Beautiful Blue Team WEEK 5



  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I dont limit myself no. My probs are... I eat TOO much... and I eat because I can... If the food is there sitting in front of me I eat it. At work for instance.. It was really slow.. I was hungry so had a basil cheese cake with a bit of veg... then later... it was slow.. so I had 4 chicken wings... Then a bit later was slow once again and there were still dinner specials... which was chicken cordon bleu... with gravy.. a HUGE piece of freshly made chicken.. so I had that.. Was I hungry? Nope... Did I drink lots of water? Yes I drink about 3-5 litres a day... 2-3 of them at work withing 5 hours. I just have no self control what so ever with anything in life really.

    I can do good for days, sometimes weeks at a time... I will get down to a good weight and then it will come right back up again. :grumble: I just cant control myself.. I cant figure out how! Ive tried chewing gum... I drink tons of water all the time.. I run (literally) from the food, I throw it in the garbage... I try to pawn it off on others... Though eventually it catches up with me. :frown:
    [/quote] Quote

    I have a hard time with that too. If I see food I eat it. I have not quite figured out the reasons yet --but maybe if you write it all down and what you are feeling at the time it might start to help. I sometimes use the "can't control myself" mantra as an excuse to eat what I want whenever I want. If you can't control yourself you can't feel guilt about it right? My new goal is to write/log every single thing that I eat no matter what. I have been really lax about it lately and it is showing. I am even going to include my bites licks and tastes--as I know that they get away from me. :grumble: Good luck, I know we can do it, we just have to figure out our reasoning first.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Hi-the last 2 days I've been lifting weights for 45 min.-hour or so, although it's weird, cause I don't even break a sweat. Oh well as long as I:happy: tone iguess. I just feel better doing cardio cause I actually feel I worked really hard. :bigsmile: Day 5 no crap!. Made an awesome postworkout smoothie.
    I call it-Kathy's Funky Munkey Smoothie:wink:

    2 cups of skim milk-or water
    2 scoops of chocolate or cookies and cream protein powder
    1 banana
    1 tbsp flaxoil
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    carrie - are you totally eliminating some of your favs? maybe try small portions so that it's not forbidden and making you crave it more

    try drinking water before you eat ANYTING....

    don't give up you can do it!

    I dont limit myself no. My probs are... I eat TOO much... and I eat because I can... If the food is there sitting in front of me I eat it. At work for instance.. It was really slow.. I was hungry so had a basil cheese cake with a bit of veg... then later... it was slow.. so I had 4 chicken wings... Then a bit later was slow once again and there were still dinner specials... which was chicken cordon bleu... with gravy.. a HUGE piece of freshly made chicken.. so I had that.. Was I hungry? Nope... Did I drink lots of water? Yes I drink about 3-5 litres a day... 2-3 of them at work withing 5 hours. I just have no self control what so ever with anything in life really.

    I can do good for days, sometimes weeks at a time... I will get down to a good weight and then it will come right back up again. :grumble: I just cant control myself.. I cant figure out how! Ive tried chewing gum... I drink tons of water all the time.. I run (literally) from the food, I throw it in the garbage... I try to pawn it off on others... Though eventually it catches up with me. :frown:

    I have the same problem! I've been doing some experiments with it lately. I will sit with a whole bag of pretzels or box of Cheez-its in front of me (nutrition facts up), and build up willpower NOT to eat anything out of it. Reverse psychology. I admit, sometimes, I did give up and rip open the bag, but lately I've found that I'm better at controlling my "bored eating habits".
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    I do work in a kitchen yes... Im a line cook! I can eat whatever I want whenever I want! Its awesome but horrible at the same time!! hahaha

    I have done that before fitgal... With stampede donuts. I only ate one them left them sitting beside me all the way to work. I almost had another... But I made it the whole way! Then after work I ate them all hahahaha
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    My son is also a chef and is getting a bit of a pot and is getting worried about it. I hear how rich the recipes are-egad! This is what I told him at the beginning of his chef course. I'm telling you to hopefully keep you motivated, not to offend you or anything. First of all, noone wants to see a fat chef. Chefs have very important positions in running a busy kitchen and head of so many people. :drinker: So to hold this position and be respected as a good leader, you need these qualities.
    1-TO LOOK HEALTHY, shows you care what you serve to your clients (whether you do it or not)
    2-CONTROL-you'll need that in front of all that food and other things in your industry and life. The quote at the bottom is what I read and is on my profile page...
    3-CONFIDENCE-you'll get if you are healthy and look great and feel great.
    4-RESPECT-what you will receive when you have it all together and feel confident and good about all things in your life.
    "A lot of bad eating habits are about not taking charge of your life, and that attitude is often reflected in other areas," says Grossman. On the other hand, she says, when you make small changes at the kitchen table, the rewards may show up in other areas of your life.

