Beachbody program HELP!



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    all im saying is a higher intensity workout is more benificial at cutting up for the beach than a 5x5 program.

    my routine is based on compounds. if i do do any isolations, it'll be in a superset, ie i'll do clean n press/bicep curls ss.

    right now (my gettin ready for the beach phase), im doing 100's....trainning to failiure on a lower weight (not too low mind) for 100 reps with sprints inbetween.

    for me, at this time of year its about getting the bf down to uncover the lean muscle (i hope) iv gained over the winter.

    From Joe Defranco
    Myth #1: Lifting light weights for high reps will "shape and tone" your muscles.

    This is the grand daddy of all training myths! Somehow the aerobics, yoga and Pilate’s community have convinced us that when we perform bodyweight exercises or light resistance training for high reps, our muscles magically take on a beautiful shape without growing or bulging. On the other hand, if you challenge yourself with moderately heavy weights, your body will take on a bulky, unflattering appearance. If you believe this, you probably still believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus!

    Here are the facts. The main difference between a "lean and toned" physique and a "bulky" physique is the amount of body fat that surrounds your muscles! Basically, the "lean and toned" look that most people desire is a result of having muscle that isn’t hidden under layers of fat. And let’s not forget that the best way to build muscle is through strength training.

    Generally speaking, this means challenging yourself with moderately heavy weights in the 6 to 15 rep range. It doesn’t mean using an insignificant resistance for a countless number of reps. This will do little to change your appearance. Remember, it’s the muscle on your frame which gives you your shape. Muscle also increases your metabolism which helps your body burn extra calories throughout the day.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    all im saying is a higher intensity workout is more benificial at cutting up for the beach than a 5x5 program.

    my routine is based on compounds. if i do do any isolations, it'll be in a superset, ie i'll do clean n press/bicep curls ss.

    right now (my gettin ready for the beach phase), im doing 100's....trainning to failiure on a lower weight (not too low mind) for 100 reps with sprints inbetween.

    for me, at this time of year its about getting the bf down to uncover the lean muscle (i hope) iv gained over the winter.

    And if that works for you, great, keep doing it. But don't tell me not to lift heavy or that lifting heavy is a silly thing for me to do. I have, in fact, lost body fat as I've lifted heavy with relatively low reps (8 generally). Don't tell me I'm not getting stronger. I am.

    Do what you do, but don't go discouraging others when you're really advising outside of your area of knowledge.

    Edited to add: don't go thinking my workout isn't intense. THAT would be a mistake.
  • randall774
    its whats worked for me in the past and ive stuck with it mate
  • randall774
    all im saying is a higher intensity workout is more benificial at cutting up for the beach than a 5x5 program.

    my routine is based on compounds. if i do do any isolations, it'll be in a superset, ie i'll do clean n press/bicep curls ss.

    right now (my gettin ready for the beach phase), im doing 100's....trainning to failiure on a lower weight (not too low mind) for 100 reps with sprints inbetween.

    for me, at this time of year its about getting the bf down to uncover the lean muscle (i hope) iv gained over the winter.

    And if that works for you, great, keep doing it. But don't tell me not to lift heavy or that lifting heavy is a silly thing for me to do. I have, in fact, lost body fat as I've lifted heavy with relatively low reps (8 generally). Don't tell me I'm not getting stronger. I am.

    Do what you do, but don't go discouraging others when you're really advising outside of your area of knowledge.

    Edited to add: don't go thinking my workout isn't intense. THAT would be a mistake.

    now your just putting words in my mouth.
  • PMZee
    PMZee Posts: 23 Member
    For under $20, I would suggest Tom Holland's Supreme 90 and see if your husband even likes following a DVD. I do. My husband doesn't. It might save you a lot of money!
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    The poor OP got scared away I think.

    So to talk to the OP. I am doing Insanity right now and really like it. If time is short for you, you may want to rethink ChaLeanX. The workouts are only 30-40 minutes, while P90x seems like they are longer. Pump looks really great too. I would go for that one, if hubby is against working out with a girl.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Pancakes are an integral part of getting my calories in while doing a 5x5 program.

