being late



  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    im ALWAYS late.
  • Busyboymomx3
    Busyboymomx3 Posts: 110 Member
    stuff happens, especially when you throw kids in the mix. I try my darndest to be early, if not on time to everything, but sometimes life gets in the way. I assure you I am not, nor do I think my time is more important or valuable than anyone else's.

    Ya.... Sometimes a kid just has to go right!? My niece likes to decide to try and go to the bathroom when we are rushing hahaha.

    my son likes to inform me while we are stuck in traffic after I've asked them to go before we leave anywhere.

    last Friday I was going to class and as we were walking out the door my 4 yr old says oh no mom, I gotta potty *reverse* (he feels like shoes, pants-everything must come off) so I was tying his shoes again when I look over and my 2 yr old has his socks and shoes of with his pants around his knees running down the hallway. I have wild boys- I start and extra half hour early now
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I have to agree with you.

    I am never, ever EVER late. I am always early. We always take into consideration traffic, some unexpected event happening, getting lost etc.

    It annoys the crap out of me when people are late. We used to have friends that were always at the least a half hour late. One time when we were getting together with them we figured we'd trick them and tell them to be at our house an hour earlier than we wanted them there and they were STILL late!

    If you tell me to be at a certain place at 5 p.m. I'm there at 4:45.

    Me too, and my always late family HATES me for it. They actually usually tell me 15 minutes later than they're actually planning so I show up on time. Then they're still 15 minutes later than that.

    I've really learned to expect the lateness. I carry a Kindle and I read while I wait. But I can't bring myself to arrive any later than 15 minutes early, even if it would please my family.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I as well don't like when myself or other people are late. I believe you should arrive at 10 minutes early to any appointment/important thing you have to attend.

    And yes of course stuff happens where you are late once in a while... All the time is no no though.

  • Flippiefloppies
    There are definatly situations where it could be viewed as rude to be late. You also have to realise that as much as some people do try not to be late. It happens, over and over again. If this person is late all the time. Plan ahead. Tell them 5 when you really mean 6 or show up late yourself, you will prob still beat them there.
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    I have two kids to get ready and go too, and I manage to get everywhere early. Lateness is something I HATE, one of my BIGGEST Pet Peeves, actually - I have a cousin who, if she's ONLY 40 minutes late, then she thinks she's early ~ and never even apologizes for it... DRIVES ME NUTS!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I know of several people who haven't gotten past the first interview at a job because they arrived late. My boss even told me that a woman arrived late to an interview and then later made a comment about her qualities and being on time/prompt was one of the ones she listed. Ridiculous! My belief is that if you arrive at the exact time you said you'd get there, you're still late. I pride myself on arriving at least 5 minutes early where ever I go and set aside 20-30 minutes of driving time for anything more than 8 miles away.

    I think a lot of it has to do with me having a friend who always arrived anywhere from 30-60 minutes late regardless of the importance that she arrive on time, I saw it as disrespectful and just a complete annoyance.

    Who would actually show up late to a interview and actually think they even have chance at the job? If I have someone show up late to a interview you mid as well turn around and walk back out because you have no shot with me.

    I showed up late to a job interview (and I drove three hours to an unfamiliar city to get to it) and I still got the job. I called 30 minutes before to say that I was stuck in traffic (which is totally true if you have ever been stuck on I35 going anywhere in DFW)...
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I hate when people are late. I think it's a sign of disrespect towards the other person, like your time is more important. Don't get me wrong i understand traffic, or things like that.
    I'm the same way. Being late is disrespectful of other people's time.

    If you ARE going to be late, at least call the person ahead of time (as soon as you suspect you will be late, like if you get stuck in traffic) and let them know.
  • Busyboymomx3
    Busyboymomx3 Posts: 110 Member
    I disagree. As somebody who is late ALL THE FREAKING TIME, it has nothing to do with me thinking my time is more valuable, and honestly, I feel REALLY bad when I'm late to things. I agonize over it and stress over it and call/text like a million times. Now, I'm not like a 30 minutes late kinda person, usually like 10 minutes or so, but it seems as though being on time is just one of those things I can almost never do.

    Or, here is what happens with me. I know I'm late all the time for something, so I say "ok self, you're leaving way early this time so you can't be late!" So then I get to whatever it is like half an hour early or something. So the next time I say "ok self, you don't need to leave quite as early, but definitely earlier than usual" and somehow, I'm still 10 minutes late. It's usually not so bad if I don't have anybody else to worry about, but if I'm getting myself ready, my 5 year old ready and dropped off somewhere, or something like that...I almost can never get it together and be on time. The only exception where I am NEVER late is when it's something like a doctor's appointment or these 6am meetings we have at my work. But I'm not on time--I'm almost always about 30 minutes early because the paranoia of being late sets in.

    Think what you want, but I'm not a selfish person, nor is it any kind of disrespect. It's actually become endearing to my friends and family, because they expect it now. Timing has never been my thing :( Plus, where I live, traffic is like shooting craps. Ask anybody from Austin and they'll know what I'm talking about. A trip around the corner can take 5 minutes or 30. It's always a gamble!

