Baby kitten help



  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    Humane society here appears to only be open 10:00-2:00 Wednesday and Saturday. I'll call vets tomorrow. Now, off to get cat milk.

    Here's a horrible picture:

    It's surprisingly fast considering it can barely walk.

    Our Humane Society is on call 24/7 with the police department to take in animals--maybe call a police non-emergency line in your area?
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    ^^^^^^^^Definately this! Very good advice! I had to learn to stimulate my kitten to potty and poo. My vet gave me cans of "critical care" wet food and I added water to it to get it to a consistency that my kitten could take, and fed her with a syringe. It was a very nutrient-dense formula. As her health improved, I was able to give her thicker food. I applaud for you giving this little kitten a fighting chance!

    Well, that was supposed to be attached to zenchild's post!
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    find a no-kill shelter in your area and take the kitten there. it's mother either miscounted the kittens or it was dumped by a person. it is going to need a vet and probably soon.
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    Oh, another thing...don't forget water. Give kitty water often, with a syringe if it won't drink from a bowl/plate. Could even dip your finger in water and let it get it that way.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    The shelters around here never charge for dropping off an animal, whether or not it belongs to you. Not sure about other areas though. That's where I got my big Punkin monster featured in my profile. I wouldn't trade him for the world. You should act fast as newborn kittens can't go very long without eating and mother's warmth.
  • LeoQuin
    LeoQuin Posts: 56 Member
    Eat it, you'll get amazing cat-powers.. And a little protein.
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    Do you have a Pets Smart in your area? Our local Pets Smart as a adoption program in the store. If they can't take the kitten tomorrow maybe they can help you with someone in your area that does. Like a rescue or an individual. Heck maybe if you stop in the store and show that cute picture one of them may take it.
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Get it to a vet or a NO KILL shelter (otherwise they're likely to euthanize it as it enters, sad truth). I don't think you should put it back. In the meantime, kittens need to eat pretty frequently. KMR Kitten Formula is available at pet food stores and walmart, etcetera, and giving him/her some food will do him/her a world of good. From your picture (adorable), it looks like he's a couple weeks old, not a newborn at all (it takes about 8 days just for their eyes to open and ears to come up, and they're still very small at that point).

    As for the shaky thing, I found a kitten once who was shaky and had been abandoned by its mother. Apparently if the mothers are sick during the time they're pregnant, there's a risk of the kittens developing that. We kept ours, he was absolutely sweet, and he got the most creative cat name I've ever come up with, lol. If it's that, the shaking/wobbliness never quite goes away, but it gets better and doesn't interfere with the quality of life as long as it's not an outside cat. Ours could jump like crazy!!!

    Keep us posted!!

    ETA: Zenchild, FANTASTIC response, and adorable story about the dog.
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
    My guess is that if it doesn't get to a vet soon and start getting some nutrients this little guy isn't going to make it.
  • lozzle91
    lozzle91 Posts: 38
    My Kitten was so small (around the size of the one in the picture you've linked) when we got him (the previous owners lied about his age) he was only 5 weeks old.
    he shouldnt have been away from his mama but i found that he liked to eat my porridge oats in the morning, which i made with milk.

    my vet said this was the best thing i could have given him, so please do this to keep him going until you can get him to the vets.

    Good luck with the little baby! keep us updated.
  • lozzle91
    lozzle91 Posts: 38
    My Kitten was so small (around the size of the one in the picture you've linked) when we got him (the previous owners lied about his age) he was only 5 weeks old.
    he shouldnt have been away from his mama but i found that he liked to eat my porridge oats in the morning, which i made with milk.

    my vet said this was the best thing i could have given him, so please do this to keep him going until you can get him to the vets.

    Good luck with the little baby! keep us updated.

    also, you may want to sit him on a hot water bottle covered with a towel to keep him warm.
  • Tabby1980
    Tabby1980 Posts: 75 Member
    What happened? I guess I would keep it but that's just me lol! From the picture it looks pretty strong and healthy - I hope it is OK and gets a good home xxx
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Definitely, DEFINITELY, don't put it back by the dumpster. It would be in danger of people that would hurt it, traffic, other animals, etc. Bring it to a vet or to a shelter where they can care for it.
  • diddyk
    diddyk Posts: 269 Member
    Definitely don't put it back. Call around. I work with a non-profit cat rescue and someone will take it. I'm not sure where you are but there are volunteer rescues just about everywhere. A local vet will probably know of rescues if you can't find one. If you can't find a rescue try to find a no-kill shelter.

    If that one rescue said they wouldn't take it ask them if they know of a rescue who will take it.

    It's a myth that ALL shelters will try to save it...the one we rescue from is "high kill"
  • tubbs_nomore
    Hello! Firstly Kudos on rescuing the little one ..secondly, any Vets office is bound by ethics to take the kitten. Dont waste your time at a shelter. Also if its a female I think we should name her "Sofie" since you found her on a sofa....if its a male , we should name him "Springer" since he was found among the springs......Just my thoughts {:o)
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    Just checking to see if any news on the kitten.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Yeah.....I'm curious as well..... Did you take the little guy to the shelter or a vet?
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I want to know how little kitty is doing too.
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    Same here...checking for update. I hope all is well. Will check back often today.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    I have fostered countless kittens for the local shelter... Definitely keep it warm... they cannot regulate their own body temperature for the first few weeks... feed milk replacement( Walmart, pet smart) every few hours AND the easiest way to stimulate then to go to the bathroom is with a warm cotton ball...i usually have a towel with a paper towel on top on my lap in case...when they poo its very small...IT IS IMPORTANT TO DO THIS ...they cant go on their own

    good luck :)