call it what you want "starvation mode" is REAL



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'll just keep losing weight and being fit my way. Good luck all. And thanks to all the emails from
    people who get what i'm saying. Keep em coming.

    And then we can hear from those same people on the forums with ALL the many topics that pop up about stalling for 3 months, probably 3 months down the road.

    Or all the people that have already publicly make announcement topics about eating more and losing the same weight or more than when eating low.

    Look around, there has been a real change of wisdom and reality on MFP. New MFP'ers are discovering these topics 2-3 weeks into their journey, and realizing they want to do it right and making the changes before they stall or fight eating so little for no good reason.

    Because they have already done it your encouraged way before, sometimes many times before, and they are back, and don't want to do it again that way. Insanity.

    I'm glad your body has adjusted and still doing weight loss, hope it's not muscle you may desire at some point. For many it is, they'll never eat maintenance again, because they are already almost there.

    You haven't read the studies, or the fact of lean muscle loss possible?

    Showing the predicted changes in metabolic rates decline sharply in individuals undergoing adaptive thermogenesis which does lead to plateauing. ie suppressed BMR, slower metabolism, ect.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I'll just keep losing weight and being fit my way. Good luck all. And thanks to all the emails from
    people who get what i'm saying. Keep em coming.

    And then we can hear from those same people on the forums with ALL the many topics that pop up about stalling for 3 months, probably 3 months down the road.

    Or all the people that have already publicly make announcement topics about eating more and losing the same weight or more than when eating low.

    Look around, there has been a real change of wisdom and reality on MFP. New MFP'ers are discovering these topics 2-3 weeks into their journey, and realizing they want to do it right and making the changes before they stall or fight eating so little for no good reason.

    Because they have already done it your encouraged way before, sometimes many times before, and they are back, and don't want to do it again that way. Insanity.

    I'm glad your body has adjusted and still doing weight loss, hope it's not muscle you may desire at some point. For many it is, they'll never eat maintenance again, because they are already almost there.

    You haven't read the studies, or the fact of lean muscle loss possible?

    Showing the predicted changes in metabolic rates decline sharply in individuals undergoing adaptive thermogenesis which does lead to plateauing. ie suppressed BMR, slower metabolism, ect.


    I think its plain to see that Wat here is genetically gifted!
    He can eat what he wants and he doesnt have to count calories!
    Meanwhile at Crossfit....
  • SSS1991
    SSS1991 Posts: 9
    So, I guess I am stupid, because I do not get it..So does this that the Body will be in starvation mode if You eat below a certain amount of calories a day? Or there is no such thing as a starvation mode, and your body will just keep loosing?? Yeah, Like I said I am confused...
  • SSS1991
    SSS1991 Posts: 9
    oh and one more about calorie shifting to break a plateau??
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So, I guess I am stupid, because I do not get it..So does this that the Body will be in starvation mode if You eat below a certain amount of calories a day? Or there is no such thing as a starvation mode, and your body will just keep loosing?? Yeah, Like I said I am confused...

    Real starvation mode is difficult to get to, no eating for a long while.

    Lowering your metabolism is easy, and you may be able to keep losing weight - slower than possible.
    But you can also lower enough you stop losing weight. Unless you want to now eat even less, and wait for the inevitable to happen.

    Read the posts on this page for some answers.

    And yes, calorie shifting UP does indeed break a plateau, plenty of posts on MFP sharing that fact.
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    I'll believe what I want. The Scientists, or where ever the hell you got your information, are not always right. I don't believe it's real. You're hungry, and that's it, but it's not starvation mode. No one refers to the kids in Africa, do they? We don't need another one of these threads.

    Why are you even on mfp is all youre going to do is hate on other people's bodies, and ignore what could be good advice?

    Edited to say: I guess I should say mfp forums rather than the site itself.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    Its not about encouragement perse it's more about not discouraging which seems to he a huge problem on this site. If someone does something differrent than the norm they are threated like an outcast or "trouble maker",
    I'll just keep losing weight and being fit my way. Good luck all. And thanks to all the emails from
    people who get what i'm saying. Keep em coming.

