Ladies! HAIR!



  • seamonkey789
    I normally grow my hair to my butt then donate it. When it gets super long, when I was dancing professionally, for a while, I would do the sock bun and the hair left over from the bun, I would braid and wrap around it. Then I just started doing regular buns with a hair net
  • BrittanieGo
    BrittanieGo Posts: 60 Member
    twist or french braid my bangs back and a messy bun on top.. with a bow :) If its touching my sweaty neck I am not gonna be happy!
  • ummommyme
    ummommyme Posts: 362 Member
    I have a Nike running hat and it's Fabulous! It was less than twenty bucks and doesn't move around. Lets my head breathe and absorbs ALL the sweat that would normally run down my face. No drips at all and even soaks up some on the back. So it's not hot it't not something you have to wiggle around and it absorbs the sweat and in a ponytail-doesn't have to be tight-it keeps the hair off your face completely and just double the tail up if it's hanging too far down to bother your back and neck. I highly reccomend one.