Dear Ladies



  • colliertoys
    Thanks for the nice words this morning as I fight the last few pounds to goal. I'll focus on how much I've lost today.
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    Thank you for the post, it's nice to hear a guys perspective. It's great to know that their are some men out there that don't expect us all to look like the women in Hollywood or Playboy. You're right confidence is the best accessory for anyone.

    Thanks :heart:
  • pooh70
    pooh70 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks!!:drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou: :love: YOU ROCK!!
  • icandoallthings
    icandoallthings Posts: 1,212 Member
    You, Sir, are a true gentleman. :happy: :flowerforyou:

  • e11xoxo
    e11xoxo Posts: 86
    Woot! It is nice to hear from the guys like you. :love: Plus, who wants to work to attract the men who DO expect you to be an airbrushed model? BEING HEALTHY! That is the goal, and yours was a nice reminder since I've been stressing over an injury and a couple of pounds gained. :blushing:
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    YOU ROCK!!!!!!! :love:

    Healthy is as healthy a post this morning from a gal who was
    frustrated using the Slimfast diet........that's not a diet, that's torture loaded
    with sugar!! Life is here to be enjoyed and lived every day to it's fullest!!!
    If you're healthy, you'll enjoy it a lot more!
    My man loves me and my bumps and rolls, I just want to have a healthy heart
    to go with!! LOL :bigsmile:
  • kbirky73
    kbirky73 Posts: 110
    **le sigh**
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Also, what us ladies don't realize is that those models are flawed also...........

    Ironically, I was watching something last night and they were interviewing Tyra Banks. She said she has cellulite on her butt and her waist is not as thin as she would like it to be..........she is a perfect example of a woman that is beautiful but has her flaws.........

    Since she is a public image as a former model, her photos are always airbrushed to portray her as being perfect.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    **le sigh**

    What is the "sigh" for?
  • coachkcrosby
    I would have to agree. That's what my husband says. It's more important to have confidence, and one day I'll have it. I had it once when I was 'thin'. I still had about 10 pounds to lose, but growing up overweight I thought I was hot stuff. I'm sure it will be like that once again. However, in a way it is really scary drastically changing your body. I didn't notice it so much when I was gaining weight, but now that I'm trying to get healthy again I notice that I've defined myself as being 'fat'. It almost feels like I'll lose myself if I'm thin. It's really, really weird. Anyway, awesome post!
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I would have to agree. That's what my husband says. It's more important to have confidence, and one day I'll have it. I had it once when I was 'thin'. I still had about 10 pounds to lose, but growing up overweight I thought I was hot stuff. I'm sure it will be like that once again. However, in a way it is really scary drastically changing your body. I didn't notice it so much when I was gaining weight, but now that I'm trying to get healthy again I notice that I've defined myself as being 'fat'. It almost feels like I'll lose myself if I'm thin. It's really, really weird. Anyway, awesome post!

    I know what you mean!!!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Now this can be a double edged sword - just ask my wife of 21 years.

    She was 240 pounds when I met her,,, Bo-Day-Shus with a capital B, looked like she was smuggling bowling balls :smile: Very happy, sexy lady, loved her like the sunshine.

    Then she got down to about 150. Lithe, limber, a little willowy. It was nice, she was hot, loved her more than birthday cake.

    Some health problems and a bit of inattention and she drited back up to 230-ish. More to love, soft and warm, loved her to pieces.

    Now she's on here and back in the sub-200 world and making progress. Different territory to explore, less load on the motorcycle, looking great and feeling better - loving her more than ever.

    So,,, at the end of the day I'm crazy about who she is, and the body/appearance is not really that important as long as she feels okie and can get around and do stuff and have fun. Knowing that she could turn into Jabba the Hut without jeopardizing her marriage means that there's no motivation there. If she wants to take care of herself she has to do it for herself - she doesn't have to do it to please me. She's there and doing super and we're happy,,, but except for cooking smarter I'm not a big part of her equation (I do 80% of the cooking).