    And then we can hear from those same people on the forums with ALL the many topics that pop up about stalling for 3 months, probably 3 months down the road.

    Or all the people that have already publicly make announcement topics about eating more and losing the same weight or more than when eating low.

    Look around, there has been a real change of wisdom and reality on MFP. New MFP'ers are discovering these topics 2-3 weeks into their journey, and realizing they want to do it right and making the changes before they stall or fight eating so little for no good reason.

    Because they have already done it your encouraged way before, sometimes many times before, and they are back, and don't want to do it again that way. Insanity.

    I'm glad your body has adjusted and still doing weight loss, hope it's not muscle you may desire at some point. For many it is, they'll never eat maintenance again, because they are already almost there.

    You haven't read the studies, or the fact of lean muscle loss possible?

    Showing the predicted changes in metabolic rates decline sharply in individuals undergoing adaptive thermogenesis which does lead to plateauing. ie suppressed BMR, slower metabolism, ect.


    I think its plain to see that Wat here is genetically gifted!
    He can eat what he wants and he doesnt have to count calories!
    Meanwhile at Crossfit....
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Its not about encouragement perse it's more about not discouraging which seems to he a huge problem on this site. If someone does something differrent than the norm they are threated like an outcast or "trouble maker",

    I'd say more that someone is considered a troublemaker when they bump up a thread and post just to mock the premise of it.

    Not only that, you're doing the EXACT same frickin' thing you're accusing others of doing. People are doing things different than you, and having great success in it, and you're treating us like we're doing something wrong.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    I don't think I'm genetically gifted if I were I wouldnt have been 260 lbs. I had to work my fat butt off to do it. But I did it differently than a lot of people. I just ate healthy and worked out hard. Never counted calories. Just cut out the crappy food that was going to send me to an early grave. I had many people tell me you're doing it wrong or you need to do this or that. I ignored it and it worked out for me either by accident or design I can't tell you to be honest. I will however like to note that many of the peple who said I was doing it wrong are still struggling with obesity or being overweight. Go figure.

    "I think its plain to see that Wat here is genetically gifted!
    He can eat what he wants and he doesnt have to count calories!
    GJ! "
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    I'm adding humor to a touchy debate. Some people believe in Yetis and Aliens and Nessy. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I guess my sense of humor is being missed a bit.

    Its not about encouragement perse it's more about not discouraging which seems to he a huge problem on this site. If someone does something differrent than the norm they are threated like an outcast or "trouble maker",

    I'd say more that someone is considered a troublemaker when they bump up a thread and post just to mock the premise of it.

    Not only that, you're doing the EXACT same frickin' thing you're accusing others of doing. People are doing things different than you, and having great success in it, and you're treating us like we're doing something wrong.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    The thing is for some people 1200 is optimal.I eat about 1400 or so. And work out 500-600 every day and I don't eat my excersice calories back. You can figure out my net. I've had no issues with weightloss nor any issues going from having tiny little boy arms to nice big manly mechanic arms. I guess i'm a freak.
    Lol i eat plenty of food im stuffed 99% of the time. I had eggs, bacon, pancakes, home fries and toast for breakfast.A cherry dip dairy queen cone for a snack,mashed potatos and corn and shake and bake pork-chops for dinner. Yummmmm. That's how I roll.

    How does all the food above come out to 1400 calories. Not trying to be mean, but I'd love to see the breakdown of all that food that comes in at 1400 calories. I find myself skeptical.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    My net on most days is 600 or 700. Yesterday I ate 1600 calories. I had a bit more than usual. I never said I had 1400 calories yesterday. Yeah I don't see that anywhere in my post whatsoever. I do see that I said on most days I eat about 1400 calories. Anyways, I dont' eat my burned calories back. If I have 1400 calories that's what I have I don't eat again. Many people don't eat their burned calories back.But yeah like I said yesterday I had 1600. According to my weekly I was under 2898 net calories under weekly goal.

