The Hardships of Beautiful Women



  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    So many responses validating her opinion...
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Hey - women tearing down other women's looks is exactly why we all have such frucked up self-image issues. How 'bout we knock that *kitten* out, ladies??

    And, google a bit about this writer -turns out she is married to a French man who says he will divorce her if she gets fat. Obviously she has some pretty serious emotional/mental issues going on... she's probably not just the vapid b!tch you all think she is.

    i was actually going to mention this. her husband (also pictured in the article) actually cheered for her when she was sick and vomiting. b/c it would help her lose more weight. i think that the attitude in THIS article has a lot to do with the other. ( )

    this is a woman with serious self esteem issues who has chosen to project to ppl that she's a vapid person, who is too beautiful for the world around her. this is a defence mechanism. click on her name at the top of either article and read through some of them. b/c when i do? i see someone who's most likely to end up on suicide watch.

    After reading this I kind of feel sorry for her..ummmm has the husband looked at himself in the mirror i am sorry for being mean but who is he to judge and talk.. so thankful that my husband has loved me fat and skinny
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    She looks skinny fat to me. :laugh:

    But seriously, she sounds very conceited and either every woman she knows is a catty b**** or she's lying about their reactions. I've known very few women in the half century I've been alive that would react the way she describes - not being friends with or excluding someone just because they are attractive. And I can't think of one that would actually tell the attractive woman that was why they were avoiding them.

    I did have friend A once tell me that they didn't like friend B going out with us because all the guys hit on friend B. At first I was taken aback since obviously she didn't mind going out with me, but then I just busted out laughing at the ridiculousness of what she'd said.
  • HotBodUnderConstruction
    She's a freelance writer...who just got a lot of attention for something she wrote....hmmm
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What a sad, sad story. My heart goes out to this woman. I think I feel a tear running down my leg.

    OMG!!!! :laugh:
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    Some of you might want to take a glance in a mirror before you judge someone else's level of attractiveness.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Some of you might want to take a glance in a mirror before you judge someone else's level of attractiveness.

    One does not have to be attractive to know whether someone else is or is not.
  • angelaclassact
    angelaclassact Posts: 66 Member
    People f*cking hate her because she thinks she's the cat's meow. They don't hate her because she's beautiful. People don't 'turn' on friends all of the sudden just because of their looks. She's obviously got something to her that turns people off, and it isn't her looks. She's a condescending snatch.
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    I read this article to my husband and boys, and showed them her picture. There prompt response to the picture was, "EEEEEW, who'd tap that???"

    She's a conceited idiot in my opinion, and deserves to be "lamblasted"
  • margeauxhunt
    I'm not jealous, let's get that out of the way.

    She's not as pretty as she thinks, sorry to burst her bubble. She is very ugly on the inside, however. People don't like her because of her attitude.
  • margeauxhunt
    Have you ever been to the UK? I have, several times, and the people over there are not attractive at all. Especially the girls...they don't get manicures, pedicures, eyebrows done...nothing! It's probably because everything is so expensive over there...or because of all the inbreeding. Who knows.

    However, I can see her being the most good looking girl out of 1,000...seriously.

    My best friend just moved to London and when she is on the train (she is gorgeous by the way), people just gawk at her. And this is her wihout make-up or anything. Good looking people are rare in the UK

    Troll much?
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    And, google a bit about this writer -turns out she is married to a French man who says he will divorce her if she gets fat. Obviously she has some pretty serious emotional/mental issues going on... she's probably not just the vapid b!tch you all think she is.

    Not to mention, it's the Dailymail! :laugh:
  • RobynC79
    RobynC79 Posts: 331 Member
    Have you ever been to the UK? I have, several times, and the people over there are not attractive at all. Especially the girls...they don't get manicures, pedicures, eyebrows done...nothing! It's probably because everything is so expensive over there...or because of all the inbreeding. Who knows.

    However, I can see her being the most good looking girl out of 1,000...seriously.

    My best friend just moved to London and when she is on the train (she is gorgeous by the way), people just gawk at her. And this is her wihout make-up or anything. Good looking people are rare in the UK

    Alright then:

    "Have you ever been to the US? People over there are ignorant and bigoted, especially the women, who don't bother to inform themselves about the rest of the world, probably because they're too dumb to understand Fox news isn't actually news. I can see this poster being the most intelligent out of 1,100, seriously."