    ^This is so me. I hate arriving to early to anything I think it is in my blood. My whole family is like this though. If we have a party and the start time is 2 expect everyone to start arriving at 3 maybe later. I don't know maybe it is a Hispanic thing who knows.

    haha it must be- my boyfriend was 30 mins late for our fist date so I sent him packing the hour drive back home....told him to call me when he learned some manners
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    I know of several people who haven't gotten past the first interview at a job because they arrived late. My boss even told me that a woman arrived late to an interview and then later made a comment about her qualities and being on time/prompt was one of the ones she listed. Ridiculous! My belief is that if you arrive at the exact time you said you'd get there, you're still late. I pride myself on arriving at least 5 minutes early where ever I go and set aside 20-30 minutes of driving time for anything more than 8 miles away.

    I think a lot of it has to do with me having a friend who always arrived anywhere from 30-60 minutes late regardless of the importance that she arrive on time, I saw it as disrespectful and just a complete annoyance.

    Who would actually show up late to a interview and actually think they even have chance at the job? If I have someone show up late to a interview you mid as well turn around and walk back out because you have no shot with me.

    I showed up late to a job interview (and I drove three hours to an unfamiliar city to get to it) and I still got the job. I called 30 minutes before to say that I was stuck in traffic (which is totally true if you have ever been stuck on I35 going anywhere in DFW)...

    this is true.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    There are definatly situations where it could be viewed as rude to be late. You also have to realise that as much as some people do try not to be late. It happens, over and over again. If this person is late all the time. Plan ahead. Tell them 5 when you really mean 6 or show up late yourself, you will prob still beat them there.

    We did this with friends of ours and they STILL showed up late!!
  • bigredhearts
    i HATE being late and have only been late ONE TIME to school when i was a kid. I like to be 15 min early at least! even the thought of being late makes me uneasy... but i have social anxiety so the attention of being late IS NOT good for my mental health...
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I think its funny for people to put expectations on others. When I am late, it really has nothing to do with you, nor is it about or even involve you. I am late. That's all. If there is a dependency, you need to make that clear, like, boat leaves the dock at 12:00 noon Sharp. Otherwise, there's no point to being on time if there is no dependency on it. A have a friend that gets mad when his party starts at 3, and you show up at 4. Who gives a sh@t? It's a party. It doesn't matter.

    Ugh. You people are UPTIGHT!

    Wow, really? So you're telling me that it's ok to tell a friend that you'll meet them for lunch or say drinks at a certain time and then show up an hour or more late? That's acceptable?

    That's just plain rude.

    Obviously, NO ONE HERE CAN READ!

    I said, if there is NO DEPENDENCY, then, it doesn't fuc*ing matter. If there is a dependency, that's different. My point was that some people get their panties in a wad just over the time, without consider that I don't give a *kitten* about your made up schedule. I be there when I get there. If a boat leaves, or there's reservations, or your sitting at a restaurant alone waiting for me, that's a totally different thing. But, as I said, some people get so hung up on the time, that they forget that it doesn't matter, unless it does.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    If it's 5 minutes or 10 I can understand. I had a teacher who had to come to my home my senior year once a week because I wasn't well enough to be on campus and she was always driving from literally one end of the city to the other (I live on the eastern edge of my city) and was always late, usually about a half hour, but that was something she had no control over whatsoever and she was always very apologetic and nice so I never complained. (especially since she actually stuck around after my cat literally bit her on the *kitten* the first visit)

    My family is always very late. My Uncle tends to take his time with chores he has to do before any get-together and his shower or waking up from a nap and usually when you say 7pm, it becomes 8. Same with holidays. We are told to go over at 2 and the food will be ready at 3, it's ready at 6. Nothing's ever on time as far as a quoted time or an official time.

    Me, if I have to be somewhere at 11 I'm up at 8 to take my shower, get breakfast, and make sure I have everything in order and often times when that's done I've still got an hour to kill but I'd rather show up an hour or half hour early than that much late. My mom actually hates my need to be early, but especially when it's a doctor's visit you need to be early because you never know.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I know of several people who haven't gotten past the first interview at a job because they arrived late. My boss even told me that a woman arrived late to an interview and then later made a comment about her qualities and being on time/prompt was one of the ones she listed. Ridiculous! My belief is that if you arrive at the exact time you said you'd get there, you're still late. I pride myself on arriving at least 5 minutes early where ever I go and set aside 20-30 minutes of driving time for anything more than 8 miles away.

    I think a lot of it has to do with me having a friend who always arrived anywhere from 30-60 minutes late regardless of the importance that she arrive on time, I saw it as disrespectful and just a complete annoyance.

    Who would actually show up late to a interview and actually think they even have chance at the job? If I have someone show up late to a interview you mid as well turn around and walk back out because you have no shot with me.

