Are there other C-Section Mommys out there???



  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    I had two regular births and my last was an emergency c section. I have come to the conclusion that genetics plays a huge role in how quickly our bodies recover and what state we are able to get them to physically. I lost all my pregnancy weight plus more with each baby and am at my fittest in my forties than when I had my boys 17, 15 and 4 years ago. I believe that being able to get my flat tummy back is thanks to my Mom's good genes. The thighs and butt on the other hand....well I'll blame those on my father!

    Keep at it ladies! You are all amazing and strong women.
  • fatface76
    fatface76 Posts: 4
    This is a GREAT topic. I thought I wasn't exercising correctly as to why I couldn't knock off the "shelf" (I love that term). Thanks for posting. I'm going to read everyone's comments for more motivation.