    "It's the act of taking control that makes the difference in motivating you," says Grossman. "An inner confidence and power begins to develop that can be seen in other areas of life."
    Take care-stay motivated-:heart: Kath
  • cellorocker
    cellorocker Posts: 290
    Arsh, I've been sick for a week and a half, but today I'm going to try to get moving. *pokes siggy* Yeah, I started on a journey, and it almost seems like I won't finish in time. Oh well.

    Anyways, I'm off to ride my bike, since I feel a little better. I start school on Monday, but I want to get back in the habit of riding my bike.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey guys!

    Laura and I have been walking together for the last 4 days in a row and are going to go today in a little bit.

    I decided to spend a little time on myself this morning and I straightened my hair, did my nails and makeup and I feel sooo good! This is probably the most confident I've been in a looong time. I'm ready to cruise around town and show myself off. :laugh:
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    Wow Rach I have to say if you can go back and read your posts over the last few weeks. You have a much happier tone to your posts this past week. I think you are doing well and seem to be coming out of shell.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Hey guys!!!! :flowerforyou: It's the weekend, but I am still just here to leave a quick message... been busy!!!! I didn't get to catch up on everybody's week so far, but I will tomorrow when I have a little more time!

    So, the pain in my lower stomach is GONE! Just as quickly as it came. I had an ultrasound, blood tests and I pee'd in a cup :laugh: and everything came back okay! I have a follow-up with my doc, though, because SOMETHING was causing the pain, we just don't know what! I'm just glad it's gone. And I don't feel weak anymore!

    I went to my WW meeting this morning and am down a pound, despite my Monday night Chinese binge and a night of drinks (and cheese fries :sick:) with a friend who's going through a divorce. She has recently lost a lot of weight (the bad way... she doesn't eat much at all... and she has IBS), so she gave me some really cool clothes that don't fit anymore. I'm wearing a cute black shirt and a cute black skirt with white polka dots. :bigsmile: It looks really nice!! I feel so good!!!!

    I worked out this morning to the tune of almost 450 calories in 30 minutes on the elliptical! I am going to TGI Friday's (dragonfire chicken... mmmmm!!!!) So, by the end of the day, I'll have eaten all but about 9 of my calories... but, I'm cool with it! :glasses:

    I feel really motivated. :heart: :drinker:
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    My son is also a chef and is getting a bit of a pot and is getting worried about it. I hear how rich the recipes are-egad! This is what I told him at the beginning of his chef course. I'm telling you to hopefully keep you motivated, not to offend you or anything. First of all, noone wants to see a fat chef. Chefs have very important positions in running a busy kitchen and head of so many people. :drinker: So to hold this position and be respected as a good leader, you need these qualities.
    1-TO LOOK HEALTHY, shows you care what you serve to your clients (whether you do it or not)
    2-CONTROL-you'll need that in front of all that food and other things in your industry and life. The quote at the bottom is what I read and is on my profile page...
    3-CONFIDENCE-you'll get if you are healthy and look great and feel great.
    4-RESPECT-what you will receive when you have it all together and feel confident and good about all things in your life.
    "A lot of bad eating habits are about not taking charge of your life, and that attitude is often reflected in other areas," says Grossman. On the other hand, she says, when you make small changes at the kitchen table, the rewards may show up in other areas of your life.

    "It's the act of taking control that makes the difference in motivating you," says Grossman. "An inner confidence and power begins to develop that can be seen in other areas of life."
    Take care-stay motivated-:heart: Kath

    Thanks!! :smile: You are right! Though I am not the head chef hahaha Im only here until I go to school to become an LPN in september.. Its good pay, and good hours for now. Maybe I am a cook for a reason to learn control eh? Sheesh! Its hard!
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    Rach ~ New profile pics looks AWESOME!

    Other Blues ~ I'm on a time crunch so I can't respond to everyone individually but I'm glad I got to read your posts!!!

    My birthday was pretty awesome. My Mom sent me home with chocolate chip cookies, though!!! I always forget what a trigger food they are! I absolutely, positively cannot control myself with them and will never keep them in the house again!

    Three men from the 48th Brigade were killed in Afghanistan a few days ago and the press release was yesterday. It's the same Brigade that my husband is a part of but they're a different unit that has been there for a month. It's been really hard for me to try and deal with this right now as I know that he will be there in less than 2 weeks. I have been focusing on maintaining the home front rather than thinking about what his life will be like over there and I know I've been holding a lot in emotionally. He knew one of the soldiers, making this the second soldier he's known to be killed in Afghanistan since his last deployment. His father served in the Guard for 25 years and knew one of the other men. This one has hit pretty close to home and I'm really hoping that I can be strong for my husband while he is home. Please keep the families of these soldiers in your prayers as well as all of our men and women serving.