    The thing is for some people 1200 is optimal.I eat about 1400 or so. And work out 500-600 every day and I don't eat my excersice calories back. You can figure out my net. I've had no issues with weightloss nor any issues going from having tiny little boy arms to nice big manly mechanic arms. I guess i'm a freak.
    Lol i eat plenty of food im stuffed 99% of the time. I had eggs, bacon, pancakes, home fries and toast for breakfast.A cherry dip dairy queen cone for a snack,mashed potatos and corn and shake and bake pork-chops for dinner. Yummmmm. That's how I roll.

    How does all the food above come out to 1400 calories. Not trying to be mean, but I'd love to see the breakdown of all that food that comes in at 1400 calories. I find myself skeptical.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I don't think I'm genetically gifted if I were I wouldnt have been 260 lbs. I had to work my fat butt off to do it. But I did it differently than a lot of people. I just ate healthy and worked out hard. Never counted calories. Just cut out the crappy food that was going to send me to an early grave. I had many people tell me you're doing it wrong or you need to do this or that. I ignored it and it worked out for me either by accident or design I can't tell you to be honest. I will however like to note that many of the peple who said I was doing it wrong are still struggling with obesity or being overweight. Go figure.

    "I think its plain to see that Wat here is genetically gifted!
    He can eat what he wants and he doesnt have to count calories!
    GJ! "

    Well the truth of the matter is most people on here are looking to lose weight and are starting off on the wrong foot.
    They dont understand how weight loss works and in turn, extend their diets by months if not years.
    When you come in and say...

    Lol i eat plenty of food im stuffed 99% of the time. I had eggs, bacon, pancakes, home fries and toast for breakfast.A cherry dip dairy queen cone for a snack,mashed potatos and corn and shake and bake pork-chops for dinner. Yummmmm. That's how I roll.

    ...most of the people reading this cannot eat what they want and arent stuffed 99% of the time.
    I think this is insensitive.
    Imagine being someone whos just getting started.
    They are sitting at the table eating their 200 calorie dinner and have been on 1200 cals a day for a few days.
    Grumpy and miserable.
    Then they read that!

    I'm glad you lost a lot of weight.
    I think you look fantastic in the previous pic with the muscles etc.
    But there is a time and a place for the bragging.

    Netting 600-700 daily?
    You may feel great but that still doesnt change the fact that on a physiological level you could be screwing up several different types of hormones as well as creating future issues with your CNS.
    But hey!
    It works for you!
    Hence the "Genetic Superior" quip.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    I'm not bragging. As matter of fact I have a long way to go to meet my physical goal. The reason I mentioned I eat what I want is so people know they don't have to deprive themselves and if they work hard they can reach a point where they can eat the things they love in moderation like I do. And I don't have to imagine how people felt when they first started off I was there and when I heard people talk about all they can eat and be trim and thin I said to myself "that's where I want to be" SO what may sound insensitive to some (btw did not mean it that way) may sound like a motivator to others.Btw your hair is awesome I'm jealous.

    I don't think I'm genetically gifted if I were I wouldnt have been 260 lbs. I had to work my fat butt off to do it. But I did it differently than a lot of people. I just ate healthy and worked out hard. Never counted calories. Just cut out the crappy food that was going to send me to an early grave. I had many people tell me you're doing it wrong or you need to do this or that. I ignored it and it worked out for me either by accident or design I can't tell you to be honest. I will however like to note that many of the peple who said I was doing it wrong are still struggling with obesity or being overweight. Go figure.

    "I think its plain to see that Wat here is genetically gifted!
    He can eat what he wants and he doesnt have to count calories!
    GJ! "

    Well the truth of the matter is most people on here are looking to lose weight and are starting off on the wrong foot.
    They dont understand how weight loss works and in turn, extend their diets by months if not years.
    When you come in and say...

