1000 calories or less diet



  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I am currently sitting at 260lbs and my goal is 200lbs. According to my Fitness Pal, I should be consuming 1860 calories a day. I can't manage to get up to 1200 calories a day. For the past couple days, I've only been eating up to 900 calories a day, BUT I am satisfied. I want to restrict my diet, but I don't want to feel like I'm eating too much. I also don't want my body to go into a starvation mode.

    Also, if I add in my exercise for the day, I get like 292 calories added on to that. I don't exercise everday. I just enjoy taking my dogs for a walk whenever I can (usually on the weekends). I have an office job.

    Is this good, bad, ok?
    I'll bite my tongue to save a lashing.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    What, can't you give constructive criticism without tearing someone apart?
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    just eat healthy calorie dense foods ( ie. nuts, seeds, dried fruits, ect.) I had the same problem until I got used to eating low cal food. Eating small meals more often helped me a lot too.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    I had a very overweight friend who swore she didn't eat junk. She house sat for me and I saw all the junk food wrappers
  • sem41278
    sem41278 Posts: 89 Member
    how do you think you got fat in the first place?? overeating!!!! so please dont complain about eating too little. if eating too little was the problem, why would any of us be on this site in the first place??????

    Totally! I think a lot of fat people overestimate exercise / underestimate eating. I had a very overweight friend who swore she didn't eat junk. She house sat for me and I saw all the junk food wrappers

    ya- a lot of fat people do that. what a crap statement.

    This fat prson understands where OP is coming from because when I'm in diet mode I mentally do not want to eat-- I'm out of my "fat people" mode of eating mentality.

    those darn fat people-- they just can't figure out how to eat and exercise.
  • Bodhizephyr
    I am 37 years old and 5'5 and went from 143 to130 in a month by eating 1200-1400 calories a month and exercising a little. My husband is 48 and is 5'10 and went from 183 to 169. My daughter is 17 and 5'2 and went from 129 to 122. We eat every hour on the hour from 7am until 8pm and then have a shake before bed. My advice is to eat at least 1200 calories a day and to eat more often and to eat healthy! Good luck with your goals!

    This is not normal eating. It might work short term, but you're swapping one eating disorder for another. Exercising a little - I think you've missed the point of this site. myFITNESSpal not getyourselfanotherabnormalunhealthyhabit.

    As you may have guessed - as a former eating disorder sufferer - I hate it when people recommend such strange ideas to people.

    I am declining to comment about the influence over the young person in this post!
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    Not sure of your height, but you are nearly the same weight as my boyfriend, with the same goal.
    I cannot and will not try to tell you how many exact calories to eat, as every person is different.
    But I can tall you that my bf is 6'0" and near to the weight you are. If he were to eat only 1200 cals a day, I think he would rot.
    I don't even eat that little. But everyone is different.
    I have a couple questions though. Please don't take them as rude or negative. I certainly do not mean them to be, although I can see how they might come off wrong.
    How are you not hungry? Have you completely changed your diet? Because I know you can fill up on healthy foods just as well as unhealthy ones, but it would take an awful lot of carrots and broccoli to fill my bf (or myself)\
    You should remember that you didn't gain the weight overnight. And it's not going to go away overnight either.
    Have you set up a visit with your doctor? I think it's always a good idea to let your doctor know when you are planning such an undertaking in the change of ones body (and mind).
    I wish you all the best!
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Geez, I don't get why some people have been so negative/judgmental in their remarks to the OP. Please read the reply from LosingToRun on the first page of this thread, it's a great explanation. I experienced the same thing OP did in the beginning because when you eat healthier, you're getting in a lot more fiber, more nutritious foods, etc., therefore feeling FULLER sooner. To OP, when you get used to eating better it'll be easier to eat all your calories.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    With your exercise you should be eating no less than 1500 . There is no way someone of your weight is "Satisfied" at 900 calories. You're just fooling yourself or lying to us . Eat right, exercise and the weight will fall off.
  • springseternal
    springseternal Posts: 245 Member
    3 weeks ago, I was at 258. I'm at around 240 now. I lost the first 8 pounds while on vacation, the next 10 came after I joined here. When I got back from vacation I had to ask myself what I did in that 10 day period of time that was so different that weight could fall off of me like that. The answer was: I was eating small amounts consistently. I am an over-eater. However, the way I over eat was to eat 600-900 calories for two or three days (bc I was so busy at work or whatever) then on day four I would be off and would eat all day. I could easily take in 4000 calories in those days. Then the next day, 900 calories. I am still struggling with keeping my daily calories up, but it's gotten easier. I still struggle with the "habit" of over eating on my days off, but it's gotten easier. I haven't had a "binge" day in well over a week.

    My point is, eat your calories! LOL. You and I are starting at a very similar place, so if you'd like, friend me and we can encourage each other to make those healthy choices.
  • barackobamamama
    I eat about a 1000 calories or less most days, just like you. I've lost 23 pounds so far (currently at 222 or so) and people keep telling me I'm going to enter starvation mode (which is B.S.) and that my body is going to start eating its own tissues, blah blah blah. I don't listen to them. Why the hell would my body eat my muscles when there's so much yummy, delicious fat for it to digest? If you aren't hungry, then don't force yourself to eat.
  • barackobamamama
    There is a way. I eat about 1000 calories a day on most days and I'm satisfied. This is because most of my diet consists of fruits and vegetables, so I'm eating tons. Don't accuse people of lying. You have no idea what you're talking about.
  • barackobamamama
    Geez, I don't get why some people have been so negative/judgmental in their remarks to the OP. Please read the reply from LosingToRun on the first page of this thread, it's a great explanation. I experienced the same thing OP did in the beginning because when you eat healthier, you're getting in a lot more fiber, more nutritious foods, etc., therefore feeling FULLER sooner. To OP, when you get used to eating better it'll be easier to eat all your calories.

