worst comment ever made about your weight



  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    From ex wife:

    * "You're so fat... you're wasting my youth! I am embarrassed to be seen with you"

    * During sex, she stops me in the middle of it and runs to the toilet and starts gagging and then says I disgust her.

    Random assorted things from the years

    * Running at the park, I pass a slender girl in her 20s who is running ackwardly. One of those lucky people that obviously never really does any exercise or doesn't know how to run at the least, but stays looking in shape. Her boyfriend is in front of her and he sees me pass her and goes "oh no! HELL NO! There's no way you just let that fat f**k pass you! Get your *kitten* moving!" He was one of those alpha types with the gym rat bodies.

    * Running at the park during soccer practice with my team. Group of college girls is running. One points at me and says "ewww look at his belly".

    * Running at the park I pass a guy and his little girl who are running. She says "daddy why did you let the fat man pass you?" And he replies "shhhh honey we don't call people fat that's not nice"

    * At the gym, I smiled at a girl who looked at me like I was a cockroach and said "dream on, I don't date fatties".

    * At one of our irish pubs a couple years ago. I was standing waiting in line and this guy was trying to impress his college-aged girlfriend. He started making rude comments about how fat people need removed from the planet because they are in his way and taking up space and eating all of the food. The girl giggles.

    * At the gym I was in a corner doing some dumbbell work and this precious Barbie with full make up is lifting with her boyfriend. She was seated next to the rack where the weights were. I was putting my weights away and had to move around her and she gets this annoyed look on her face, and then turns to her boyfriend and says in a mock-whisper (so that others can hear) "I can't stand going to the gym during this time, too many fat people here wasting everybody's time"

    I have more. Those were the ones that stuck out this morning. Being fat is the equivalent of being a leper in the middle ages. It's pretty dehumanizing... but makes for great motivation and fuel for your workouts.

    I know people can be cruel, but it is truly hard for me to see people saying some of what you typed.

    I was called pleasantly plump in highschool, curvy and size 8 looks chubby no matter what.
  • goodnewsdoc
    goodnewsdoc Posts: 5 Member
    My wife nor I have ever been "small" people, but neither have we allowed ourselves to get dangerously obese. Before we met and started dating, she went on a first (and last) date with a guy who thought he was God's gift to women. It was a blind date arranged by one of her friends. The guy met her at a popular restaurant and as soon as they sat down, he started in on her saying, "$30,000 or $40,000 would get rid of all that fat. Then you can start working on your face." She endured the meal and further comments, but the icing on the cake was when he demanded separate checks. He had the nerve to call her for another date. She said, "No need. I lost all the ugly weight I needed to lose when you got in your car and left the restaurant the other night. Don't bother calling again."

    When we met and started dating, I never once thought about her weight. All I could think about was how lucky I was to be dating such a beautiful woman. Still, I would liked to have accidentally bumped into that guy some day just so I could personally tell him what a _______ he was. I guess I might ought to thank him! He had no idea that he was being cruel to one of the nicest, sweetest, and most loving women ever. And to think, he thought she'd want to go out with him again! It takes more than a tie and Italian loafers to make a gentleman!
  • _Emu_
    _Emu_ Posts: 45 Member
    I'll never forget mine!

    I had picked out my prom dress for senior prom. I went for my fitting and brought my mom. I was not a dress person, so this was the first dress I had worn since my mother was dressing me (so...kindergarden? Ha ha!). I loved the dress, and felt great in it! I couldn't wait to show her!

    Well, she took one look and the first thing she said was, "Honey, you really need to lose weight."

    Not the worst comment for a person to make, but coming from her at that moment? I was crushed! I instantly felt fat and gross in it. I had already put my downpayment on it, so I had to I buy the dress even though I felt horrible in it. It made me feel fat and disgusting during prom, and its only now (I'm 29) when I'm even considering trying a dress on again.

