Shakeology - your opinions and feedback please



  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Fad diets FTW

    LOL at the informative responses given by critics of Shakeology. <---just kidding.

    She asked for advice or feedback. This response offers neither.

    OP, this is obviously NOT the place to find constructive criticism for your question.
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    I don't like Shakeology because of it's business model. It's multi-level marketing. Like Amway or Cutco. They recruit people to sell it rather than just selling it in stores. That leads to higher prices than necessary and friends turning into pushy salespeople.

    I've never tried the stuff and I never would. Learning to get my nutrition from the foods I regularly eat has been an important part of learning how to manage my weight for life, not just for a few weeks.

    This. Regardless of calories and taste and carbs cost, it really rubs me the wrong way that a company that was started to help people would choose this business model rather than simply making their product available and letting word naturally spread by word of mouth from people who believe in it?

    You can buy Shakology directly from the company, no need to go through "pushy sales people". I buy a lot of other suppliments on line directly from the company, you can do the same with this one if you choose to.

  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I became a Beachbody coach just so that I could get the discount on Shakeology, I LOVE it!!!

    1-The chocolate tastes awesome-so if you mix it with some non dairy milk, ice, and a banana or peanut butter or PB2 then you have a tasty treat when you are craving something sweet.
    2- It's like a liquid multi vitamin-I haven't been sick once since starting Shakeology (back in February) and my...bathroom adventures, shall we call them... have been more pleasant.
    3- You can use is however you like-meal replacement, pre or post workout snack, make a faux ice cream out of it or mix it into a treat (no bake cookies, oatmeal, etc.)

    It is expensive, but if you sign up as a coach through Beachbody and select "monthly auto ship" then you can get a discount and free shipping. If you try it, I hope you like it.

    And if you have any more questions, feel free to email me at

    First post. Been a member of this site for over a year and this is the users first post on the forums.

    Anyone else find that odd?

    Push your pyramid scheme, mlm, scams somewhere else people!

    You see how they're reacting. They call anyone critical of Shakeology "rude". Now if I say I don't like asparagus or cauliflower is anyone going to jump down my throat? No. But they do with these meal replacement shakes. Because they signed up to sell them to people and that's what they try to use this site for.

    Don't let your weightloss journey become someone else's income. Lose weight with regular foods. Hell you can even use protein bars or shakes, I do from time to time. But I buy them in a store! Not from someone asking me to private message them for more details.
  • kmmicco
    kmmicco Posts: 45 Member
    I have a friend that drinks Shakeology every morning for breakfast and with a light meal every evening for dinner. She swears by the stuff and has even become a sales rep for them. She has lost a ton of weight and says she has much more energy because of it.

    I am hesitant to try it because I'm worried about what would happen to my body after I stopped drinking the shakes. I would be devistated if I lost a lot of weight (and spent a ton of money) only to gain it back as soon as I stopped drinking it.

    I have researched their website up and down, backwards and forwards, but it does not say anywhere about after effects. this is why I have not bought the stuff myself yet.
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 684 Member
    Why not stick to real food?

    thats quite a rude response.

    Have you ever thought that maybe their using a shake to just help them get extra minerals and vitamins?

    Its not always about using a "quick fix" to lose weight.

    Y U MAD THO?!

    how old are you? 12?
  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    Also so you know ahead of time there are a few users who try to use this site to push the "product" they're selling, even though it's against the rules. Many of the positive responses you'll hear about various meal replacement shakes will come from people trying to sell one to you.

    Unless you live in canada :)

    then there is no way for you to even become one of the beach body coaches so i would think that your getting a truthful opinion

    What? I have a SIL in Canada that's a body by vi saleschick - which is so bloody annoying.

    Im talking only about
    they are the ones that sell shakeology :)
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    Save your money and look elsewhere. All meal replacement shakes are a sham. Just make your own. It's so damn easy. Grab some whey, throw in some frozen berries, add a liquid and you're off. Why pay for a shoddy shake?
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I think it was an honest question....I didnt see it as rude. Why should someone spend additional money on shakes as opposed to getting better nutrition through real food?
    Why not stick to real food?

    thats quite a rude response.

    Have you ever thought that maybe their using a shake to just help them get extra minerals and vitamins?

    Its not always about using a "quick fix" to lose weight.

    Y U MAD THO?!

    Its not that im mad its just that people post in forums to get HELPFUL opinions, not to get stupid remarks like "why dont you stick to real food"
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member


    You're not going to start losing weight just because of it and you won't gain weight if you stop using it. Two problems with it.

    1. People act like it should replace a meal for everyone. Seeing as it's maybe 200-250 calories with milk depending on what/how much milk you add, that's not going to be enough for some people for a whole meal.