    She has stated a couple times that she wishes I wasn't so accepting, that it might have motivated her to do something earlier. I saw her expanding (as was I), but there was no way to say anything without A - being a hypocrite and B - hurting her,,, so I didn't.
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Casper, that is awesome as well! :drinker: At the end of the day, we must do this for ourselves...not our husbands, children....for US! So, I think it is wonderful that you support her, love her, find her sexy, no matter what! You rock!
    btw~ my hubby is also wonderful that way...which does bite him in the a** when he tells me I look great because I tell him he says that no matter what the scale says! :tongue: You guys just can't win, can you!?!? LOL!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Great words from Casper and Forkdown!

    It applies to men, too, you know. I would love my husband regardless if he was overweight or not. I just want him to be healthy and happy and live a long life with me and the kids. And I know he loves me regardless of my weight so the only real reason I do this is for me...not him.

    I agree with Becky...we have to do this for ourselves, no matter what our partner says. It just makes it much easier when youre being supported.

    Thanks for the post!! It made my day a little brighter. :flowerforyou:
  • FluffnStuff
    FluffnStuff Posts: 387
    I just love this thread!
    We've had some great insight by several of our male representatives on this site!

    I think it brings up SUCH and important thoughts!
    Like... WHO am I doing this for?
    WHY am I doing this?

    I have heard soooo many people say, "I am doing this for a guy.... (not on here)"... Which leads to my inteligent response of, "Uhhhh." Several guys here mentioned, that it's NOT about how skinny someone is... but how they carry themselves. Of course there are some guys/girls out there who it IS about that (I went out with one...obviously it didn't work out). I've also heard several girls say "It's because of men/males/boys/etc... that I have to torture myself to be skinny..." again, the ineveitable "Uhhhh..."

    It's NOT because of THEM that we "torture" ourselves... it's what WE think they want that we "torture" ourselves! Figure out the REAL why and go for it.

    I started out thinking, "I gotta lose weight, I gotta weigh LESS then my significant other, I want to look good and feel good...." Well, when you wade through all of that.... and look at the BIG reason (the one I go for now)... I want to LOOK good to me and FEEL great!

    So, no more using "the guys" as an excuse... cause they seem pretty darn negotiable here...
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Now this can be a double edged sword - just ask my wife of 21 years.

    She was 240 pounds when I met her,,, Bo-Day-Shus with a capital B, looked like she was smuggling bowling balls :smile: Very happy, sexy lady, loved her like the sunshine.

    Then she got down to about 150. Lithe, limber, a little willowy. It was nice, she was hot, loved her more than birthday cake.

    Some health problems and a bit of inattention and she drited back up to 230-ish. More to love, soft and warm, loved her to pieces.

    Now she's on here and back in the sub-200 world and making progress. Different territory to explore, less load on the motorcycle, looking great and feeling better - loving her more than ever.

    So,,, at the end of the day I'm crazy about who she is, and the body/appearance is not really that important as long as she feels okie and can get around and do stuff and have fun. Knowing that she could turn into Jabba the Hut without jeopardizing her marriage means that there's no motivation there. If she wants to take care of herself she has to do it for herself - she doesn't have to do it to please me. She's there and doing super and we're happy,,, but except for cooking smarter I'm not a big part of her equation (I do 80% of the cooking).

    She has stated a couple times that she wishes I wasn't so accepting, that it might have motivated her to do something earlier. I saw her expanding (as was I), but there was no way to say anything without A - being a hypocrite and B - hurting her,,, so I didn't.

    loved her more than b-day that is the darn cutest thing I've ever heard!
    I think this is all sounds good in theory...PI but if it was free I would take the tummy tuck and lipo
    :wink: :tongue:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    btw~ my hubby is also wonderful that way...which does bite him in the a** when he tells me I look great because I tell him he says that no matter what the scale says! :tongue: You guys just can't win, can you!?!? LOL!

    Honey, I'm a pudgy bald man married to a minor goddess. I win every day. :laugh:
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    Thank you for this, a great post.

    It is nice to be reminded that looks aren't everything and that it is what's inside that counts :happy:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I posted side by sides of my progress picture. I had me now, and then used photoshop to give me a few inches off my waist.

    Amazing what photo shop can do. :flowerforyou:
  • Ten10
    Ten10 Posts: 223 Member
    You are awesome! I think I am in love. Those kind words almost brought me to tears.