

  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    i suppose if you ONLY ATE TILL YOU FELT FULL, it could work. But who can do that? Not me. I can wolf down pasta like there's no tomorrow............... and i feel full only after i've had a glass of water and it's too dang late. Sounds like basic portion control and eat only when you're hungry type of theory............ which requires alot of self-monitored discipline.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Slimming World is a good plan as it encourages individuals to fill up on energy dense, satisfying foods and limits consumption of less energy dense foods. Slimming World works well for lots of people and has quite a bit of evidence behind it i believe (see

    I did it for a while. There are 'free foods' which you can eat as much as you like of UNTIL YOU FEEL FULL - you are not meant to over-eat these and end up feeling bloated. As you know there are plenty of other free foods you can eat if pasta is not agreeing with you!

    Sorry but if you just eat pasta or potatoes until you "feel full", many people will blow up like a tire. If for whatever reason you get lucky and eat under your TDEE of pasta, sure you'll lose weight. Most people don't.

    Sorry, not buying it. I know enough about nutrition, dieting, and fitness to know that this site is a joke if they think this way.

    If you read the evidence you'll see that a lot of people have success with this approach e.g.

    Stubbs, J., Pallister, C., Whybrow, S., Avery, A. and Lavin, J. 2011. Weight outcomes audit for 34,271 adults referred to a primary care/ commercial weight management partnership scheme. Obesity Facts 4(2): 113-120.

    This paper audited the rate and extent of weight loss in a primary care/commercial organisation partnership scheme.
    34,271 patients were referred to Slimming World for 12 weekly sessions.
    Mean weight loss overall was 4.0kg (4.0%)
    Mean weight loss of high attenders (58%) was 5.5kg (5.5%)
    This large scale audit demonstrates that referral to Slimming World is a practical option for NHS weight management strategies, which achieves clinically safe and effective weight losses.

    I think if people 'blow up like a tire' from eating too much potatoes/pasta etc then they are meant to gradually learn how much it takes to feel satisfied before they get to that level. And the approach isn't just about eating pasta and potatoes, there's a lot more to it than that.

    That hardly shows evidence. I want to see the statistics and studies from 20-30 people that did this type of diet, and I want to know EXACTLY WHAT they ate every day, and how much their TDEE was. There are also different levels of satisfaction of eating. When you tell people that pasta and potatoes are FREE to eat as much as you want until you're "satisfied", I'll put money down that more people gain weight than lose.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member

    Never go hungry again! Our Free Food list includes masses of food that you can eat in unlimited amounts.

    Eat as much as you want, when you want!

    No food is banned! Enjoy your favourite treats every day and still lose weight.

    We’ll support you every step of the way – online and in group where our Consultants and your fellow members want you to succeed just as much as you do!

    You set your own target. You choose the weight you want to be and together we’ll achieve it.

    Above is taken from the website. While I agree with "no food is banned", the point about "eat as much as you want" doesn't seem to jive with weight loss theories. It actually goes against it.

    Pasta is definitely not a free food. I promise you will gain weight if you eat excess calories of pasta. You will gain weight eating excess calories of anything. Excess being over your TDEE.

    I don't see how this "system" is effective or why people would pay to follow it. Seems MFP would be easier and it's free.
  • hanky1
    hanky1 Posts: 39
    i suppose if you ONLY ATE TILL YOU FELT FULL, it could work. But who can do that? Not me. I can wolf down pasta like there's no tomorrow............... and i feel full only after i've had a glass of water and it's too dang late. Sounds like basic portion control and eat only when you're hungry type of theory............ which requires alot of self-monitored discipline.

    I think you're right, it definitely requires discipline. But lots of people find it a more sustainable plan than calorie counting.
  • jplucheck
    jplucheck Posts: 275 Member
    pasta made from quinoa
  • PonyTailedLoser
    PonyTailedLoser Posts: 315 Member
    Bad idea.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Where do you get free pasta? Everywhere I've shopped it all costs money and right now I could really stand to save a few bucks on my pastas.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I bet the site makes a user do a TON of exercise to burn those pasta calories. ;-)

    "Hey try this FREE PASTA and POTATO diet! All you have to do is run on the treadmill for 4 hours, and then lift weights for 2 hours and you can have ALL THE PASTA YOU WANT!"

    "Oh, and by the way, pay us $59.99 per month for this."
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    lol ahh, another fad.

    Nope, not a fad.

    Slimming World has been going in the UK for over 40years, with weekly support classes like attending WW, but I don't think it is available in the US.

    I know plenty of people who have lost loads of weight and kept it off, and even become consultants themselves.

    Consultants? Is this a Multi-Level-Marketing thing??