    Thank you. She was asking a simple question and everyone is attacking her.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    how do you think you got fat in the first place?? overeating!!!! so please dont complain about eating too little. if eating too little was the problem, why would any of us be on this site in the first place??????

    A lot of people get heavy by eating calorie dense foods. Then when they switch to nutrient dense, less calorific food they can consume the same (or even higher) volume of food but be far under the same calorie amount that led to their higher weight. Having trouble hitting a calorie goal eating healthier foods is a common problem when someone makes drastic dietary changes.

    To the OP: you are correct to not want to eat to the point where you feel stuffed, and keep forcing food in yourself. The trick is to find some healthful but calorie dense foods to round out your new, healthier diet. Nuts, nut butters, olive oil, higher fat milk and avocados are some things that can help. I find 2% milk mixed with protein powder a good way to help hit my calorie goal without falling back on old, less healthy foods. Just keep trying different things out until you find the best way to hit your goal. You will find a way to balance making healthy food choices and properly fueling your body.

    This exactly. When I eat fatty salty or sweet food just a little bit will put you over you daily calorie needs. A honeybun from a conveinence store can easily hit 700 calories but if you eat a bowl full of fruit, oatmeal and a small glass of milk or juice, you might hit 500 and be full for a lot longer. I know that often times when I'm eating loads of fruits and veggies, I don't eat much more then 1000 calories, especially on meatless days or days I exercise.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Geez, I don't get why some people have been so negative/judgmental in their remarks to the OP. Please read the reply from LosingToRun on the first page of this thread, it's a great explanation. I experienced the same thing OP did in the beginning because when you eat healthier, you're getting in a lot more fiber, more nutritious foods, etc., therefore feeling FULLER sooner. To OP, when you get used to eating better it'll be easier to eat all your calories.

    Did you not see the original post?

    Based on the info input into MFP, a goal of 1890 was set. .

    If a loss of 1lb a week was chosen, that puts daily calorie intake , excluding exercise, at 2390
    if a loss of 2lb a week was chosen, that puts daily calorie intake, excluding exercise, at 2890.

    Either way, eating at 1000 calories is actually less than 50% of their daily calorific requirements and is far too drastic a defict to be healthy,

    Their BMR is going to be at least 1900. That is the calories required to maintain their body if their were in a coma. That's what your body needs for your brain, liver, kidneys to function, your hair and nails to grow, your heart to pump, etc

    Yes, obsese people can eat under their BMR, but eating less than 50% of your required calories is actually starvation.

    Why would anyone want to eat 900-1000 calories, when they have been told to eat 1890?
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Wow... that's all i have to say about the comments.

    To answer some questions....I eat when I'm hungry. I literally eat when my body is telling me to.

    How did I get to 260 pounds? The answer to that is I ate whatever the heck I wanted...mainly fast food. I usually didn't snack except on the weekends. I had 3 meals a day. Now, I'm eating breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner. Granted some of my choices aren't really substantial, but i'm only on my FIRST week. I'm open to ideas which I've already posted about in the Food & Nutrition section. I've just started measuring everything that I'm taking in.

    Am I lying? Check out my food journal.

    Also, I should note that I haven't been on a diet since I was 16 years old and I am now 25 years old. I was on Weight Watchers where I didn't really look at the calorie intake. I was more interested in meeting the points for the day.

    Thanks for all of the advice...the good, the bad, and the ugly.
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    Are you pooping at all? I'm not trying to be a jerk. Ps my calorie goal is close to yours if you want to review a few days of my diary. I couldn't get by on a banana for lunch. Not everyone is the same. It looks like I got by on a apple for lunch today but it was eaten while I was still waiting for the banana bread lol.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Are you pooping at all? I'm not trying to be a jerk. Ps my calorie goal is close to yours if you want to review a few days of my diary. I couldn't get by on a banana for lunch. Not everyone is the same. It looks like I got by on a apple for lunch today but it was eaten while I was still waiting for the banana bread lol.

    To answer your question. yes! haha. Yeah, I know lunch is where I'm lacking. I did go shopping today and picked up some Boca burgers and some whole wheat buns. I couldn't really eat a lunch today because we had guests over and didn't want to be rude so I just had a banana when they left. I'm also a really picky eater.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    You didn't get to 260lbs at 25 by eating that little. Eat more calorie dense foods - low fat, diet and similar products are generally crap anyway. Try nuts, peanut butter, fruit, full fat milk etcetera.
  • barenaud13
    I can't even fathom being unable to only eat 1200 calories a day. I ONLY eat lean, healthy food, fruits and veggies - yet I am typically right around my daily total of 1400 almost every day. Sure, some days I fluctuate...however, simply put...NO ONE should eat under 1200. You are only doing harm to yourself. And really, are you HONESTLY updating your counter? Do you put 1 tblspoon mayo, when you really had two or three?

    Calories are IN EVERYTHING. If you're eating, you're probably eating more than you think you are. Anyways, I truly wish you the best in your journey, but you must get there the healthy way.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I can't even fathom being unable to only eat 1200 calories a day. I ONLY eat lean, healthy food, fruits and veggies - yet I am typically right around my daily total of 1400 almost every day. Sure, some days I fluctuate...however, simply put...NO ONE should eat under 1200. You are only doing harm to yourself. And really, are you HONESTLY updating your counter? Do you put 1 tblspoon mayo, when you really had two or three?

    Calories are IN EVERYTHING. If you're eating, you're probably eating more than you think you are. Anyways, I truly wish you the best in your journey, but you must get there the healthy way.

    You're also eating way too little. The minimum limit set for men is generally 1600 and at 20, you need a helluva lot more than that.