    Lol i eat plenty of food im stuffed 99% of the time. I had eggs, bacon, pancakes, home fries and toast for breakfast.A cherry dip dairy queen cone for a snack,mashed potatos and corn and shake and bake pork-chops for dinner. Yummmmm. That's how I roll.

    ...most of the people reading this cannot eat what they want and arent stuffed 99% of the time.
    I think this is insensitive.
    Imagine being someone whos just getting started.
    They are sitting at the table eating their 200 calorie dinner and have been on 1200 cals a day for a few days.
    Grumpy and miserable.
    Then they read that!

    I'm glad you lost a lot of weight.
    I think you look fantastic in the previous pic with the muscles etc.
    But there is a time and a place for the bragging.

    Netting 600-700 daily?
    You may feel great but that still doesnt change the fact that on a physiological level you could be screwing up several different types of hormones as well as creating future issues with your CNS.
    But hey!
    It works for you!
    Hence the "Genetic Superior" quip.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I'm not bragging. As matter of fact I have a long way to go to meet my physical goal. The reason I mentioned I eat what I want is so people know they don't have to deprive themselves and if they work hard they can reach a point where they can eat the things they love in moderation like I do. And I don't have to imagine how people felt when they first started off I was there and when I heard people talk about all they can eat and be trim and thin I said to myself "that's where I want to be" SO what may sound insensitive to some (btw did not mean it that way) may sound like a motivator to others.Btw your hair is awesome I'm jealous.

    Fair enough!
    Looking at your previous pic you look like youve got things well under control.
    Do you cycle your diet?
    Do you take short periods with lower cals, 600-900, then take a few weeks of higher cals?
    Or just whatever feels right?

    Thanx about the hair. my profile pic or the spiky doo?

    For instance on the calorie cycle i'm still on a cut and shooting for single % in BF.
    I eat 1700 on rest days, 2000 on lifting days and once a week I pull a full 24hour fast.
    In about 3-6 weeks i'll bump up all calories to maintenance to regulate everything and decide to bulk or still cut.
    Does that make sense?
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    Both pics look cool I always wished to have hair like that lol. Not going to happen. You know I never thought of calorie cycling and I may actually do this by accident. Most days I am within my 1400 calories that I eat but as I said on a previous post I made I did eat 1600 calories on Saturday where I had a nice big breakfast and some of my favortie foods. I don't have big breakfasts like that all the time at all, I was just in the mood for it but I did go to a buffet 3 weeks ago. So maybe by accident I've calorie cycled. what do you think? I would say 95% of the time I eat about 1400 or so work out aproximately 500-600. I used to work out more than that but It was not really doing anything but wasting time. I mentioned it before I don't keep track of my calories just protein,fat,carbs and such but MFP does track calories so when people ask I tell them what my app tracked for a total

    Fair enough!
    Looking at your previous pic you look like youve got things well under control.
    Do you cycle your diet?
    Do you take short periods with lower cals, 600-900, then take a few weeks of higher cals?
    Or just whatever feels right?

    Thanx about the hair. my profile pic or the spiky doo?

    For instance on the calorie cycle i'm still on a cut and shooting for single % in BF.
    I eat 1700 on rest days, 2000 on lifting days and once a week I pull a full 24hour fast.
    In about 3-6 weeks i'll bump up all calories to maintenance to regulate everything and decide to bulk or still cut.
    Does that make sense?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Both pics look cool I always wished to have hair like that lol. Not going to happen. You know I never thought of calorie cycling and I may actually do this by accident. Most days I am within my 1400 calories that I eat but as I said on a previous post I made I did eat 1600 calories on Saturday where I had a nice big breakfast and some of my favortie foods. I don't have big breakfasts like that all the time at all, I was just in the mood for it but I did go to a buffet 3 weeks ago. So maybe by accident I've calorie cycled. what do you think? I would say 95% of the time I eat about 1400 or so work out aproximately 500-600. I used to work out more than that but It was not really doing anything but wasting time. I mentioned it before I don't keep track of my calories just protein,fat,carbs and such but MFP does track calories so when people ask I tell them what my app tracked for a total