    Yes, it's pyramid selling, but fairly transparent.

    I think different things work for different people - I know people who've done really well with Slimming World, and also with Herbalife although that's a whole different story...

    However I do not think you can combine two totally different approaches and succeed. OP, pick one or the other - MFP happens to suit me, whereas Slimming World wouldn't, but you have to make your own choice.
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    i suppose if you ONLY ATE TILL YOU FELT FULL, it could work. But who can do that? Not me. I can wolf down pasta like there's no tomorrow............... and i feel full only after i've had a glass of water and it's too dang late. Sounds like basic portion control and eat only when you're hungry type of theory............ which requires alot of self-monitored discipline.

    I think you're right, it definitely requires discipline. But lots of people find it a more sustainable plan than calorie counting.

    i personally believe that counting calories teaches self-discipline. Most of us gained weight by not practicing portion control and food logging forces you to portion things out. I think that plan would lead to eventual failure for MOST.
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    It really sounds like a fad. I mean the saying goes, bread makes you spread. especially if you're trying a life change, you're not going to learn portions or the "right" foods for your body. I wouldn't trust this, but wait until your first weigh in, and you'll see that you're probably not dropping anything, but gaining a lot of weight.
  • Marquism123
    Marquism123 Posts: 152 Member
    Slimming World makes total sense. Why individuals on this site think they know better than the UKs largest and most successful slimming club is baffling arrogance!!! SW far outstrips weightwatchers in the UK. Like all mass-marketed diet plans, however, it has to be based on a a few assumptions. It assumes that those that join are overweight ( usually true!). It assumes that those who are overweight are overweight because they eat too much of the wrong types of food ( also usually true). SW allows followers to freely eat lean meat, fruit and veg, eggs, fat free yoghurts, pasta and potatoes. It dramatically restricts pretty much anything else, including bread, fats, pizza, all processed meals, cheese, all junk - crisps, chocolate, sweets biscuits etc etc Trust me, if you take an overweight person and switch them from a diet of processed foods, fats, pizza, sandwiches, biscuits etc to one of mainly lean meat, pasta , potato, fruit and veg, the weight will fall off them! Slimming World is still calorie control, just packaged in a different way
  • wifeyy
    wifeyy Posts: 487 Member
    Where do you get free pasta? Everywhere I've shopped it all costs money and right now I could really stand to save a few bucks on my pastas.

  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Slimming World makes total sense. Why individuals on this site think they know better than the UKs largest and most successful slimming club is baffling arrogance!!! SW far outstrips weightwatchers in the UK. Like all mass-marketed diet plans, however, it has to be based on a a few assumptions. It assumes that those that join are overweight ( usually true!). It assumes that those who are overweight are overweight because they eat too much of the wrong types of food ( also usually true). SW allows followers to freely eat lean meat, fruit and veg, eggs, fat free yoghurts, pasta and potatoes. It dramatically restricts pretty much anything else, including bread, fats, pizza, all processed meals, cheese, all junk - crisps, chocolate, sweets biscuits etc etc Trust me, if you take an overweight person and switch them from a diet of processed foods, fats, pizza, sandwiches, biscuits etc to one of mainly lean meat, pasta , potato, fruit and veg, the weight will fall off them! Slimming World is still calorie control, just packaged in a different way

    If that same fat person overeats "as much pasta as he wants", he will still get fatter, and he won't lose weight. It's kind of amusing how this so called "Slimming World" is "UK's largest and most successful". ROFL.

    How come the US hasn't bought into this whole thing yet?

    It's ridiculous, thats why. It may work for some people (because they inadvertently eat under their TDEE, but it's an ignorant diet to say the least.
  • SaketoKim
    SaketoKim Posts: 254 Member
    Where do you get free pasta? Everywhere I've shopped it all costs money and right now I could really stand to save a few bucks on my pastas.
    lol ^^^ now that is funny. follow that diet for a week you will most likely not lose weight........ jus saying.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Slimming World makes total sense. Why individuals on this site think they know better than the UKs largest and most successful slimming club is baffling arrogance!!! SW far outstrips weightwatchers in the UK. Like all mass-marketed diet plans, however, it has to be based on a a few assumptions. It assumes that those that join are overweight ( usually true!). It assumes that those who are overweight are overweight because they eat too much of the wrong types of food ( also usually true). SW allows followers to freely eat lean meat, fruit and veg, eggs, fat free yoghurts, pasta and potatoes. It dramatically restricts pretty much anything else, including bread, fats, pizza, all processed meals, cheese, all junk - crisps, chocolate, sweets biscuits etc etc Trust me, if you take an overweight person and switch them from a diet of processed foods, fats, pizza, sandwiches, biscuits etc to one of mainly lean meat, pasta , potato, fruit and veg, the weight will fall off them! Slimming World is still calorie control, just packaged in a different way

    If that same fat person overeats "as much pasta as he wants", he will still get fatter, and he won't lose weight. It's kind of amusing how this so called "Slimming World" is "UK's largest and most successful". ROFL.

