I need some opinions on implants or not...



  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    First off, You're a C cup...and real....why would you even consider getting anything? Maybe get a lift...but I wouldn't regardless....

    I had no boobs, wasn't even an A cup. I got them done for me. I did not care about the risks. Easy for a person with boobs to say, I'd rather be flat chested........ until you are flat chested...

    I love my boobs fake and all. BUT, If you already have them, you're already winning! LOL. I am sure they are beautiful. =)

    THIS!! :smile:

    Edited to add: Mine make me feel better too. :smile:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    As a guy I've never found implants attractive. Natural A is better than Fake DD in my humble opinion.
  • spikesmom
    spikesmom Posts: 441 Member
    Implants will NOT make you feel better about yourself..that being said I have them (since I was 22 ..so 12 years..on my third set) and cant imagine life without them, however it is a decision that should not be taken lightly...and I CANNOT stress enough...WILL NOT MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF.

    They make me feel better.:happy:

    Me too :smile:

    I was a very deflated A cup after weight loss, and I was so self concious that I didn't want my hubby to come near me. Plus, everyone kept saying that I was too thin, etc. After the implants, no one finds me too thin. I'm very happy but not as happy as my hubby!
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    I have to agree with most and wonder why bigger than a C
    Ok so it wont make u happier, but lets all be honest that feeling better and looking better (if that means a larger cup size) can enhance your self confidence
    I think we all know boobies arent life changing, but it can make a woman feel better about herself
    and some guys will love em and some hate em..who cares!
  • SirZee
    SirZee Posts: 381
    I'm somewhat conflicted about implants.. on the one hand, they can look nice, on the other they can look bad. Sometimes I wonder if its a bad thing that that's what a girl has to do to attract attention, or if its a good thing that she cares about her appearance.

    As a guy, I would not make any conscious (I wish I could underline this, since those eyes have a way of wandering on their own) selection based on whether a gal has them or not, there is far far more to a person than the size and/or stuffing or lack thereof.

    As someone said, confidence and happiness is a very good thing, so if I was asked straight up, I'd respond "if it makes you happy, I am sure it will make me happy... if you choose to not get them it will not change how I feel about you a single bit".

    Edit: I don't know of any guy who ever turned down a girl with "meh, I don't like her boobs".
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I'm not sure why you think having a bigger chest will make you feel better about yourself. Before you have surgery, you might want to think carefully about whether "fixing" your "small" breasts will make you feel any better. If the issue is sagging, then I would suggest a breast lift as others have.

    Also, a 38C is not small chested by any stretch of the imagination. Personally, if I were to get implants, I'd get no more than a C cup (and I'm 5'7 with broad shoulders and big hips).
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    As a guy I don't think you would need them. If you want to be bigger up there, try working out your chest muscles. Be happy with the new who you are becoming.

    Working your chest muscles will not make your boobs bigger.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    The only way I would get implants/lift is if my boobs completely deflated (to a B or smaller) vs. what they are now. It'd have to be pretty drastic.
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    My goal weight is 120. This means losing another 50lbs. While this is not impossible I have been close to this weight before and my chest does and has shrank dramatically. This being said, I would (if done by an amazing doctor) get implants to give myself a chest again. It would be a personal decision for me and no one else. If Im happy that is all that matters.
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    I am debating if I should get implants to make me feel better about myself.

    This statement concerns me though...implants are not going to give you confidence. I would start by embracing the awesome changes you're making to your body by losing weight and getting healthy, feeling good about that, and then decide (when you think you're as awesome as you are!) whether or not you want them.

    Best of luck on your continued journey!!

    ^^^^exactly this
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    You are a C and want implants? WHY!?!?!?! Lose the weight first. see what you think then...... You MAY need a lift then, but I doubt it........

    I like boobs. I do not like fake boobs. I watch a LOT of porn, and the fake ones just dont do it for me. To see a beautiful woman with balloons on her chest is not attractive. I laugh at those chicks.

    If you are flat, I can see some augmentation. As long as you get them the right size and shape. But to me, a natural B cup is WAAAAAAAAY better looking than a fake D.
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    I'm somewhat conflicted about implants.. on the one hand, they can look nice, on the other they can look bad. Sometimes I wonder if its a bad thing that that's what a girl has to do to attract attention, or if its a good thing that she cares about her appearance.

    As a guy, I would not make any conscious (I wish I could underline this, since those eyes have a way of wandering on their own) selection based on whether a gal has them or not, there is far far more to a person than the size and/or stuffing or lack thereof.

    As someone said, confidence and happiness is a very good thing, so if I was asked straight up, I'd respond "if it makes you happy, I am sure it will make me happy... if you choose to not get them it will not change how I feel about you a single bit".