    You mentioned above that you used to work out more but it was a waste of time.
    If you were to figure your TDEE and eat above that on lifting days you could stimulate more lean mass.
    A great resource to look at if interested is
    You have the low days down and it doesnt seem to really bother you that much.
    If you adopted a compound routine and lifted heavy 3 times a week you could eliminate the rest of whatever fat you have and build lean muscle.
    I prefer skipping breakfast myself.
    I like using those calories as a late night snack!
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    Thanks will check it out on my next break.
    Both pics look cool I always wished to have hair like that lol. Not going to happen. You know I never thought of calorie cycling and I may actually do this by accident. Most days I am within my 1400 calories that I eat but as I said on a previous post I made I did eat 1600 calories on Saturday where I had a nice big breakfast and some of my favortie foods. I don't have big breakfasts like that all the time at all, I was just in the mood for it but I did go to a buffet 3 weeks ago. So maybe by accident I've calorie cycled. what do you think? I would say 95% of the time I eat about 1400 or so work out aproximately 500-600. I used to work out more than that but It was not really doing anything but wasting time. I mentioned it before I don't keep track of my calories just protein,fat,carbs and such but MFP does track calories so when people ask I tell them what my app tracked for a total

    You mentioned above that you used to work out more but it was a waste of time.
    If you were to figure your TDEE and eat above that on lifting days you could stimulate more lean mass.
    A great resource to look at if interested is
    You have the low days down and it doesnt seem to really bother you that much.
    If you adopted a compound routine and lifted heavy 3 times a week you could eliminate the rest of whatever fat you have and build lean muscle.
    I prefer skipping breakfast myself.
    I like using those calories as a late night snack!
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    out of curiosity I used a TDEE calculator it came out to 3160 lol wow. Never looked up any of this stuff has I have already lost most of my weight

    Both pics look cool I always wished to have hair like that lol. Not going to happen. You know I never thought of calorie cycling and I may actually do this by accident. Most days I am within my 1400 calories that I eat but as I said on a previous post I made I did eat 1600 calories on Saturday where I had a nice big breakfast and some of my favortie foods. I don't have big breakfasts like that all the time at all, I was just in the mood for it but I did go to a buffet 3 weeks ago. So maybe by accident I've calorie cycled. what do you think? I would say 95% of the time I eat about 1400 or so work out aproximately 500-600. I used to work out more than that but It was not really doing anything but wasting time. I mentioned it before I don't keep track of my calories just protein,fat,carbs and such but MFP does track calories so when people ask I tell them what my app tracked for a total

    You mentioned above that you used to work out more but it was a waste of time.
    If you were to figure your TDEE and eat above that on lifting days you could stimulate more lean mass.
    A great resource to look at if interested is
    You have the low days down and it doesnt seem to really bother you that much.
    If you adopted a compound routine and lifted heavy 3 times a week you could eliminate the rest of whatever fat you have and build lean muscle.
    I prefer skipping breakfast myself.
    I like using those calories as a late night snack!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Consider this.
    If you were to start a 3 day a week program like Stronglifts 5x5 and followed it to the letter eating what you eat now, you'll probably make it to week 3 before stalling.
    On the other hand if you were to follow it to the letter and eat -20% TDEE at 2500 cals per day and in 12 weeks you could. E squatting 250+x5x5.
    While nutrient timing is no longer relevant in the weight loss world or body building world, having the proper amount of nutrients is key.
    What is your ultimate goal?
    If you had the lamp in your hand and the genie asks "you've got 1wish left but it can only be used to get you to your ultimate physical self."
    What would you say?

    For me?
    I want 8% BF year round and to gain 10lbs of lean mass.
    This is currently in progress.
    But I have to embrace the physiological side of things and not use hope and prayer.
    Hope and prayer will get me nowhere.