Hate breakfast



  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    .. In my health class my teacher explained to get your metabolism revving you should eat something within the first 1/2 hour you are awake, that way you start burning right away and your body does not go on starvation mode. Good luck and I hope this helps!!

    bro science award number two. The misinformed health teacher angle.

    this information is false.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    If you hate breakfast then don't eat breakfast... Eating breakfast is not the key to losing weight

    Or, if it's just that you hate foods that are typically associated with breakfast... It's fine to have a breakfast that isn't some combination of bread, eggs, and cured meat. I know people who eat chicken for breakfast. Whatever works.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    Yup, and the reason (or at least one of the likely ones) that you're fat is because you don't eat all day and then gorge at night. Eat more throughout the day, even if it's something small when you wake up and spread those calories through the day.

    Nonsense. If one averages fewer calories in than out, one loses weight. WHEN you eat doesn't matter. If I burn 2500 calories/day and I eat just 2000, I'll average a pound a week loss, EVEN IF I eat all 2000 calories in a single meal. If you eat one meal a day, it's sometimes easier to keep total calories/day lower.

    Actually, I think you are saying 2 different things. What the first poster said is correct, many people gained weight by not eating breakfast and then over eating lunch and dinner because they were starving (even though they might not have realized they were starving). (err not literally starving. just hungry, so ate with abandon). This is why people are often encouraged to eat breakfast, so they don't binge later.

    However, what you said is also correct. When you eat doesn't matter. It is only how much you eat that matters. So, if you are able to skip breakfast, lunch, whatever and still stay within a healthy calorie range you will lose weight no matter when you are eating.
  • AvsFreak
    AvsFreak Posts: 152 Member
    If you don't want it, don't eat it.

    This^ Meal timing and frequency are irrelevant to weight loss, It's overall calories that matter. Skip breakfast and have a nice big dinner or dessert.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    " A lot of people go on intermittent fasting diets where they'll fast for 16 hours and won't eat until 2-3 pm. Then, they eat all of their calories in a short amount of time"

    This is a terrible idea and murder for your metabolism. expect to have very low energy and high fat storage if you do this.

    Care to back that up with a little science?
  • sallywilson06
    sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
    That's right because you know everything there is to know about health right?
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Yup, and the reason (or at least one of the likely ones) that you're fat is because you don't eat all day and then gorge at night. Eat more throughout the day, even if it's something small when you wake up and spread those calories through the day.

    Nonsense. If one averages fewer calories in than out, one loses weight. WHEN you eat doesn't matter. If I burn 2500 calories/day and I eat just 2000, I'll average a pound a week loss, EVEN IF I eat all 2000 calories in a single meal. If you eat one meal a day, it's sometimes easier to keep total calories/day lower.

    Actually, I think you are saying 2 different things. What the first poster said is correct, many people gained weight by not eating breakfast and then over eating lunch and dinner because they were starving (even though they might not have realized they were starving). (err not literally starving. just hungry, so ate with abandon). This is why people are often encouraged to eat breakfast, so they don't binge later.

    However, what you said is also correct. When you eat doesn't matter. It is only how much you eat that matters. So, if you are able to skip breakfast, lunch, whatever and still stay within a healthy calorie range you will lose weight no matter when you are eating.

    I am NOT saying two different things. I am saying that WHEN YOU EAT makes no difference! As long as you have a calorie deficit you will lose weight. If you eat more than you burn, you will gain weight--EVEN IF YOU EAT BREAKFAST! In fact, if you eat breakfast you may actually eat more later. I, personally, practice IF (19/5) ordinarily, but if I'm on vacation, etc, and everyone is eating breakfast and lunch I will as well. If I eat breakfast, I am hungry all day and I eat much more than I eat on an average day. This person suggested that one gets fat from not eating breakfast, but since I've started IF and started NOT forcing myself to eat breakfast I realize a big part of why I became fat was eating when I wasn't hungry.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Try just eating a banana.

    You'll thank yourself! :wink:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    That's right because you know everything there is to know about health right?

    nope. not even close to everything. but I do know that not eating breakfast within 30 minutes will not cause your body to go "on starvation mode".