    Now that I'm getting married soon, I'm still debating whether or not I want my mother present during wedding dress hunting and fittings.

    hunny this made me sad for you & cross at your mum! dont take her wedding dress shopping, take friends who will be supportive of you
  • paigedmw
    paigedmw Posts: 6
    people can be so cruel, can't they?! i don't understand what is wrong with some people.

    i just remember my ex boyfriend ALWAYS made comments about my weight - compared me to thinner girls, called me fat, and would comment when i'd eat with him or in front of him. coming from someone i was deeply in love with. someone who i was intimate with. someone who saw me for everything i was.

    don't you think it goes to show how materialistic and poisonous some people can be?
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member

    * Running at the park, I pass a slender girl in her 20s who is running ackwardly. One of those lucky people that obviously never really does any exercise or doesn't know how to run at the least, but stays looking in shape. Her boyfriend is in front of her and he sees me pass her and goes "oh no! HELL NO! There's no way you just let that fat f**k pass you! Get your *kitten* moving!" He was one of those alpha types with the gym rat bodies.

    Wow, I've read most of the other thread, but what you typed, especially that one I think, is quite unbelievably cruel...
    Keep going, all these people (except the little girl) are idiots anyway :p
    Oh, and I really like your armor in your profile pic :)
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    95% of the nasty comments I've ever received from being fat were from the "alpha" types. The people you'd expect to see on Jersey Shore.

    The little girl didn't know any better ;)

    And thanks \m/
  • JupitersGhost
    From ex wife:

    * "You're so fat... you're wasting my youth! I am embarrassed to be seen with you"

    * During sex, she stops me in the middle of it and runs to the toilet and starts gagging and then says I disgust her.

    That's so terrible! No wonder she's now your ex. What a vile woman. Ugh..

    I've been pretty lucky and haven't had many comments about my weight, other than "looking healthier" after gaining 27lbs. :/ I used to get nice comments about my figure before I gained weight, but they've all stopped now.
  • Misskittyfantastico
    Misskittyfantastico Posts: 35 Member
    "I've never met a fat vegetarian before" (from a friend of a friend in the pub)

    When you try not to think of yourself as a 'fat' person because you exercise and eat healthily and dress nicely, and somebody vocalises it in public, something snaps in your head. Suddenly, you believe with complete certainty that that's what everyone in the world thinks about you and they've just been too polite to say it. It's horrible.
  • erin1276
    erin1276 Posts: 38 Member
    @auticus I'm really happy that she is your EX wife... what a horrible person.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    wow! people are mean. maybe I am sheltered, lol. people aren't that cruel where I've grown up. I'm fat(partly)because no one ever looked at it like it was a bad thing
  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    I've heard it more than enough.

    About a month after I had my daughter I went to my parents house and my Dad just keeps staring at me. Finally, I said WHAT? He said, "you were just so pretty when you were thin." :sad:

    One birthday in my late twenties a group of us went to the bar. I'm at the bar waiting to order a drink and this guy just cuts right in front of me. I start to say something and this old man on the other side says, "kick his *kitten*, your bigger than the bouncers here anyway". I faked a sickness and went home. :devil:

    Lastly, I was in the process of getting my motorcycle license last year and I was talking to this guy about a bike he was selling. He said, "you need a bigger bike than this or you'll look like a gorilla on a tri-cycle." :brokenheart:
  • leahnoelle31
    leahnoelle31 Posts: 79 Member
    "Keep doing whatever it is you are doing to lose weight. I don't want to F*** a fat girl." An ex-boyfriend who was overweight himself! That comment set off over a decade of messed up eating habits.

    "You'd be perfect if you just had a boob job, lost weight, highlighted your hair, etc." Ex-husband who was a total waste of oxygen but I didn't realize it until after we got married.

    Oh, and the heaviest I EVER was (non-pregnant) was 155lbs. I'm 5'8". Yeah...
  • jobster68
    jobster68 Posts: 145
    My ex-husband told me on our tenth wedding anniversary that I was the fat ugly b***h that was making his life hell!
  • hauntgoddess
    hauntgoddess Posts: 109 Member
    Being turned down by a dude I was digging, "I'm like a celebrity and you are like a regular person I wouldn't date." The same guy dated/tried to get with all my friends/sisters that were skinnier/younger than me. He was kind of a creep. I no longer talk to him.

