I absolutely hate myself for becoming fat again :I



  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    In my teens and twenties I felt this way. Very pre-occupied with how others perceived me (possibly similar to what you think your boyfriend will think of you when he sees you).

    Now in my 30's I am more focused on being healthy than thin. It is amazing how much less stress I have feeling this way.
  • barackobamamama
    You ate that for breakfast? That's not what your food diary says.

    I weigh 223 pounds. My goal weight is 120 pounds. You gained 10 pounds in 9 months. Boo hoo.
  • HotBodUnderConstruction
    First, just because her struggle appears less severe for most of you because she *only* gained 10lbs that doesn't lessen the psychological impact that "gaining" weight has on an individual. She was used to looking a certain way, and now she doesn't. Ten pounds is an entire dress size (if it's all fat), and if you have a closet full of fitted clothes, a 10lb gain (a dress size) makes it impossible to fit into anything hanging in your closet anymore. When I gained 20lbs NOTHING fit me and it was demoralizing to empty out my entire closet every morning to find that not a single thing would zip up.

    Second, OP- I'm sorry that you feel the way you do, I really do. I completely understand how you're feeing right now, but I urge you to pick yourself up and put that energy into working your butt off. You gained the weight, you can't go back to where you used to be this instant, but you are definitely capable of getting back to where you were ...and even BETTER. Buy a couple of cute Summer dresses that actually fit in the mean time (so that you feel better about the way you look *right now*) and slowly as you drop the weight you can ease back into your wardrobe. If I can do it, I promise, you can too :)
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    120lbs, fat? Uh.. no. Not even close. You'd have to be ridiculously short for that to ever be considered fat.
  • MDawg81
    MDawg81 Posts: 244 Member
    I generally take forum posts on this site very seriously, but being upset that you gained 10lbs over a year, and calling yourself fat at 120lbs lead me to believe this person is trolling. If not, I don't even know what to say.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    also, feel free to add me. I'm about the same size you are, and I think I'm hugely overweight too.

    I know, rationally, I'm not (and neither are you), but it doesn't make looking in the mirror any easier.

    Most people on weight loss forums will try to tear you a new one. A lot of people on here have tens of hundreds of lbs to lose, and lifetimes of being treated terribly because of their size to contend with. They hate people like you (like me?) almost as much as you hate that 10 little lbs you put on.

    Talking like this is like rubbing their struggles in their faces, and you may not mean it to be, but it's incredibly rude/hurtful/insensitive/oblivious.

    Hate? No. I've been there. I've even been underweight and thought I was fat. Do I have a harder time sympathizing now that I'm very overweight? Maybe. But it is also worrisome when someone is in the normal range and hates the way they look that much. It's really easy to go from seeing imperfections that are either minor or aren't there at all to starving yourself into serious health issues. I know, because I've done it.
  • denisem23
    Agree with Sprinkies, I would love to be 110 pounds, errr well actually I would probably not love that because I think for me and my build that would be just too thin, but i would actually love to be 140 pounds, but I am not. I am 179 pounds and yes once in a while I have a moment where I look in the mirror and despise what I see and other times I look in the mirror and love what I see and that I just need a bit of improvement and a little more hard work.

    Sounds to me that you should be more worried about your mental health then your physical health. It is not healthy to have a disproportionate opinion of your body weight, obsess over it, desire to be much thinner to the point of depression when technically your at a healthy normal body weight to begin with. I am not saying you are crazy or being mean here, just being realistic. So many young women DO face this problem of self image and that may be something that needs to be worked out with your doctor and not physical trainer. Discuss with him or her how you feel and see if their opinion is that your weight is where it needs to be.