buffjess Posts: 382
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss

Hope everyone had a good Thursday!! Mine was pretty good..Im just a sucker for supper!! Im working on it though!:blushing: Today is a new day and also the first day of the weekend! So everyone keep your eyes open!! weigh in is only 4 days away!

Good Luck everyone!! :flowerforyou:


  • LiMer
    LiMer Posts: 112 Member

    Okay, today, a brand new day. I am off to a good start. Jogged for 30 minutes on the treadmill this morning. Feeling pretty good before I left the house.

    However, it's 12:30 and I have not yet eaten anything for the day. I've been in meetings all day.

    Running to lunch now...
  • mommyto2cuties
    mommyto2cuties Posts: 82 Member
    Today is going well so far. Went for a walk with the kids this morning and had an egg white omelet for lunch at a restaurant. Of course I had feta in it, so I wasn't a perfect angel!! I think I have about 600 calories saved up for dinner which isn't so great because we are getting carry out with friends. It will be tough to stay on track.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Today has been a good day. I used the elliptical at the gym this morning for 50 minutes. But we're going out to dinner tonight, so although I'm going to try to stay on track, it might be a disaster. Including my exercise calories from today, I have 900 calories left for dinner... which is a lot, but not really for eating out... I didn't want to eat ALL of my exercise calories back. :ohwell: We'll see.
  • I almost did not go to my zumba class. I felt depress and did not want to get out of the house.
    But as always I have fun in the class and felt great after. My eating was good too. I almost ate ramen but I did do it. I'm going to be bad this weekend tho. I'm going camping.. plan to eat pizza and drink 1 wine cooler. I'm going to go hiking also.. I hope I will burn them off. Weight in in on monday? if so I'll stop eat sodium food after sunday lunch and start drink water to flush the salt out.
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    Do we have a new thread yet for today? I couldn't find one. I had a disaster weekend and feel terrible about it today!!! I pulled weeds for over 2 hours on Saturday and burned a lot of calories but then I followed it up with pizza for dinner. :huh: Then we ordered chinese for dinner last night! I mowed the lawn and did 20 minutes of turbo jam body sculpt (had to cut it short cause my son woke up) What is going on? Why have I decided to start eating terrible foods again? I haven't been going over on my calories but the weight is still coming back. I NEED to kick my butt back in gear! I feel so guilty for eating all the crap that I did. Today is the start to getting back on track! I brought the chinese left overs with me but I am going to toss them in the trash (buh bye $ but hello healthy food!) and go get a salad or sub for lunch. I have been undecided on my routine lately too. I have almost all the turbo jam dvds, the 30 day shred dvd, chalean extreme (haven't done one of those yet), and the biggest loser cardio video. I just can't decide on a routine! I also own a treadmill and have been trying to get through the couch to 5K. Anyone want to make a workout schedule for me along with a meal plan for the week? lol Juuuusstt kidding......

    I weighed myself this morning and I sure hope the scale shows me a different number tomorrow morning for weigh in day. :cry:
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    Oh and I was going to ask.... :blushing: Can we do a weekly thread istead of daily? Maybe start a new thread each Tuesday on weigh in day? That way it is in my topics and I can't get lost. :flowerforyou:
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    sure weekly threads will be fine
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    sure weekly threads will be fine

    Thank you! :flowerforyou: How was your weekend?
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    Well, it was pretty good..My husbands birthday was Friday so we went camping and i just couldnt resist eating two hot dogs and a smore!! it was SOOOOOOOOOO good though!! Saturday and sunday i did good though. You?
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    It was good besides the above. I got a few things done that I wanted to get done and was able to have a little fun too. Oh ya, I forgot to list the two margaritas that I made. :blushing: They were SUPER yummy though and I don't think that I can regret those. :laugh:

    Anyone know what they are having for dinner yet? I need some ideas.
  • mommyto2cuties
    mommyto2cuties Posts: 82 Member
    I only have like 150 calories left for dinner so that is a total bummer! I will end up going over today but I will make sure do try to burn 200 calories on the treadmill tonight for damage control!

    Hmm dinner ideas... I will probably have some veggie lasagna and a salad.
  • LiMer
    LiMer Posts: 112 Member
    Hello, I went out to eat Friday, Saturday and Sunday but was able to stay within my calorie limits. I did not get all my sit ups in though. Yesterday, I walked/jogged for 2 hours, 8-9 miles, I was happy.

    Okay, I am finally getting over my period, so hopefully the weigh in tomorrow will be faverable. I just want to see under 150 pounds (150.8 last week).

    So far today, so good, I walked 30 minutes from lunch. I still have about 600 left for dinner and whatever excercize calories I earn later.