    After I gained all the weight I lost a year ago by an ex who dumped me when I was thinner, "It looks like they put her out to pasture to graze with all the weight she gained!" This guy was overweight himself, and has weight issues.

    I never went to prom in high school...never had a boyfriend until after I lost weight the first time at age 23....

    The most supportive people I have know have been in shape(my brother, mom, and sister.) They are all at a healthy weight, and never demoralized me. Maybe it is a family thing, being supportive.
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    THe worst thing that has happened to me over the years is "ooh you're expecting, when are you due?"

    It was even worse that there was one person in particular who did not know me at all personally but worked at a gas station I went to after work. She was always asking me when I was due and did I know what I was having and I had already told her several times umm yeah I'm not pregnant I already had my kids and my baby was over a year old. A few months passed and I happened to run into her again and she actually said wow you are really showing you're ready to pop anytime now aren't you and you're really glowing. I went home and cried my eyes out. I have always had skinny legs and arms and no butt so I carry almost all of my weight up front (well it's starting to spread around now) and so it did look like I was prego. Especially when I wore these cute overall shorts. Needless to say I ditched my comfy overalls.

    I try to be very sensitive when I encounter a women who looks like she is expecting that I don't make the same mistake. If she starts talking about being pregnant then I will inquire more.
  • microMXL
    microMXL Posts: 51
    damn people can be so rude
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Being turned down by a dude I was digging, "I'm like a celebrity and you are like a regular person I wouldn't date." The same guy dated/tried to get with all my friends/sisters that were skinnier/younger than me. He was kind of a creep. I no longer talk to him.

    After I gained all the weight I lost a year ago by an ex who dumped me when I was thinner, "It looks like they put her out to pasture to graze with all the weight she gained!" This guy was overweight himself, and has weight issues.

    I never went to prom in high school...never had a boyfriend until after I lost weight the first time at age 23....

    The most supportive people I have know have been in shape(my brother, mom, and sister.) They are all at a healthy weight, and never demoralized me. Maybe it is a family thing, being supportive.

    I never got to go to prom either but that was because I had horrible carnival-level acne that I had to have acid treatments for. Irony is when my face cleared up, I gained weight lmao
  • ThePunkHippie
    From my mother, of all people. I believe I was about 13 at the time (she doesn't remember/won't admit to ever saying this), & she was dragging me to Burger King for dinner (I have NEVER liked Burger King, & at that age it's not like I had that much of a say in where we ate...)

    "There's a difference between 'neat' fat & 'sloppy' fat, & you're getting into sloppy territory"

    The kicker? I weighed 125 & was 5'3.5". I've been the same height since I was 12, & I didn't get 'fat' until I was in grade 9 (125 turned into 175 in about 6 months)

    ETA: Oh god, the floodgates opened.
    My mom's friend commented on how I always seemed to have a boyfriend. My mom said "It's because she's a *kitten*". I overheard & protested, & my mother replied with "Well, it's obvious they're not with you for your looks - no one likes fat girls"
  • stephs0214
    stephs0214 Posts: 269 Member
    1) In 6th grade, I tried out for the school choir and while we were waiting for the results, one of my classmates said, "the fat ones always make it." He proceeded to point at the "fat ones," which included me.

    2) In middle school, I was shopping at the mall with my mom at Vanity's looking for some jeans. I tried on the biggest size they had at the time, but it still did not fit. My mom ask the clerk if there were any more sizes, and the girl made a face and said, "to get bigger sizes, you'll have to go to the dept stores. They don't make big sizes here."
  • Mrs2bo
    Mrs2bo Posts: 3
    You are a very sweet husband. It was a blessing in disguise for your wife. What a jerk-off that guy was! I'm wondering how on Earth her friends thought they would be good match? lol