    How come the US hasn't bought into this whole thing yet?

    It's ridiculous, thats why. It may work for some people (because they inadvertently eat under their TDEE, but it's an ignorant diet to say the least.

    look's like it has -

    Here's a sample 7 day menu -
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Lol I dont know what is worse, the HCG diet or this thing.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    i suppose if you ONLY ATE TILL YOU FELT FULL, it could work. But who can do that? Not me. I can wolf down pasta like there's no tomorrow............... and i feel full only after i've had a glass of water and it's too dang late. Sounds like basic portion control and eat only when you're hungry type of theory............ which requires alot of self-monitored discipline.

    I think you're right, it definitely requires discipline. But lots of people find it a more sustainable plan than calorie counting.

    i personally believe that counting calories teaches self-discipline. Most of us gained weight by not practicing portion control and food logging forces you to portion things out. I think that plan would lead to eventual failure for MOST.

    Agree. Most people have no clue about actual portion sizes. Eating pasta til your full could mean for some going to Chili's, getting Cajun Chicken Pasta and eating the whole thing, not realizing that it's pretty much a whole days calories. I still have to measure out my pasta portions because if I haven't eaten, my eyes are waaay bigger then my stomach so I eat too fast and by the time I feel anything, I'm stuffed. I HAVE to count my calories or I have no clue what I'm eating some days. I'm not disciplined enough to trust my body to tell me how to eat (I crave anything deep fried ALWAYS) so calorie counting works for me.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    Slimming World makes total sense. Why individuals on this site think they know better than the UKs largest and most successful slimming club is baffling arrogance!!! SW far outstrips weightwatchers in the UK. Like all mass-marketed diet plans, however, it has to be based on a a few assumptions. It assumes that those that join are overweight ( usually true!). It assumes that those who are overweight are overweight because they eat too much of the wrong types of food ( also usually true). SW allows followers to freely eat lean meat, fruit and veg, eggs, fat free yoghurts, pasta and potatoes. It dramatically restricts pretty much anything else, including bread, fats, pizza, all processed meals, cheese, all junk - crisps, chocolate, sweets biscuits etc etc Trust me, if you take an overweight person and switch them from a diet of processed foods, fats, pizza, sandwiches, biscuits etc to one of mainly lean meat, pasta , potato, fruit and veg, the weight will fall off them! Slimming World is still calorie control, just packaged in a different way

    The website clearly states that no food is banned. So, what "wrong types of food" are you referring?
  • Marquism123
    Marquism123 Posts: 152 Member
    Slimming World makes total sense. Why individuals on this site think they know better than the UKs largest and most successful slimming club is baffling arrogance!!! SW far outstrips weightwatchers in the UK. Like all mass-marketed diet plans, however, it has to be based on a a few assumptions. It assumes that those that join are overweight ( usually true!). It assumes that those who are overweight are overweight because they eat too much of the wrong types of food ( also usually true). SW allows followers to freely eat lean meat, fruit and veg, eggs, fat free yoghurts, pasta and potatoes. It dramatically restricts pretty much anything else, including bread, fats, pizza, all processed meals, cheese, all junk - crisps, chocolate, sweets biscuits etc etc Trust me, if you take an overweight person and switch them from a diet of processed foods, fats, pizza, sandwiches, biscuits etc to one of mainly lean meat, pasta , potato, fruit and veg, the weight will fall off them! Slimming World is still calorie control, just packaged in a different way

    If that same fat person overeats "as much pasta as he wants", he will still get fatter, and he won't lose weight. It's kind of amusing how this so called "Slimming World" is "UK's largest and most successful". ROFL.

    How come the US hasn't bought into this whole thing yet?

    It's ridiculous, thats why. It may work for some people (because they inadvertently eat under their TDEE, but it's an ignorant diet to say the least.

    If that same fat person overeats "as much pasta as he wants" whilst following the SW plan, then we can safely assume that he was overeating pasta before he started the diet. What he will no longer be overeating, however, is biscuits, chocolate, butter, pizza, burgers, pies, desserts and sandwiches. Hence he loses weight. Not everybody is seeking 10% body fat and physical perfection; some people just want a healthy relationship with food and a healthy body weight. SW is a great way of teaching sensible habits to people who have previously been out of control with their eating.