    Poptarts are mine.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    all im saying is a higher intensity workout is more benificial at cutting up for the beach than a 5x5 program.

    my routine is based on compounds. if i do do any isolations, it'll be in a superset, ie i'll do clean n press/bicep curls ss.

    right now (my gettin ready for the beach phase), im doing 100's....trainning to failiure on a lower weight (not too low mind) for 100 reps with sprints inbetween.

    for me, at this time of year its about getting the bf down to uncover the lean muscle (i hope) iv gained over the winter.

    And if that works for you, great, keep doing it. But don't tell me not to lift heavy or that lifting heavy is a silly thing for me to do. I have, in fact, lost body fat as I've lifted heavy with relatively low reps (8 generally). Don't tell me I'm not getting stronger. I am.

    Do what you do, but don't go discouraging others when you're really advising outside of your area of knowledge.

    Edited to add: don't go thinking my workout isn't intense. THAT would be a mistake.

    now your just putting words in my mouth.

    It's implied in your first sentence, bro.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Hi there,

    I highly recommend strength training for both males and females. Nine times out of ten, you are a lot stronger than you think you are and can lift plenty heavy weights. Many of my MFP friends have recommended the book The New Rules of Lifting for Women to me, so I bought it the other day and it should show up in a few days. That will probably help you out so that both you and your husband can lift together. :)

    I also want to say that I think resistance bands are a better purchase than weights because you don't have to lug them around, and because you don't have to worry about dropping them on your toe. I bought weights and now I'm kinda wishing I had gotten bands instead, lol.

    As far as which Beachbody program is for you, well I'm doing P90X but I've never done any other Beachbody programs so I can't really make any comparisons, but I can tell you that P90X is a pretty significant time commitment. About an hour every single day. Getting the time in your day to do the workouts is probably one of the hardest parts of the P90X program.

    So that's what I got. Hope it helps. Good luck with your decision!

    <3 - Mary
  • randall774
    all im saying is a higher intensity workout is more benificial at cutting up for the beach than a 5x5 program.

    my routine is based on compounds. if i do do any isolations, it'll be in a superset, ie i'll do clean n press/bicep curls ss.

    right now (my gettin ready for the beach phase), im doing 100's....trainning to failiure on a lower weight (not too low mind) for 100 reps with sprints inbetween.

    for me, at this time of year its about getting the bf down to uncover the lean muscle (i hope) iv gained over the winter.

    And if that works for you, great, keep doing it. But don't tell me not to lift heavy or that lifting heavy is a silly thing for me to do. I have, in fact, lost body fat as I've lifted heavy with relatively low reps (8 generally). Don't tell me I'm not getting stronger. I am.

    Do what you do, but don't go discouraging others when you're really advising outside of your area of knowledge.

    Edited to add: don't go thinking my workout isn't intense. THAT would be a mistake.

    now your just putting words in my mouth.

    It's implied in your first sentence, bro.

    I never told anyone not to lift heavy
    i never said it was "silly"
    i didnt tell you you wernt gettin stronger, how the hell would i know
    i didnt say your workout wasnt intense, again how would i know
    im not discouraging anyone, merely voicing an opinion which is what forums are about.

    as i said, words in my mouth.
  • IHaveATail
    I guess Im the only person who LOVES the INSANITY program!?!?!

    I did it because i have a tiny apartment & the baby was too young for the childcare at the gym. I think someone mentioned that you need dumbbells for it and you do NOT.

    It's great but it ends up being MUCH more cardio than you expect. If you do it right, with good form and PUSH yourself its a fantastic workout. You fine tune and USE the muscles in your body to do something, (jumping, power squats, jump kicks, push ups, HARD SHIZ!!) do various 30 second to 1 minute "circuits" and you basically go at it without stopping. then stretch. The first month the the total workout time is around 30-45 minutes or so and the second month they get longer by 20 minutes or so and harder.

    Anyone who says that it doesn't work- probably just HATED it because it was to effing hard they gave up.

