Diet Coke ok. Right...?



  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I'm not one to tell someone what to put or not put in their body - that's a personal decision. If you drink it and it doesn't affect you negatively, why not?

    Personally, I don't drink it for health reasons...See this recent article in the NY Times:

    I do drink flavored seltzer pretty regularly though.

    Did you miss this part?

    “The message for diet soft drink drinkers is not to be alarmed,” said the lead author, Hannah Gardener, an epidemiologist at the University of Miami. “What we’ve found is an association, and it might be due to chance or other unmeasured variables.”
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Diet soda is perfectly fine in my opinion. People say it has chemicals....well most foods/drinks do.

    Actually all foods/drinks do
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I'm sorry but y'all are crazy... Aspartame is terrible for you. It's a toxic chemical.
    Will it kill me?
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    MMMMMMMMMMM Diet Coke :drinker:
  • jennis82
    jennis82 Posts: 76
    Ok, so what are some substitutes?? I drink a coffee in the morning, water through out the day, and the DC on my way home....and that krystal lite and stuf like that has sugar and carbs and such. I like a little boost of caffine at the end of the day so I can get my work done at home.
    So do ya have any suggestions??
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Look up Aspartame... It's TOXIC... Diet sodas ALWAYS stall me, ALWAYS. Your body is better off without any artificial sweeteners whatsoever.

    I put Splenda in my coffee, will I die?

    No seriously. If aspartame was "toxic" why aren't serial diet soda and coffee drinkers dying? Aspartame breaks down into products that exist naturally in many different natural foods and are not harmful except in extremely large doses. One soda a day is not an extremely large dose.
  • Elona_30
    Elona_30 Posts: 66
    all pop, and drinks along those lines need to be had in moderation, same with most juices, its the sugar and caffiene that are in them that can cause problems
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I'm sorry but y'all are crazy... Aspartame is terrible for you. It's a toxic chemical.

    sure, enjoy. don't end up like this guy.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    It's all tasteless crap. But has water so it does at least hydrate.
    It has a taste, and it's terrible.

    If I drink any soda, it's going to be a regular one. Fit it in... It's really not that hard.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    So, I drink one Diet Sprite or Dt. Mt. Dew, or Dr. Pepper, (just depending on what I want) a day on my drive home. Since those diet drinks have no cals, or carbs, and I think the sugar is pretty low, if not 0, their ok right? It's one a day, and shouldn't stop me from loosing....???
    Drinking them will be ok. However, posting about drinking them may have serious side-effects, like headaches, eyestrain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, etc. It's from all the hyperbole you are sure to read.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member

    If you are a major cola fan (like me), I drink beverages that are caffeine free & sweetened with Splenda. The varieties sweetened with Spenda are increasing... Splenda is much better for you because it's made from actual sugarcane, not chemicals. It's more natural.

    Splenda? The same Splenda that doesn't seem to break down in our water supply after we excrete it and could potentially poison wildlife with high enough concentrations?

    I'll take Aspartame thanks.
  • jennis82
    jennis82 Posts: 76
    Ok, so what are some substitutes?? I drink a coffee in the morning, water through out the day, and the DC on my way home....and that krystal lite and stuf like that has sugar and carbs and such. I like a little boost of caffine at the end of the day so I can get my work done at home.
    So do ya have any suggestions??
    SCSTWG Posts: 182 Member
    For years I had been drinking Diet Pepsi in large quantities. A friend of mine once said that I should just get an IV. After a recent health scare and seeing a GI doctor, he advised me to get off it because the carbonation and the caffiene cause the stomach to create more acid. I quit 3 months ago, and have replaced it with water, and some crystal light and Powerade Zero in lmited quantities. It wasn;t easy to give up, but when push came to shove, I knew it wasn't good for me to drink it in large quantities and I wanted to feel better. That siad, for those having one or two a day, I don't see a big issue.
  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member
    If you are a major cola fan (like me), I drink beverages that are caffeine free & sweetened with Splenda. The varieties sweetened with Spenda are increasing... Splenda is much better for you because it's made from actual sugarcane, not chemicals. It's more natural.

    Yeeeeeah Splenda was discovered when they were trying to invent a new pesticide. It was INVENTED to be poisonous. The sweetness was a side-product. So take that as you will. Myself, I assume you'd have to eat enough of ANY of the stuff to give you cancer or whatever that you'd have to be chugging soda all day long. I have a Coke Zero a couple times a week, and I'm still losing. Whatever, go for it.
  • wiltka
    wiltka Posts: 7
    Imprtant to remember that each body reacts a little different to what we put in our body, based on the comorbidities like hypertension, diabetes, and coronary artery disease. Also medications we take alter our metabolim. aspartame is toxic to rats, which a lot of our medications today are tested on. When the blood/brain barrier was decreased in rats, and aspartame was able to breach this barrier, instant death occurred in the rats as their brains shrunk. This is why pilots are not allowed to have any drinks containing aspartame before or during flight. To a certain extent, unles you are growing your own food in your backyard, most every food you put in your has come in contact with chemicals that are not good for your body, or easy for your liver to digest. The hoopla (good and bad) coming from processed food and products is that they increased the inflammation in our arteries and veins as they are not used to dealing with the chemicals we put in our body. This is why plaque gets caught in our arteries and viens, due to the inflammation. So while everything in moderations is potentially would not hurt most people, everyone when doing serious dieting should be monitored at some point by their health care professional to receive a baseline on what is normal FOR YOU. If you want to read some more information on what processed chemicals and foods due to our bodies, here is the guru of cardiovascular health,
  • jaric01
    jaric01 Posts: 132 Member
    Bottomline, just do it in moderation. Water is my main beverage. But I'll drink a Coke Zero or Pepsi Maxx from time to time and have no qualms about it.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    If you are a major cola fan (like me), I drink beverages that are caffeine free & sweetened with Splenda. The varieties sweetened with Spenda are increasing... Splenda is much better for you because it's made from actual sugarcane, not chemicals. It's more natural.

    Yeeeeeah Splenda was discovered when they were trying to invent a new pesticide. It was INVENTED to be poisonous. The sweetness was a side-product. So take that as you will. Myself, I assume you'd have to eat enough of ANY of the stuff to give you cancer or whatever that you'd have to be chugging soda all day long. I have a Coke Zero a couple times a week, and I'm still losing. Whatever, go for it.

    That is the biggest load of crap I've read in this thread, but thanks for the laugh
  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    soda is already a "fake" drink. add in faker sugar and its just too much.

    i was addicted to coke 0 cherry flavor until i read that they make your body crave sugar.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Ok, so what are some substitutes?? I drink a coffee in the morning, water through out the day, and the DC on my way home....and that krystal lite and stuf like that has sugar and carbs and such. I like a little boost of caffine at the end of the day so I can get my work done at home.
    So do ya have any suggestions??

    Iced tea! I use Lipton Pyramid Berry - this needs no sweetener. Make it ahead of time, and pack the tea, the same way you pack your lunch for work. Get a cute commuter cup - does your workplace have a fridge?
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I just chop up packets of sweet n low and snort totally fine