    On a lighter note, I have less than two days until my hubby is back home for his visit! Have a safe and fabulous weekend!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Today was not a good day. I didn't feel good. This is the day that I HATE my condition that I have. Today was suppose to be my workout day on the wii active. Damn. Maybe I will workout double tomorrow instead. Stupid stupid stupid. :explode: My husband who works two jobs comes home and has to make supper because I can't get up. He works so hard. :mad: I know getting mad isn't going to help me and I know its not going to go away but :sad: I'm sorry thank you for letting me vent.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Today was not a good day. I didn't feel good. This is the day that I HATE my condition that I have. Today was suppose to be my workout day on the wii active. Damn. Maybe I will workout double tomorrow instead. Stupid stupid stupid. :explode: My husband who works two jobs comes home and has to make supper because I can't get up. He works so hard. :mad: I know getting mad isn't going to help me and I know its not going to go away but :sad: I'm sorry thank you for letting me vent.

    Hey, j, sorry to hear of your probs. :smooched: Can it not be controlled with meds? How do the Docs ever expect you to have a normal life?:angry:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I'm on meds crap im on more meds than my grandma. :laugh: We are working on it. They don't know if I will ever get better. It might get to the point where I can start doing more things around the house or whatever but the chances of me going back to work are slim to none. Too hectic and my body can't handle that anymore. I use to go go go go go go and I think my body just wore it's self out. Who knows. I try and take advange of the good days but why is it on the bad days I always want to get things done. I hope tomorrow brings better things because my mind is just racing on the things I want to do and not boss people around while i sit in my chair watching them. Even though that can be fun at times. :laugh:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I have been MIA for a while. I have been super busy doing observations in schools (working on my teacher's certification).
    I have just read all of the posts for this week and am so glad to hear all of you finding new motivation to get healthy.
    I tried to run yesterday but my ankles hurt so bad I ended up walking. I got some ankle braces yesterday so I am planning on going for a 2 1/2 mile run today!!!
    My eatting hasn't been that great because I have been so stressed with all of the homework I have had to do. My plan for the day is to start some laundry, do a little bit of hw, workout with wii active, shower, go to fiances house, more hw, go for a run, more hw, and then cuddle :wink: I hope that I can stay relaxed and get everything I need to done.
    I hope that everyone is able to enjoy their day, eat healthy, and get in a little bit of exercise.

    :heart: J

    Remember: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I think Laura and I are going for a walk later, but I'm dedicating the rest of the day to homework!!!

  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I'm on meds crap im on more meds than my grandma. :laugh: We are working on it. They don't know if I will ever get better. It might get to the point where I can start doing more things around the house or whatever but the chances of me going back to work are slim to none. Too hectic and my body can't handle that anymore. I use to go go go go go go and I think my body just wore it's self out. Who knows. I try and take advange of the good days but why is it on the bad days I always want to get things done. I hope tomorrow brings better things because my mind is just racing on the things I want to do and not boss people around while i sit in my chair watching them. Even though that can be fun at times. :laugh:

    Aww,:smooched: I know the FRUSTRATION, sadness, and anger you must go through. Being incapacitated while life goes on around you is soooo crappy. Nobody really understands either. Staying off work on dysability sounds great to those who work a lot and have busy lives, but in reality it's the missing of your peers, and using you're brain can totally make you feel worthless. I went through so many tears over all this in the last 2 years, and depression sank in many times. My friends worried about me many times. People are very sypathetic at first, but like I said, everyone's life carries on and your stuck. Exercise was my way out too to feel good, but when I couldn't do that , I worried that all i had worked for would go to pot, that made it worse.:explode: I'm here for a darlin'...keep your chin up, you look awesome and have done so well. On your "sick" days, just watch the cal. intake.:heart:
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    Here are some questions for all of you beautiful Blue's.

    1. How long do you work out for at one time?
    2. How many calories do you typically burn?

    I am just looking for some camparisons. I know the calories vary by weight, but just curious.

    I typically work out for an hour and burn anywhere between 400-800 calories, depending on what i am doing. On strength days it is closer to the 400 and on Cardio days it is closer to the 800.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I have been doing the wii active so its been about 20 mins or so. I burn about 500-700 depends on how hard I push it. When I run I think I can do that in about 1/2hr and then I burn a lot more.

    I'm feeling great today. I have gotten a lot done. All my boarder is done finally. I also got my living room all cleaned up and furniture all moved around, laundry going about three loads done, dishes done and worked out. I am now relaxing for a while. I have to make supper for the family. It is amazing to me how one day can make a difference. Now I will just hope and pray that this doesn't bite me in the @$$ tomorrow. Thank you everyone for your support. hmo4 you are great and you will always be the first person i message if I have any problems. Thank you again. :drinker: :heart:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Here are some questions for all of you beautiful Blue's.

    1. How long do you work out for at one time?
    2. How many calories do you typically burn?

    I am just looking for some camparisons. I know the calories vary by weight, but just curious.

    I typically work out for an hour and burn anywhere between 400-800 calories, depending on what i am doing. On strength days it is closer to the 400 and on Cardio days it is closer to the 800.

    When I do an hour of fast paced weight lifting or walking I'm usually around 350-400cal, but an hour of intense cardio like plyometrics, I can burn 600 or more in an hour.