300-500 Calories IS NOT a Binge



  • darkmouzy
    darkmouzy Posts: 227 Member
    Listen, the people who moan and complain about bingeing didn't really binge. You look at their diary: Quick added 500 calories....
    :grumble: *Face palm* Really? How is that a binge? That's a meal. A binge is like 1.5k and up. For those who don't know k, that's 1,500 calories and up. Even an added 700 calories is not a binge. It's still a meal until you get up to about 1kcal (1,000). Hike up your britches, and get over it, it's 500 (or below) calories, get off your *kitten* and exercise. That was harsh, but seriously, that's not a binge.

    Glad the local psychologist could make a visit to MFP and classify true eating disorders. As someone with an ED past, I'm surprised you're that insensitive or unaware of the nature of binges.

    A binge has no classified calorie intake. A binge occurs any time a person eats what they CONSIDER to be a large amount of food due to the inability to control themselves, then feel extreme guilt, which most likely causes a purge, or simply another binge later on. A binge can be 2 Oreos if the person feels out of control while they're eating them, then guilty when they're done. Some people have EDNOS--classic signs of an eating disorder mixed with other habits that aren't classifiable by traditional standards. I was bulimic but only vomited about half the time; the other half I'd go to the gym for 3 hours until I was dizzy and felt I'd worked off all the calories.

    Binges are about control and guilt, not caloric intake.

    Glad that the expert on binges came in. If you think 2 Oreos is a binge, get some help. I know you might have an E.D, but really?
    You fully missed the point. A binge is a matter of perception. It's not the number that makes the binge it's the emotion tied to it. What most of the people in this thread are talking about is the emotional aspect of it, not the literal dictionary definition.

    I'm going to have to agree here. I didn't really want to post on this thread but I just gotta say while I do see your point that this could be worked off, to put a number on a "binge" is ridiculous. In my eyes if a person considers X amount of calories a binge it's a binge in the world of ED's.

    ~cheers ladies