    Not cool? Didn't think so. As a woman of Anglo-celtic descent, I find your post to be rather offensive.

    About poor, too-gorgeous Ms Brick - when I saw her photos I thought she was nice looking but within a standard deviation of the mean. However, I saw her being interviewed on tv this morning and thought she was extremely striking. The photos are not doing her justice.

    However, I suspect the reason for other women's disregard of her is more complex than her either being too gorgeous, or extremely arrogant. I suspect she uses her attractiveness (she is obviously keenly aware of it) to handle the men around her. In a workplace setting that should be seen as unprofessional and manipulative, and sort of 'cheating' to get ahead. I'll bet most of her female colleagues consider this to be a dangerous backward step for equal treatment of women in the workplace - I certainly do. And socially, I'll bet it gets under the skin of her friends if she tries it on their partners. Again, I can see that.

    But maybe, as others have mentioned, she just carries herself very well. I'd consider myself solidly average looking, but I dress nicely every day (unusual in my profession) and make an effort to make eye contact with everyone I talk to - a by-product of being extremely shy so I force myself to do it. And guess what - I get plenty of kindly male attention. Which I like, of course, but I'm not under any illusions about how I'm suddenly spectacularly beautiful and now all the women hate me.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    Some of you might want to take a glance in a mirror before you judge someone else's level of attractiveness.

    We didn't write an article for all to see saying my same sex hates me cause I am more beautiful then they are!!! She put herself out there, she didn't have to but she did.
    The way I see it is she is asking for it, and there are plenty of beauties in the UK so don't you be judging people in the UK on the count of this ugly person (and I when I say ugly I mean inside and out) and yes I am judging based on the article she published.

    Oh wait don't tell me I have so many people on here who love me cause I am ugly??? lol
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    Somebody needs to watch Underworld!
    Kate Beckinsale was born in England. :tongue:
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Have you ever been to the UK? I have, several times, and the people over there are not attractive at all. Especially the girls...they don't get manicures, pedicures, eyebrows done...nothing! It's probably because everything is so expensive over there...or because of all the inbreeding. Who knows.

    However, I can see her being the most good looking girl out of 1,000...seriously.

    My best friend just moved to London and when she is on the train (she is gorgeous by the way), people just gawk at her. And this is her wihout make-up or anything. Good looking people are rare in the UK

    I really hope you're trolling. I could just as easily turn around and say

    "Have you ever been to the USA? I have. Everyone there is either massively fat or looks like a bimbo barbie doll."

    Except that I wouldn't say that... Because I'm not a *kitten* who generalises about entire nations based on limited experience.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    So many responses validating her opinion...
    So were not allowed to have an opinion on her looks without it meaning we are hate her for being so beautiful? Lol
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Here are my thoughts.

    We can't tell her personality based on her photos. There are a few other photos of her in the article and I honestly don't think she's anything special. Just average I would say. The photos don't do her justice, but I don't think she is drop dead gorgeous. She might have a crappy personality and that is the reason people are rude to her. I'm not sure.

    Samantha Brick aside, I honestly have disliked women because they're pretty. I'll admit it.

    I'll say I'm a plain Jane and that I have had to learn be smart and funny to attract attention. There are times where I'll be talking to a guy and a really pretty girl walks in and I think "forget it, I'll never have a chance with him" and just walk away. I wonder what it is like to be absolutely beautiful. I'm sure it has it's negatives, and I'm sure that you do have people hating on you because of your beauty.

    Back in high school, my best friend was pretty. Not crazy beautiful, but she definitely had a leg up on me. I got sick of being her average looking sidekick. I would like a guy and they would end up liking her. I see why people don't want to be friends with the truly beautiful. It's exhausting.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Maybe Samantha Brick should re-read her August article about how she uses her sexuality to get ahead for a clue on why women might not like her all that much.

    But I should probably take a cue from her and use mine a bit, because I can't get any further behind! :laugh:
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    reminds me of a roommate my sister had.

    she found her hysterically crying in her room one day and thinking something was seriously wrong she rushed to her side and asked what was wrong, the girl responds "it's just so hard being so beautiful"

    my sister had to run from the room before she burst out laughing.

    Pretty or not, b**** is full of herself and THAT is more likely than not what makes people dislike her.