    Good luck at the weigh in tomorrow.
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    Limer-We aren't too far from each other! :happy:

    I think that I am going to go with chicken breast, brocolli, and a small baked potato for dinner. I have 300 calories left over and with my workout, I will have about 700. I better have a afternoon snack. :drinker:
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    Well, I will be the first to post that dreaded weight...... :cry: I am sooo sad! This is the first time that the scale litterally has not moved even .10 of a pound. I weight exactly the same as when we started this thread. 168.6. That means, that I have actually gained 1.4 pounds because I was down to 167.2 two weeks ago. :cry: I am going to use this as motivation to kick my workout up though! I did take my measurements and that will keep my head up too. I lost over 5 inches total from all over. The biggest changes were in my arms and my thighs. I have also been lifting more weights then I had been so maybe I just gained some muscle and lost some fat. These are all great things but seeing that number on the scale not move still gets to me. I hope that everyone had a LOT bigger movement on the scale then I did. :happy:

    Sorry for all the rambling. :blushing: Have a great day everyone!

    Breakfast-10 ounces water, 1 slice of toast with peanut butter and sugar free jelly (both very light) and 2 eggs

    morning snack will be a yoplait light strawberry yogurt
    lunch will be a salad (with cottage cheese) with a piece of diet soda cake for dessert (I just made a new one of these and it is super yummy! I made it with yellow cake mix and diet sprite. Then I poked holes and put strawberry jello in it. mmmmm!!! About 105 calories a slice)
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    Oh and last night for my workout I did the couch to 5k program week 2. (walk 60 seconds run 90 seconds for 25 minutes) I managed to stay on the treadmill the whole time! Usually my shins start to hurt and I have to stop to stretch them but I pushed through it last night and finished the whole thing. I can't believe that I can run for a minute and a half straight! lol When I first start this journey I couldn't even walk on the treadmill (at around 2 mph) for 6 minutes because my shins hurt so bad. I am going to attempt week 3 of the program this weekend that would have me running for 3 minutes at a time. (run 90 seconds walk 90 seconds run 3 minutes walk 3 minutes)

    Ok, I will shut up now and get back to my corner before I get kicked out of the group for talking to much. :blushing:

    I will be over there. :laugh:
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    WEIGH IN DAY!!!! Dimplzz dont get discouraged! You are loosing inches so that is great!! You can do this! And we ARE GOING to do it together!! :flowerforyou:

    Ok here it goes

    weight at beginning of challenge-157

    1 lb lost!! I'll take it!! Good luck this week everyone!! Today lets try to drink 8 glasses of water and get some sort of cardio in!!

    GO PINK TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • LiMer
    LiMer Posts: 112 Member
    Morning, press for time but have to post this.

    Start challenge: 150.8

    Today: 149.4

    Lost: 1.4 pounds

    Finally under 150. Heads up it will pay off everyone.
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    Morning, press for time but have to post this.

    Start challenge: 150.8

    Today: 149.4

    Lost: 1.4 pounds

    Finally under 150. Heads up it will pay off everyone.

    Awesome!! That is great to be under 150! Keep up the great work.
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    WEIGH IN DAY!!!! Dimplzz dont get discouraged! You are loosing inches so that is great!! You can do this! And we ARE GOING to do it together!! :flowerforyou:

    Ok here it goes

    weight at beginning of challenge-157

    1 lb lost!! I'll take it!! Good luck this week everyone!! Today lets try to drink 8 glasses of water and get some sort of cardio in!!

    GO PINK TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yippee!! 1 pound is great! I am with ya on the water thing. I have been trying to drink 100 ounces a day and a little more on workout days. Someone on MFP posted that you should drink your weight in ounces each day. :noway: I am aiming for a little more than the 8 glasses though. I think that it makes me at least get the 8 in. haha head games.......

    Keep up the great work PINK TEAM!
  • LiMer
    LiMer Posts: 112 Member
    I'm back.

    Breakfast: 1 activia yogurt light, 1 cup special K original, 1/2 cup skim milk

    am snack: 1/2 fiber one bar

    Lunch: garden salad, light french dressing, 1 orange

    pm snack: 1/2 fiber one bar

    Dinner: 1 cup rice, 4 oz chicken breast grilled, 1 cup green beans, 1 cup skim milk

    late snack after excercise: 1/2 cup cottage cheese fat free

    I drank almost 100 oz water too... I need to excercise for at least 1 hour tonight. I missed it so bad. Will walk 30-40 minutes during lunch today.

    Pink team... keep the spirit. I wan to see 148 next tuesday.

    Oh yeah, and I did my sit ups (50) this morning.
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