reacted completely different with this postpartum period. She had tons of energy and she never showed signs of depression. Best of all, to date, she has such a great milk supply that she has donated over 900 oz of milk to two local mothers who could not produce enough milk for their babies.

    Exactly, this practice has been going on for centuries and probably since the beginning of time.

    What I don't understand is why people are so grossed out by someone eating their own placenta but they are not worried about the aborted babies they are drinking everytime they pick up a pepsi.

    Think of the aborted babies the next time you pick up a PEPSI

    Do have anything more solid then an alarmist site?


    For 11ty billion years.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I didnt eat my placenta and I didnt suffer for PPD and had plenty of milk. This is all anecdotal evidence.

    What do I think of eating the placenta? It grosses me out because its a form of cannabalism in my mind.
    What do I think of others that do it? The same thing I think when they do anything else. I really don't give a f!@#

    Just dont serve it at your next dinner party.

    How is a practice that has been done for thousands of years anecdotal evidence, yet the latest pharmaceutical drug that comes on the market is better than the second coming of Jesus?

    This baffles me? I will take a natural remedy that has been proven over thousands of years over something with 3 paragraphs of side effects that has been on the market for 20 seconds.

    Makes me SMDH

    Appeal to tradition
  • katiew00t
    katiew00t Posts: 164


    For 11ty billion years.


    eagerly waiting...
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Healthier and more benefits then eating placenta, unicorn meat

  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Healthier and more benefits then eating placenta, unicorn meat


    I <3 ThinkGeek

    Seriously it suggestive of a personality flaw that the only part of the unicorn that interested me was the superglue?
  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
  • katiew00t
    katiew00t Posts: 164
    "excellent source of sparkles..."

    Finally! I've found the supplement I've been looking for.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Placenta Pho'