guys on fake boobs...ya or no?



    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    I was having this convo with my bf the other day, he's always said he's hated fake breasts, and if he likes the look of a pair, then later finds out they're fake, he'll be put off them.

    I asked him yesterday, what would you prefer? A natural looking pair of B/C cup breasts, that are the right size for her frame but are fake, or a AA cup natural. He chose the natural. He's not a boob man though, prefers legs.
    Why would he prefer legs? He HAS legs! I agree with him though. Can you imagine being 80 some day? The fakes would be perfect and the rest would sag. HA HA HA! I find it false advertising like your bf says. (kind of like a guy shoving a sock in his drawers).

    The same way some men prefer bums I suppose (they have their own of that too) Women's are different / more shapely than men's *shrugs*
    Never looked at it that way...well said!
  • morriusmfp
    morriusmfp Posts: 24 Member
    Unless you're a really undiscerning guy, the following almost always applies:

    It's not about size, it's about shape.

    Most guys will prefer smaller pretty breasts to giant 'all over the place' ones or obvious fakes. Of course if you're out and about and you see a girl with really eye-catching large breasts you can't help but take a peek (it's only human!) but it doesn't mean that bigger equals better. Give me a smaller pair of really pretty breasts on a graceful girl any day :)
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Unless you're a really undiscerning guy, the following almost always applies:

    It's not about size, it's about shape.

    Most guys will prefer smaller pretty breasts to giant 'all over the place' ones or obvious fakes. Of course if you're out and about and you see a girl with really eye-catching large breasts you can't help but take a peek (it's only human!) but it doesn't mean that bigger equals better. Give me a smaller pair of really pretty breasts on a graceful girl any day :)
    Excellent breast speech indeed. And true too!
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Honestly, they feel different, but not bad.

    It's not easy to give an answer, cos would I rather have a girl with nice looking natural ones or nice looking fake ones, obviously natural...but if the natural ones aren't so great, then at a certain level fake wins out.

    It's not all about size though, the main thing is how they look - so do those bench presses and keep them from sagging lol

    I don't think it's like a guy stuffing his pants though, cos it's not like they aren't really there...
  • Pengi81
    Pengi81 Posts: 336 Member
    From a lesbian point of view - plastic is NOT fantastic

    I prefer an all natural woman
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    I've lost 200 pounds, so my girls were in bad shape. I've had them lifted, but now there is no fullness up top. My bf loves them "as-is". He loved them before the lift, too, and does not want me to get implants, but they're for me, not him. My clothes do not always fit right and getting the right bra for different types of outfits is a pain. When I can afford it, I'm getting implants.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I prefer smaller breasts that can support their own weight, look perky and full for their size, to massive floppy bazongas. Implants can look okay if done well, but they're often very obvious and just look (and feel, somewhat) like water balloons. If my girlfriend ever wanted them done, thats fine - it's up to her. And besides, I'm an *kitten* man, so I'm not that fussy about boobs :P
  • Kalossus
    Kalossus Posts: 98 Member
    Laura! Amazing job on the weight loss!

    To answer the thread - it dosent matter real or fake what matters is that the woman be confident and comfortable in her own skin, if that means she wants more boob less boob or a better shape I'd be all for it. If its what she wants.
  • Bethie_B
    Bethie_B Posts: 292 Member
    I really want to get implants. Not giant crazy ones, but just enough to perk up the girls. My bf is against it, but I'm not really sure why, as he loves a big 'ole set. I guess I'll decide what I want to do when I've reached my goals.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I really want to get implants. Not giant crazy ones, but just enough to perk up the girls. My bf is against it, but I'm not really sure why, as he loves a big 'ole set. I guess I'll decide what I want to do when I've reached my goals.

    Perhaps because (I'm guessing) he gets to feel yours :tongue:
  • BazAbroad
    BazAbroad Posts: 248
    Looks, who cares,
    feel I honestly do not know,
    just b sure your getting them for yourself and no one else.
    Its your body.
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    Just to point out the obvious, fake boobs don't come in "one size fits all" as in its jumbo fake or nothing and I'm positive that many of you people see and possibly feel fake boobs every day without even knowing it.

    For some of us, natural actually means NADA!

  • 1979rrh
    1979rrh Posts: 83 Member
    I've noticed this too. Guys stare and drool all over themselves at fake boobs but when you ask them they say "I don't like the way they feel"....Are they lying or do they just like the way they look but not the feel? I don't get it...

    I have 3 friends who have them... guys fawn over them.
    I asked a friend what he thought, I didn't realise his last 'lady friend' had fake ones... he said after her, he would try for more with them.
    I see nothing wrong with it... if I lose so much of my boob weight... first stop is fake boobs!
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    No fake plants and no fake boobs.

    Two very good rules to live by.

    When I was a scuba instructor, we used to tell our students about a woman with breast implants that made a deep dive and had a burst-out underwater. She had to painstakingly make all her pressure stops on the way up and finally get back into the boat and get taken to the hospital.

    I think that story by itself changed a few minds in the women in our classes.
  • 1979rrh
    1979rrh Posts: 83 Member
    Just to point out the obvious, fake boobs don't come in "one size fits all" as in its jumbo fake or nothing and I'm positive that many of you people see and possibly feel fake boobs every day without even knowing it.

    For some of us, natural actually means NADA!


    Your new ones look very natural. WTG!!
  • Pengi81
    Pengi81 Posts: 336 Member
    From a lesbian point of view - plastic is NOT fantastic

    I prefer an all natural woman

    I realise I now sound like a total moron as I thought we was talking about ridiculously stupidly large boobs.

    Having just now seen Coco's Mum's post I completely contradict myself - there's nothing wrong at all with a little upgrade. I myself feel like I could use one on my leftie - it's just not developed anywhere near as much as my right, but my gf loves me the way I am so I don't feel quite so down about it anymore.
  • upnorthtim
    upnorthtim Posts: 376 Member
    give me real no matter how small.............
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I never met a boob I didn't like. It doesn't matter to me whehter they are enhanced or natural. What makes the most difference is how the woman feels avbout her own body. I don't care if they look like two worlds colliding or 2 bb's on a bread board; it only matters how she feels about them.
  • AR73
    AR73 Posts: 107
    As long as you are happy with the end result and you are doing it for yourself.

    I don't mind either way, is what's inside that counts.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    I think the problem here is that many of you are relating "fake boobs" as big, porn star style boobs. Implants come in many sizes, including VERY small, as well as profile heights (what gives that porn look). When a woman goes for her implant consult, she is shown many options that will fit her frame and look very natural. Some women choose to go rather large and that can be obvious.

    I do think many people see a woman with beautiful breast and do not even realize they are implants. Breast implants have come a long way; shapes, sizes, material and feel. The implants of yesterday are just no comparision.

    *Off my soap box*