worst comment ever made about your weight



  • Girlwithnoname77
    Girlwithnoname77 Posts: 108 Member
    After repeatedly cheating on me and then making an agreement to only sleep with me if I put on porn of skinny blonde chicks or held a porn magazine while we were having sex, my ex said, "If you weren't so fat and disgusting, I wouldn't want to sleep with other women. If you looked like this {he ripped out and threw a Playboy centerfold at me}, I'd never stick my d**k anywhere else. But YOU DON'T... count yourself lucky that you get any at all Lard *kitten*!"

    This is very disturbing, and so sad and upsetting. I feel for you and hope you (or anyone else) never deal with this again. :((((
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    That's disgusting! How horrible :(

    When I was 18 I was at a night club and - actually - was not even "big" in my eyes back then. A size 16 (Aus). Anyways, this guy came up to me, drunk and charming as he was, and signalled out his hands to show a great width and was going on about me needing a sign that said WIDE LOAD. I was so embarrassed and upset. Jerk!!!

    Sounds like the same idiot whos chat up line to me was "I heard fat birds f**k better, do you want to show me if that's true" :huh:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Someday human cruelty will cease to amaze me. On that day, I will know I have lost my humanity.

    This thread proves that today is not that day.

    I just want to reiterate this comment.
  • teimo
    teimo Posts: 44
    My skinny male partner calls me 'Ploppy' and his sister says I'm 'Naturally Chubby'!!
    How can that be? I'm nearly 6' tall and have never been over 12stone?? (14lb per stone)
  • Girlwithnoname77
    Girlwithnoname77 Posts: 108 Member
    After my sister had the baby and lost some weight, she gave me a box of clothes saying she didn't need her "fat" clothes anymore.

    My AUNTY did that to my poor sister. Growing up my sister was quite big. My aunty scarred her on so many levels, but the HANDING DOWN OF PREGNANCY CLOTHES ... to a young teenager ... was the worst!!! She never forgot the pain and embarrassment of that :((((
  • Girlwithnoname77
    Girlwithnoname77 Posts: 108 Member
    My fabulous uncle once introduced me to his friend by saying, "This cow is my niece". I slapped him.

    GOOD ON YOU!!!!!!!!
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    I was standing at a bus stop one day, a young guy walked passed me and said "frigging hippo !"

    See, that's when you follow at a safe distance shrieking, "The paternity test says it's yours! Stop walking away from me! And when are you going to pay the hospital bill from breaking my jaw?"

    He will never say anything rude to anyone in public again.

    HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! :laugh:
  • my worst time was wen i walked in a shop and the lady said hw far gone am i wen i wasnt even pregnant
  • Girlwithnoname77
    Girlwithnoname77 Posts: 108 Member
    Sounds like the same idiot whos chat up line to me was "I heard fat birds f**k better, do you want to show me if that's true" :huh:

    Ouch! Let's hope there is only one and that it was the same guy ... but I doubt it. Whoa ... I can't believe the nerves and vulgarity of some people!!!!
  • em435
    em435 Posts: 210 Member
    These were all announced by the ring leader of a group of douche bags in high school (when I wasabout 13/14 years old)

    'You look like shrek!!'
    really? because I'm green right?

    'You have an *kitten* like a sack of potatoes!!'
    this one still hurts a little but goddamit I am cellulite free now and that's what matters!!! :wink:
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    "Dan! you dont need to lose weight! You look fine!"

    I was 170lbs and 5'5"!!!!
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    Two comments really stand out from my childhood--

    1. When I first started packing on weight- around puberty- someone very close to me said, "you're getting so fat, I bet you can't even see your own feet anymore."

    2. Right after I had my license, the person driving in front of my sister and I hit a deer but it was a pretty bad accident. We stopped to help them... a few days later, I saw a relative of the driver at my job, and she was like, "oh, my MIL said the heavy-set girl was so nice to her!"

    Not the meanest things by far, but two that seemed to have wounded me the most.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I was standing at a bus stop one day, a young guy walked passed me and said "frigging hippo !"

    I sincerely hope you knocked his teeth out and then carelessly shoved them back in...
  • A girl I worked with once told me:

    "You have a pretty face, why don't you take care of the rest of you?"

    I know it doesn't seem that bad, but damn, I hate backhanded compliments. I also hate how some girls can't understand that it's impossible for me to be as thin as them. Whaaaatever.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    when I was anorexic in HS my parents would threaten me with hospitilization. Then the very next night if I were hungry and I ate a larger than my normal helping they would call me fat and tell me I was huge. Very mixed reactions. Then when my body shut down due to the anorexia and my thyroid stopped I gained a bunch and my best friend came home from basic and looked at me and said dude WTF you're FAT! So the last ten years have been hard and I am finally healthy again. It was the same friend who for years has been telling me I needed to loose but much more kindly.
  • Girlwithnoname77
    Girlwithnoname77 Posts: 108 Member
    I'd dump my girlfriend if she was half your size

    Everyone just thinks youre nice, youre only nice because you have to be since youre not attractive

    Im sorry, as soon as you take your clothes off, I just lose my erection <~ this past January, mid bj, after dating for 3 weeks


    The nerveeeee!!!!! WOW. AND not a GOOD wow but ... shocked ... wow!
  • Girlwithnoname77
    Girlwithnoname77 Posts: 108 Member
    when I was anorexic in HS my parents would threaten me with hospitilization. Then the very next night if I were hungry and I ate a larger than my normal helping they would call me fat and tell me I was huge. Very mixed reactions. Then when my body shut down due to the anorexia and my thyroid stopped I gained a bunch and my best friend came home from basic and looked at me and said dude WTF you're FAT! So the last ten years have been hard and I am finally healthy again. It was the same friend who for years has been telling me I needed to loose but much more kindly.

    The people around you make all the difference in the world. I hope that you are now surrounded by positive, supportive and accepting people who love and accept you for WHO you are! What terrible mixed messages you received growing up. How absolutely terrible.
  • amblee125
    amblee125 Posts: 92 Member
    Three Things That have stuck with me:

    1. I got called Free Willy in front a group of people in junior high. To this day, I will never forget that. I went to the bathroom and just cried.

    2. My ex husband said "It's kind of hard to have sex with you since you are so big"

    3. My ex husband also said "You should have lost the weight I asked you to lose before we got married"

    Yeah..you see why he is an EX husband!
  • RumOne
    RumOne Posts: 266 Member
    I was standing at a bus stop one day, a young guy walked passed me and said "frigging hippo !"

    See, that's when you follow at a safe distance shrieking, "The paternity test says it's yours! Stop walking away from me! And when are you going to pay the hospital bill from breaking my jaw?"

    He will never say anything rude to anyone in public again.

  • angiebarker
    angiebarker Posts: 127
    At Dunkin Doughnuts-
    Me stirring me coffee....
    Older women with her friend walks up to me grabs my arm and says " OH MY GOD! THAT CUP IS BIGGER THAN YOU!"