    So, it worked for me- on the other hand, I go with the theory that your physique is 80% what you eat and 20% your workout. SO most programs work if you really know how to eat right. Thats the trick for me.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I have heard of the NROL for women. I guess I'm just a little nervous about it. Also, I guess I technically do have access to the facilities on campus, but I already feel like the only awkward college student with kids. *sigh*

    I totally understand this! I also felt awkward at the campus facility, but for different reasons. I'm a 35 year old fat lady and it was weird and scary at first working out with the hot 20-somethings.

    But it's the best thing I've done in a long long time. I've never felt better. I'm stronger and healthier than I've been in 15 years. I just had to push past the awkward stage, but it was soooooooooo worth it.

    I started with New Rules of Lifting for Women too. My routine has morphed a bit... but it's still mostly NROLW stage 1. It's really great.

    And don't listen to the people who say you're gonna bulk. You won't bulk. You'll gain strength and feel awesome. You'll look awesome too. I haven't bulked. I don't know of any female who has.

    I think one of the best part is the unexpected benefits... I have much better endurance for things like hiking up mountains. I had no idea strength training could improve my cardio health too! But it has. I don't sound like a freight train anymore going up those hills. And I can hike for hours now.

    P.S. You're probably NOT the only college student with kids, for the record. :)

    OP: sorry your post turned into an argument (I'm doing 5x5 on maintenance / a deficit right now, I did a hypertrophy program during my bulk).

    However, this. Use your school gym if you can. I do. I'm 31 and have 3 children and yes I lift with the 20 year old boys..... I kind of like it too. Don't tell my husband.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Hello! I am currently not doing much strength training.. Sad, I know. I don't have access to a gym right now, but I am planning on ordering one of the BB programs. I've heard great things about chaLean eXtreme, but I'm planning on having my husband join me, and he's convinced he's too macho to do a dvd from a woman. So... I'm debating between p90x and les mills body pump. I have three kids under four, husband and I are both full-time students, so, obviously time is a hot commodity in my house! Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    P90 is fun. Challenging too. I don't have any experience with the other video.

    And to your man's concern about retaining his machivity, I've done Jillian Micheals DVDs and I'm extremely manly. A 'man's man' as they say. I think he would be ok, especially when he sees the women.. I mean fitness pros, in the videos.
  • MichelleRenee13
    MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 315 Member
    Hey everyone! I have not been scared away. I know the thread got a little off topic, but that's great! I feel like I learned new things.. my favorite :smile:

    So, I think we'll go with Insanity for the summer. I'm severely asthmatic and afraid to push myself, but I've started to learn that I actually WON'T die. Also, I don't think that I will get bulky from lifting heavy. I'm obviously not a body builder or planning on dedicating that much time to my physique, so I know I'll never get jacked. In reality, my goals are to lose weight in order to be healthier, fit into more attractive clothes, and look my age.. not in MOM jeans, and of course, get stronger. For all of the encouraging posts, THANK YOU! I will look into the various weight training programs suggested and take my *kitten* to the rec center.

    As far as my husband goes.. he'll just need to figure out the weight lifting for himself I guess :tongue:
  • randall774
    yeah sorry ya thread went abit nutz.

    good luck with what ever you decide to do.

    end of the day, find what works best for you and give it hell.

    good luck.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Hey everyone! I have not been scared away. I know the thread got a little off topic, but that's great! I feel like I learned new things.. my favorite :smile:

    So, I think we'll go with Insanity for the summer. I'm severely asthmatic and afraid to push myself, but I've started to learn that I actually WON'T die. Also, I don't think that I will get bulky from lifting heavy. I'm obviously not a body builder or planning on dedicating that much time to my physique, so I know I'll never get jacked. In reality, my goals are to lose weight in order to be healthier, fit into more attractive clothes, and look my age.. not in MOM jeans, and of course, get stronger. For all of the encouraging posts, THANK YOU! I will look into the various weight training programs suggested and take my *kitten* to the rec center.

    As far as my husband goes.. he'll just need to figure out the weight lifting for himself I guess :tongue:

    Strong Lifts is a program mainly designed for men, if he's interested. You guys can do it together (although he'll move up weight much faster). It only takes 30-45 minutes 3 times a week.