The Hardships of Beautiful Women



  • DameVenus
    DameVenus Posts: 70
    her face is all crooked


  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Hey - women tearing down other women's looks is exactly why we all have such frucked up self-image issues. How 'bout we knock that *kitten* out, ladies??

    And, google a bit about this writer -turns out she is married to a French man who says he will divorce her if she gets fat. Obviously she has some pretty serious emotional/mental issues going on... she's probably not just the vapid b!tch you all think she is.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    A woman who is liked by men and hated by women is NOT TO BE TRUSTED.

    It has NOTHING to do with looks. Girl has issues.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
  • Metsfn4life
    Metsfn4life Posts: 125 Member
    Have you ever been to the UK? I have, several times. The girls don't get manicures, pedicures, eyebrows done...nothing! It's probably because everything is so expensive over there. Who knows.

    However, I can see her being the most good looking girl out of 1,000...seriously.

    My best friend just moved to London and when she is on the train (she is gorgeous by the way), people just gawk at her. And this is her wihout make-up or anything. Good looking people are rare in the UK
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Who filled her head with lies?? Does she not realize that women aren't against her because of her looks they are probably against her because of her "personality"...

    I mean she isn't a "victim" read what this says..
    Forced out: While Samantha has previously admitted to flirting to get ahead at work, she also says jealous female bosses have made some jobs so unbearable she has been forced to leave

    In other words she has admitted to using it......

    Makes women everywhere look bad honestly.
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    Agree. It's way too easy to attack people's looks. That's what seems to cause insecurity and self-hate. While the article gives me a bad taste in my mouth, it does no good to put her down physically.
  • plarcade
    plarcade Posts: 125 Member
    I read it. And the followup and also an earlier article in which she claims to have used her sexuality to climb the professional ladder. And other women hate her because she's beautiful? *snort* I think not.
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    LOL...THAT was a FUNNY ARTICLE! My hubby said..."She's delusional". Honestly the reason why people don't like her has nothing to do with her "good looks"..but rather her personality!!! YUCK!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Have you ever been to the UK? I have, several times, and the people over there are not attractive at all. Especially the girls...they don't get manicures, pedicures, eyebrows done...nothing! It's probably because everything is so expensive over there...or because of all the inbreeding. Who knows.

    However, I can see her being the most good looking girl out of 1,000...seriously.

    My best friend just moved to London and when she is on the train (she is gorgeous by the way), people just gawk at her. And this is her wihout make-up or anything. Good looking people are rare in the UK

    Seriously? This is some of the most bigoted crap I've heard since .... well, it's a rough day on MFP, so this is just really bigoted, that's all.
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    Regardless of how this lady looks (just sub the writer with someone you think is pretty), I think she has some issues:

    "But even these ploys don’t always work. Take last summer and a birthday party I attended with my husband. At one point the host, who was celebrating his 50th, decided he wanted a photo with all the women guests. Positioning us, the photographer suggested I stand immediately to his right for the shot. Another woman I barely knew pushed me out of the way, shouting it wasn’t fair on all the other women if I was dominating the snap. I was devastated and burst into tears."

    Say what? Why would that make you cry?

    I also think that if you think everyone hates you because you're pretty, you're surrounding yourself with either nasty people or you've made this up in your head. Generalizations like that just don't work. So either go find some people who don't treat you that way, or stop generalizing. Sheesh.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    Hey - women tearing down other women's looks is exactly why we all have such frucked up self-image issues. How 'bout we knock that *kitten* out, ladies??

    And, google a bit about this writer -turns out she is married to a French man who says he will divorce her if she gets fat. Obviously she has some pretty serious emotional/mental issues going on... she's probably not just the vapid b!tch you all think she is.

    i was actually going to mention this. her husband (also pictured in the article) actually cheered for her when she was sick and vomiting. b/c it would help her lose more weight. i think that the attitude in THIS article has a lot to do with the other. ( )

    this is a woman with serious self esteem issues who has chosen to project to ppl that she's a vapid person, who is too beautiful for the world around her. this is a defence mechanism. click on her name at the top of either article and read through some of them. b/c when i do? i see someone who's most likely to end up on suicide watch.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Have you ever been to the UK? I have, several times, and the people over there are not attractive at all. Especially the girls...they don't get manicures, pedicures, eyebrows done...nothing! It's probably because everything is so expensive over there...or because of all the inbreeding. Who knows.

    However, I can see her being the most good looking girl out of 1,000...seriously.

    My best friend just moved to London and when she is on the train (she is gorgeous by the way), people just gawk at her. And this is her wihout make-up or anything. Good looking people are rare in the UK

    Stereotyping a nation (especially in a nasty, unflattering way) is quite ignorant and rude. It's saying things like this that makes other people think America is full of shallow, arrogent jerks. :frown: NOT COOL.
  • jilltaylor86
    jilltaylor86 Posts: 87 Member
    What a delusional pant load. She's not "ugly", but by at least american standards, she's no beauty queen. If no one wants to be nice to her or be friends it's proably because she's a snide witch, not a devastatingly beautiful woman. Ugh. I personally find her face jacked, but that's just me.
  • horror_hamster
    without even commenting on her looks, i get a strange feeling that a number of ladies dislike her because she is always talking about them disliking her to other people. She used the line "so i approached a mutual friend" or "so i asked her right hand woman" etc. Unless I missed it while reading, it doesn't sound like she's ever approached the women she feels dislike her and asked them why? To me, this could be the bigger problem than people disliking her because of her looks... no one likes to be talked about (i know, even we're doing it right now) but I feel like if she were to approach these women she thinks have issues with her and talk to them in an adult way (and not say "do you hate me because i'm beautiful?") then maybe THEN she'll find out where the real issues lie...

    that's just my opinion...
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    hmm, I don't see the problem, :)
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    Have you ever been to the UK? I have, several times, and the people over there are not attractive at all. Especially the girls...they don't get manicures, pedicures, eyebrows done

    I'm going to assume this is an attempt at humour and just say we don't need em, we're bang tidy without a day at the salon :wink:
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Have you ever been to the UK? I have, several times, and the people over there are not attractive at all. Especially the girls...they don't get manicures, pedicures, eyebrows done...nothing! It's probably because everything is so expensive over there...or because of all the inbreeding. Who knows.

    However, I can see her being the most good looking girl out of 1,000...seriously.

    My best friend just moved to London and when she is on the train (she is gorgeous by the way), people just gawk at her. And this is her wihout make-up or anything. Good looking people are rare in the UK

    You and I must have been to different parts then. All the times I've been there, I'm amazed at he beautiful women and their overall lack of fat people, and everyone looks generally fit. The women in Scotland, OMFG, I have never seen more beautiful women in my life, and I've been around. So, yeah, I dunno what part you've been to, but the part I've seen do not at all corroborate your story.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I just read the other article, "My husband says he'll divorce me if I get fat", and wow, I sort of feel sorry for her now. That doesn't excuse her attitude in the first article I read, but I'd really like to kick her husband in the gonads now. The saddest part of the 'divorce' article is the end:

    "I’m slim, I’m healthy and, while it pains me to admit it, it’s all thanks to my husband."

    She may be physically healthy, but mentally she is not. Not even a little.
  • horror_hamster
    "I’m slim, I’m healthy and, while it pains me to admit it, it’s all thanks to my husband."

    She may be physically healthy, but mentally she is not. Not even a little.

    absolutely! And unfortunately sometimes people overcompensate for their lack of self-esteem or whatever might not be right. I think it all boils down to attitude (on top of everything else, of course)