    I showed up late to a job interview (and I drove three hours to an unfamiliar city to get to it) and I still got the job. I called 30 minutes before to say that I was stuck in traffic (which is totally true if you have ever been stuck on I35 going anywhere in DFW)...

    this is true.

    *lol* I avoid I35 like the plague if I can help it... it just doesn't get better... Neither does Loop 820 over by Hurst/NRH... They will always make you late.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    It depends...certain friends and i work around each other and know what to expect... my one friend is always late when we make lunch plans, so i pick somewhere near a place I want to look or shop (TJMAXX or DSW) woohoo...i love her and know her, so i dont depend on her to be on time, or she depend on me.

    In other circumstances it bothers me if people are seeing a movie, or dinner reservations etc...BUT i dont make those types of plans with them again if it becomes a habit.

    Being late to a regular old party is not a problem, at least not here where they last till the crack of dawn haha!
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    I know of several people who haven't gotten past the first interview at a job because they arrived late. My boss even told me that a woman arrived late to an interview and then later made a comment about her qualities and being on time/prompt was one of the ones she listed. Ridiculous! My belief is that if you arrive at the exact time you said you'd get there, you're still late. I pride myself on arriving at least 5 minutes early where ever I go and set aside 20-30 minutes of driving time for anything more than 8 miles away.

    I think a lot of it has to do with me having a friend who always arrived anywhere from 30-60 minutes late regardless of the importance that she arrive on time, I saw it as disrespectful and just a complete annoyance.

    Who would actually show up late to a interview and actually think they even have chance at the job? If I have someone show up late to a interview you mid as well turn around and walk back out because you have no shot with me.

    I showed up late to a job interview (and I drove three hours to an unfamiliar city to get to it) and I still got the job. I called 30 minutes before to say that I was stuck in traffic (which is totally true if you have ever been stuck on I35 going anywhere in DFW)...

    this is true.

    *lol* I avoid I35 like the plague if I can help it... it just doesn't get better... Neither does Loop 820 over by Hurst/NRH... They will always make you late.

    i refuse to travel on 820 PERIOD during the week. Once they are finished though it should be awesome over there.
    I dont care what anyone says, I-35N is worse than the Dallas traffic right now. Dallas traffic is moving.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Being late is incredibly rude and disrespectful. To me being late is arriving at my destination 5 to 10 minutes early. I get the traffic and such, however, try to plan accordingly. We are all adults we all have responsibilities, and being late is one of the most selfish acts around. It is their way of saying my time is not as valuable as theirs.
  • Mel2626
    Mel2626 Posts: 342 Member
    I'm a chronic late arriver but never EVER mean any disrespect by it! I just have an absolutely horrible concept of time and get sidetracked too easily.
    My parents, on the other hand, have always been WAY beyond punctual. They get to everything early~everything! My siblings and I grew up constantly hearing, "If we hurry, we can be late!!!".
    btw~ It can be equally as annoying when people constantly arrive early. Case in point: My mom is so early to everything that she even arrived before all the guests at a surprise party we threw her last year! wtf?! So much for the surprise!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    I disagree. As somebody who is late ALL THE FREAKING TIME, it has nothing to do with me thinking my time is more valuable, and honestly, I feel REALLY bad when I'm late to things. I agonize over it and stress over it and call/text like a million times. Now, I'm not like a 30 minutes late kinda person, usually like 10 minutes or so, but it seems as though being on time is just one of those things I can almost never do.

    Or, here is what happens with me. I know I'm late all the time for something, so I say "ok self, you're leaving way early this time so you can't be late!" So then I get to whatever it is like half an hour early or something. So the next time I say "ok self, you don't need to leave quite as early, but definitely earlier than usual" and somehow, I'm still 10 minutes late. It's usually not so bad if I don't have anybody else to worry about, but if I'm getting myself ready, my 5 year old ready and dropped off somewhere, or something like that...I almost can never get it together and be on time. The only exception where I am NEVER late is when it's something like a doctor's appointment or these 6am meetings we have at my work. But I'm not on time--I'm almost always about 30 minutes early because the paranoia of being late sets in.

    Think what you want, but I'm not a selfish person, nor is it any kind of disrespect. It's actually become endearing to my friends and family, because they expect it now. Timing has never been my thing :( Plus, where I live, traffic is like shooting craps. Ask anybody from Austin and they'll know what I'm talking about. A trip around the corner can take 5 minutes or 30. It's always a gamble!

    ^^ This. As someone who's frequently late, it's not that I don't care about your time. My problem seems to be chronic underestimating of how long something will take - whether it's getting somewhere or getting ready. Even if it's something I've done a million times. The more things I have to estimate timing for, the more it adds up. Granted, if it's something important and reallllly time dependent than I'll add on a lot more time to my estimate. Adn if I am running late I always let the person know.
    But if I'm just saying I should leave at 10am to get my parents house by 11am cause that's what time I told my mom I'd get there to hang out for the day - I will inevitably leave at 10:20. And it takes more than an hour to get to my parents house.