How often do you step on the scale/measure?



  • turlykerd1
    turlykerd1 Posts: 54 Member
    every morning ... it really helps me "not eat ****" the night before
  • slimlady2012
    You know it is a bit obessive, but we all do it. It's because we are eating less and exercising and looking for results. I admit I do it my scale is in my bathroom. Oh well, I want to see the number coming down! :smile:
  • lizzzylou
    lizzzylou Posts: 325
    This is so bad, but I step on my scale every day! Eevery morning I get out of bed, go pee, get undressed and weigh myself before I get in the shower.

    omg it's like you're me!!:love:
  • Navymustng
    Navymustng Posts: 79 Member
    Every morning as soon as I get up, Don't like surprises. Keeps me in check.
  • Fani2003
    Fani2003 Posts: 195 Member
    So I do not know what the big deal is about weighing every day. In my opinion, I got this way because I was not weighing/paying attention.

    I weigh every morning, same as you. First thing, before shower.
    I log every day, regardless of gain or loss. Shows me trend.

    Sometimes, if I think I have had an especially bad day (or a good one) I weigh in the evening before dinner to get a gauge of how much I can eat.

    Last night, I only had about 100 calories left before dinner. I weighed and was only 0.6 lbs up from that morning so I had a nice fish dinner and still lost this morning. If I had not done that, I might have not eaten as much and been starving/whatever and had a "fake" loss tomorrow.

    Until I get control of this weight thing, I need to be as aware and on top of things as possible.
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    I'm just glad to see there are others like me who like to weigh themselves about 3 times a day not to see if they lost weight but just to see how the food they have had impacts the number on the scale. To me it's amusing to see it really. I fully understand that in order to gain a pound its TDEE + 3500 calories. As long as you know that. It doesn't matter what the scale tells you!
  • tatya317
    tatya317 Posts: 74
    I TRY not to step on the scale daily..but the key word to that is which means doesn't alays work.. LOL..
    I do it to keep myself focus and not go off track. I do it for me. If I loose I'm super excited and say good job to myself. If I stay the same.. I say is ok.. that scale will move soon. I rarely get it to weight more.. ( thank goodness). But, yeah do what makes u happy and what works for you. whatever gives you that umph to start your day :)
  • jfaure23
    jfaure23 Posts: 114 Member
    I step on the scales every morning just as a progress check, nothing more. Friday however is my weekly day of reconning.. LOL Weight, neck, waist, hips. So far, I'm dead on track for my loss program.

    Same here! I step on daily to set myself up for the day (if it's a gain, I'm motivated to push harder; a loss I'm just motivated to keep with it!). I do official weigh-ins weekly.
  • bellygoaway
    bellygoaway Posts: 441 Member
    I have one at home I get on every morning, but it does not give consistent results. The one I use for here is at a company warehouse across town. I get on it as often as I can.
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    I'm addicted to my scale...sometimes I'll be good and skip a day...sometimes I'm out of control and jump on there a few times a day.

    Bad habit!

    this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    I was actually informed today, via a leaflet my weight loss consultant gave me, that I, you, and every other person trying to be healthier and/or lose weight SHOULD, yes I said SHOULD, be weighing ourselves everyday. It says: "Daily weighing has been shown to increase successful weight control". That is an NHS approved, Cancer Research UK leaflet/mini booklet. I weigh myself every morning after I've been to the loo :blushing: :laugh:

    Edit: But I only update my weight on here on a friday morning.
  • jaqiswany
    jaqiswany Posts: 76
    I was weighing in every week but found myself yo yo ing with the same lb for a few weeks , i moved to weighing in every 2 weeks and lost 3lb, since the pressure has been off about weighing in ive found it much easier to get into a routine and just get on with things. I reckon as Im here for the long haul id rather be sticking to it and not stressing , but everyone is different it has to be what suits you , good luck :-)
  • zb357
    zb357 Posts: 9
    Oh ..I am embarrased to admit it, but I am also obsessive about weighing my self... Or should I say obsessed with depressive things to do!! I sometimes weigh myself 4-6 times a day. I don't know why, maybe, hoping it was 'broken' when I first ck'd...even when I do manage to ck only once , maybe twice a day...I will jump on 2 to 3 times in a row to make sure it really says the same thing each time...and that there is no mistake!
    I have a long way to go yet, and have always been this way even before I gained all this weight..... sometimes I think I should calculate the number of times I hop on and off the scale as exercise! :)
  • Sariebon
    Sariebon Posts: 52 Member
    My scale needs new batteries so I'm currently living without it. I think I'm losing weight.. I could be in denial.
    Will measure myself this weekend!
  • hrlygrl2479
    I have the same OCD! I just end up frustrated thou. I fluctuate between the same two numbers daily. I think it's just adding frustration to my diet and exercise because I feel like I'm working really hard. Probably a good idea to just move it to another room.
  • CArnold94
    CArnold94 Posts: 35
    Im new and have been on the scales every other day, but i will probably only get on then twice a week from now on :smile:
  • stephie4111
    stephie4111 Posts: 118
    i have been trying not to do that but i do step on the scale just to see how im doing. Im on weight watchers so i only so one official weigh in on saturdays.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    I measure onceish per month..
    Haven't weighed myself since I started.
    When I look the way I want, THEN I'll step on the scale to see how much I weigh.

    Pounds aren't too important to me, only the measurements.
  • BoucherCarole
    I hid my scales and now I weigh myself once a month. I've joined Curves for my exercises and that's where I get weighed. I used to weigh myself at home and if I gained I'd say "what the heck, I'm not losing anyway, might as well eat, and if I'd lose I'd say, "oh now I can treat myself". Never worked!!!
  • lomgicibelo
    lomgicibelo Posts: 1 Member

    I've taken to weighing myself everyday and i know from past experience that i was much happier just doing it once a week as the difference was more substantial. peoples weight fluctuates naturally dieting or not. whatever works for you really as long as it keeps you inspired