    I didnt mean to be offensive but none of the info you posted is accurate.
  • flyingwrite
    flyingwrite Posts: 264
    I hate breakfast too and really struggle to eat in the morning. What has helped me is to abandon the idea that I have to have breakfast food for breakfast. I often have some left over dinner or crackers and cheese with somesteamed veggies or a tuna Sammie. I think I'm just trying to fool myself that it's breakfast and trick myself into eating itbut so far it's working!

    ^This. There's a reason why that cold piece of pizza looks so appetizing the next morning (hope I'm not alone in that). Try having your lunch or dinner food for breakfast. Or don't eat. Whatever works for YOU. There are very few hard and fast rules in this life. It's all about listening to your body and honoring that.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I used to be like that, work all day, drink a pot of coffee or 2 liters of water and then eat something after 5 and workout like a horse at night. That's called crash dieting.. Not a good idea.

    To get myself motivated into eating something I just started eating one instant oatmeal in the morning while getting ready or I would have one cup of yogurt with granola or cereal mixed in.

    You don't need to eat a lot but something is better than nothing.. In my health class my teacher explained to get your metabolism revving you should eat something within the first 1/2 hour you are awake, that way you start burning right away and your body does not go on starvation mode. Good luck and I hope this helps!!

    Crash dieting refers to VLCD where you lose a lot of weight fast using unsustainable means. Not eating until 5pm is called "intermittent fasting" and it won't cause "starvation mode." "Starvation mode" takes DAYS to come on, not hours.

    And your health teacher was mistaken. Eating will not "get your metabolism revving." Tell her the National Institutes for Health disagrees with her.


    It just ain't so.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    When I was a tween, I didn't want to eat breakfast. So my parent would make me a shake every morning. 1 Raw egg, milk, nestle quick chocolate mix. Blend until frothy.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Yup, and the reason (or at least one of the likely ones) that you're fat is because you don't eat all day and then gorge at night. Eat more throughout the day, even if it's something small when you wake up and spread those calories through the day.

    Harsh much?
    I *still* don't eat breakfast & look how well I'm doing.
    People can still eat breakfast & gorge later in the day.
    I also find that not eating breakfast leaves me more cals for my lunch & dinner & then a snack if I want one.
    Not eating breakfast/eating breakfast doesn't make you fat, your portion sizes do.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    Yup, and the reason (or at least one of the likely ones) that you're fat is because you don't eat all day and then gorge at night. Eat more throughout the day, even if it's something small when you wake up and spread those calories through the day.

    Nonsense. If one averages fewer calories in than out, one loses weight. WHEN you eat doesn't matter. If I burn 2500 calories/day and I eat just 2000, I'll average a pound a week loss, EVEN IF I eat all 2000 calories in a single meal. If you eat one meal a day, it's sometimes easier to keep total calories/day lower.

    Actually, I think you are saying 2 different things. What the first poster said is correct, many people gained weight by not eating breakfast and then over eating lunch and dinner because they were starving (even though they might not have realized they were starving). (err not literally starving. just hungry, so ate with abandon). This is why people are often encouraged to eat breakfast, so they don't binge later.

    However, what you said is also correct. When you eat doesn't matter. It is only how much you eat that matters. So, if you are able to skip breakfast, lunch, whatever and still stay within a healthy calorie range you will lose weight no matter when you are eating.

    I am NOT saying two different things. I am saying that WHEN YOU EAT makes no difference! As long as you have a calorie deficit you will lose weight. If you eat more than you burn, you will gain weight--EVEN IF YOU EAT BREAKFAST! In fact, if you eat breakfast you may actually eat more later. I, personally, practice IF (19/5) ordinarily, but if I'm on vacation, etc, and everyone is eating breakfast and lunch I will as well. If I eat breakfast, I am hungry all day and I eat much more than I eat on an average day. This person suggested that one gets fat from not eating breakfast, but since I've started IF and started NOT forcing myself to eat breakfast I realize a big part of why I became fat was eating when I wasn't hungry.

    I guess, you're having trouble understanding what you read. I said that when you eat makes no difference, it's how much you eat that matters.
  • rachel264
    rachel264 Posts: 32 Member
    The reason for the fat is i was injured and could not hardly move for a couple of years. and i don't eat a night.