Do you refuse to buy over a certain size?



  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Really, designers these days would be smart to make 10's a size 6 and Size 6 a 2...more women would buy them, but they'd still be a 10 or a 6. And don't even get me started if a designer made plus sizes into single digits. I don't look at a scale - I look at the size, and maybe that's wrong, but the scale may say you're 165 and you're still a size 8 - it depends on your body shape more than weight, and we all carry weight differently.

    For the girls who won't buy larger and are still squeezing into those single digits when you're not - you do yourself a disservice, because you actually look bigger when you have that muffin top in a size 6. I see girls all the time who are slim and have great bodies, but their clothes are WAYYYYYYYYYY too tight, and they look bigger. Not attractive.

    Just an observation.

    I have friends that size 0 is too big for. So what happens to them???
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    I find that to be silly. I wear different sizes depending on the brand and cut of the clothing. I don't care what size it says, if it fits, then that's what I get.
  • tinydreams
    yes, anything over a UK size 8
  • Amber50lbsDown
    Amber50lbsDown Posts: 255 Member
    I lived in my SOs jogging pants for 2 years for this exact reason. Before my Second child I was a size 5-7 and spent the whole 9 months in comfy pants and gained alot of weight. The first time I tried a pair of pants on I figured that I was about a 10-12 but as I kept trying the sizes on and kept going up and up, I was disgusted, I stoped at 16 (they were really tight) I bought them and refused to try on anything bigger.
    So for the next two years I wore SOs jogging pants and boxers, and yo-yo dieting, but at christmas this year I realized I needed to make a change. I live in thoes jeans now and cant wait to go down in size.
    they are now getting baggy in the legs and bum and I have to wear a belt.
    I still refuse to buy clothes that fit me at this size because I WILL get down to a 5-7 again and be able to go shopping in my own closet !!!! lol
  • Dogwalker1989
    I did for a while.

    I lost 100lbs and then gained 28lbs back (14lbs of that was intentional though). From where I started at a UK22 I've always been aiming for a UK10 so it seemed like admitting defeat by buying anything bigger.

    But then I realised the only UK10's in my wardrobe I was still fitting into were those from a supermarket that made it's clothes an inch bigger than they were meant to be and actually would be 12's in another brand.
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member