    Edit: I don't know of any guy who ever turned down a girl with "meh, I don't like her boobs".

    Thank you...you've given me something to think about. Your quote of "meh, I don't like her boobs!" seriously made me crack up. :)
  • gympamela
    gympamela Posts: 188 Member
    I have implants, and i LOVE them- I have never regretted them a day in my life. They arent the least bit repulsive like a previous poster suggested, they look and feel great!!! But, I was also an A cup when I got them done to a D cup- LOVE THEM!! If I would have had Cs I would NEVER have done it. Youre so lucky to have real boobs that are that big!
  • Chelle_Davis
    The decision is ultimately up to you, but may I offer something for you to think about? I'm the same height as you, and I have always been busty. If you do go up, be sure you don't get too big of a cup as you could be in for back problems. I'm all for anything that makes you feel wonderful about yourself. Just be sure to research research research! Good luck to you, my friend! :)
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    38C is a good size....
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    I struggled with deciding on getting breast reduction surgery. I hated it when men would stare at my chest and not listen to me speak because they were too distracted by my boobs. I wanted that thin, tight, muscular body, and as long as I had big boobs, that kind of body would be impossible. I hated having back pain every day. I hated not being able to do an entire load of dishes at the sink or finish a load of laundry, or carry things up the stairs because my back would start to ache. I hated being so self concious about how retardedly big they were.

    However I didn't like the idea of being knocked unconcious and getting cut open. I didn't like the idea of regretting my decision in the future someday, and I didn't like the idea of having horrific scars.

    I decided to do it, and now I'm losing the weight that I had gained during the time that I couldn't really work out because of back pain, and I'm getting closer to that thin, tight, muscular body I've always wanted. Sometimes my fiance misses them (he doesn't say so, but I can tell - he really liked them, lol) but I can honestly say that despite feeling bad for taking that away from him, overall we are both happier people; me because I'm not in pain and him because he doesn't have to see me in pain every day. I'm more confident, my posture is much better, and I'm not ashamed of my body - well, I'm not ashamed because of the boobs anymore, now it's just cuz I'm chubby, but I'm working on that. :P Now I can do a full load of laundry, do dishes, work out, and carry things up the stairs without getting back pain, and I never would have been able to do P90X if I hadn't gotten surgery!

    I know this is the opposite direction than what you're looking into, but what I'm trying to say is that this was a big problem for me, and upon fixing it, a lot of things in my life were able to change and improve. Personally I don't recommend changing your body unless you have a serious life-changing reason to do so. If this is a big thing for you and means a lot to you, then yea, it might be worth it. But if you don't have that, then you risk regretting your decision in the future, and once you get surgery, it's not like you can undo it, y'kno? There's no back button or edit undo! (I wish life had that though, lol)

    I'm actually a 38C now, and I love it. They're small enough that my back doesn't hurt anymore, I am confident and can stand up straight, but they're big enough that if I want to wear something revealing, they look nice and give me a nice subtle curve. Nothing too drastic, just nice. ^_^

    Also keep in mind that if you have breast surgery of any kind it may affect your ability to breast feed. Not sure if this applies, but it's something to keep in mind. Luckily mine have healed well and if I decide to have a child, I should be able to breast feed, but I won't find out for sure until I have a kid....... like eventually. Like in 10 years probably... maybe. :P

    Good luck with making your decision!

    <3 - Mary
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Wow! I'm 5'3" and wear a 38C but I would love to be back down to a 36B by the time I reach my goal weight. But I guess I'm weird for wanting smaller breasts. :ohwell:
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    38C seems like a reasonable size to me...!!!

    plus if you've still got weight to lose, you don't want to dedicate to implants before you know how your "new" body is going to contrast with them. ya know? like, a 5'4" SLIM woman with DD breasts might be kind of ...busty. whereas a 5'4" CHUBBY woman with DD's would look more normal.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    just remember- when you are 80, and old and saggy everywhere else- those puppies will still be tight and firm in the middle of things for all to see- it can be really scary looking! Google "old ladies with fake boobs"...

    As someone who has been a DD since high school, I say they are way more trouble than they are worth- clothes shopping is a pain, bra shopping is a nightmare, and bathing suit shopping is impossible. You'll have to start buying the separates, and they start at $70 or so per peice...... if you are a stomach sleeper, those days are over! Welcome to a world where the majority of men can't tell if you have a horn sticking out of your forehead becasue all they see are boobs. I personally can't wait to get a reduction!

    But seriously, if that is what will make you feel better about yourself, do it-
  • Luc245
    Luc245 Posts: 73
    Personally I much prefer women with smaller breasts and I hate the idea of implants but it's your body and to each their own :)