


  • k1ngfl1pper
    k1ngfl1pper Posts: 46 Member
    Simple. It means Yinz. :tongue:

  • jillyt85
    jillyt85 Posts: 161 Member
    Most other languages have a plural you; English doesn't. So the southerners kindly made one up for us.

    Wasn't that Just so sweet of us!

    I say y'all a lot. I write it here sometimes because it reflects how I talk. I also write/say 'ya' instead of 'you' sometimes. I would never use either in formal writing though. And I will never ever ever say or write ain't. I've worked very hard to keep that atrocity out of my vocabulary!

    Another colloquial where I grew up is fixin' to. As in, 'I'm fixin to go to the store - do ya need anything?' :p

    I say "fixin to" all the time! My husband makes fun of me every time though. I also say used to could (usedtacould). Ex: "can you do a handstand? No, but I used to could." Another phrase my husband makes fun of.
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    I am Southern and use 'y'all' all the time. It means "you all" and we use it the way Northerners use "youse guys" or Pittsburghers use "yinz guys" or "yinzers".

    Y'all have a nice day now! :)
  • gatorgirlyyy
    Y'all- A Southern Slang Term for "You All"...

    I use it all the time.

    North Carolina, USA. :)
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    I'm from Texas and use this word multiple times a day. We also have a plural version (I know y'all is already plural) "all y'all". When you say y'all to a group, you might only be talking to two of the five people, but if you say "all y'all" then all five of them know you're talking to them.

    Love it! We Carolinians sometimes say "all y'all" too. Love all y'all!
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Canadian here, and we don't really say anything different, maybe "You guys." Instead of "y'all". I've actually heard people say, "Yous" like "use." Which sounds ridiculous.
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    Simple. It means Yinz. :tongue:


    I have never heard Yinz from anyone but a Pittsburgher. But I love my Pittsburghers.
  • jazzkat68
    jazzkat68 Posts: 101 Member
    That's Texas Talk for "you all"

    As in "I'm going to the store, y'all coming? "

    I hate it when you watch a movie about the south and they misuse the word. I would not use "y'all" when speaking to a solitary person. Nor do we say it like it has two syllables. It just rolls right off the tongue! LOL


    LOL! ^ as a Southerner, this!
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    I think i'm getting a feel for this dialect :glasses: thanks... y'all!

    so what do u think people who dont use it say in its place? for example ahem... canadians?

    I have a friend from New Jersey who says "youse guys" for yall, or yawll as I say. Youse is singular for him and youse guys is plural. Yall is singular or plural....when I am leaving, I will say See Yall Later, whether i am tallking to one person or a hundred.
  • gatorgirlyyy
    Canadian here, and we don't really say anything different, maybe "You guys." Instead of "y'all". I've actually heard people say, "Yous" like "use." Which sounds ridiculous.

    I've heard that here in the states too. To me, it just sounds uneducated. It's not a word.... but even more so, it's not a word accepted by the community such as y'all. :)
  • paddygirl43
    Y'all is a contraction of "You All". You will find that most people from southern states use the word, or people from northern states that were raised by parents from southern states. It is fun to use, because it just kinda rolls off the tongue.
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Some of y'all made a great point! I love living in the south and having a southern accent. Also love seeing some fellow NC peeps representing us :)
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Some of y'all made a great point! I love living in the south and having a southern accent. Also love seeing some fellow NC peeps representing us :)

    I absolutely adore the southern accent. I think it's the sweetest thing.
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    If y'all own somethin’ it's y'all's. "Y'all's truck is mighty fancy." "Y'all's kids are wreckin’ havoc, settle them down please." "Y'all's truck is on fire. Told ya those kids were trouble."

    6th generation Texan
  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
    Simple. It means Yinz. :tongue:

    Couldn't have said it better!! HOW YINZ DOIN'?
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Simple. It means Yinz. :tongue:


    City of Champions baby!
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    Yankees, please remove y'allselves from this southern thread. :wink:
  • paddygirl43
    I was born and raised in Michigan, every time I go to Kentucky, my accent changes when I see Florence's water tower. I lived in Kentucky for a little over 20 yrs. So I have one messed up accent. It doesn't know if it is Northern or Southern. Go figure.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    Simple. It means Yinz. :tongue:

    Couldn't have said it better!! HOW YINZ DOIN'?

    Will be doin' better tomorrow after we punch the Flyer's in the mouth
  • OH_matt
    OH_matt Posts: 228 Member
    My sister in in Tennessee and she tells me that "y'all" is singular and "all y'all" is plural. As in:

    How y'all doing? (meaning one person)
    Will all y'all help me pick up this couch? (meaning group)

    I've occasionally heard all y'all used, but I've mostly heard y'all for singular and plural.