    2. It uses an MLM sales model which I find to be pretty despicable.
  • desy3109
    desy3109 Posts: 3
    Thank you.
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    I started using a "Meal replacement shake" in February. It has worked well for me so far. I did not start it just as a means to lose weight.

    I am almost 55 years old and have lived my entire life as a 'one meal a day' eater. It was fine and I remained thin until health issues made me stop being active. In all honesty, I did not know how to eat healthy. I started the shakes for the purpose of getting nutrients into my body, AS I learn to eat and get proper nutrition. I am learning and getting more and better everyday. I never ate fruit, seriously, can you imagine not eating fruit? I love fruit now, I cannot get enough. I plan to get off off the shakes as soon as I feel confident enough to, which I see being within the next month. MFP helps me so much, with all the information. I am getting stronger physically and emotionally, because of the people here.

    I have to agree, I HATE the MLM mentality, which is how these shakes are sold. I hate what it does to people, the feeding frenzy is just horrible. It has changed the whole dynamic of Facebook and 'friends'. It has turned us all into business opportunities. I refuse to 'promote' or advertise it. I'll just use it until I can finish weaning myself off of it. I look forward to a future of eating healthy and delicious, real food! I'm changing my lifestyle and I love it!

    I wish everyone success in their goals, whichever way you choose to get there.

    Edit - Fixed typos.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I think it was an honest question....I didnt see it as rude. Why should someone spend additional money on shakes as opposed to getting better nutrition through real food?

    With all due respect, for some people cost is not an issue. IMO the cost issue is invalid because someone with the expendable income will dismiss this argument immediately.

    BUT, like you I am a fan of real food. I love making it and especially eating it lol. I do grab a Lean To Go shake or a GNC Lean Shake on days where I am in a rush but it's not something I would depend on. I rarely see people who say that they depend on supplements or meal replacement shakes on here.
  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member
    I gained 50 pounds of rock hard muscle on Shakeology.

  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I gained 50 pounds of rock hard muscle on Shakeology. Want to know how? PayPal me $100 at and I will tell you.


  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Fad diets FTW

    LOL at the informative responses given by critics of Shakeology. <---just kidding.

    She asked for advice or feedback. This response offers neither.

    OP, this is obviously NOT the place to find constructive criticism for your question.

    I'm willing to bet actual money that 80+% of people who go on these types of "diets" gain all the weight back at some point. You will not have shakes the rest of your life and when you get tired of them you will have gained 0 knowledge on how to properly maintain your weight through "normal" eating habits... FAD DIET!

    Also i love your profile pic! looks like a good shake!
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Fad diets FTW

    LOL at the informative responses given by critics of Shakeology. <---just kidding.

    She asked for advice or feedback. This response offers neither.

    OP, this is obviously NOT the place to find constructive criticism for your question.

    I'm willing to bet actual money that 80+% of people who go on these types of "diets" gain all the weight back at some point. You will not have shakes the rest of your life and when you get tired of them you will have gained 0 knowledge on how to properly maintain your weight through "normal" eating habits... FAD DIET!

    Also i love your profile pic! looks like a good shake!

    I think this response is more helpful, especially if the OP was a complete newb.

    That's my low-cal Ghetto Vodka Limeade in the cup actually. I'm assuming that your reference to my cup was supposed to be a jab at me. I do drink meal replacements shakes sometimes but I don't rely on them. I've never encountered anyone who does actually.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I tried Shakeology for a month. It isn't bad, it isn't great. I will say that they have a lot of great ideas for mixing the powder with other flavors for variety -- but those can be applied to any shake mix. For me, personally, I didn't see the value in it. I went to my local health shop and got something comperable for about 1/3 the price -- and I prefer vanilla to chocolate - there are plenty of people selling Shakeology - have them send you a sample packet or two and try it for yourself. I know some coaches will even sell three of the individual packages as a trial.

    I am fortunate enough to have a phenomenal health shop in my area that is independently owned and they also have a sports performance lab attached to it -- so I feel like I am getting very accurate information on nutrition etc. -- hopefully you live in area that you can find something similar -- or perhaps you will sample and like the Shakeology and go that route. I think Beachbody puts out good products -- overpriced -- but I also look at is as supporting a local "business" -- I pay more by shopping anywhere local to avoid Walmart.. but sometimes, I have to go to Walmart too.
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    Why not stick to real food?

    Sometimes people get busy.. I work two jobs and go to University full time. Sometimes a pretien bar, or a shake is all someone has time to grab.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Waste of money and just a pyramid scam... you can make them just as well yourself.
  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    I use it! I love it! My diet is pretty good actually! Saw some of the other posts. Everyone is entitled to their own opnion.

    I use 1/2 a scoop about 30 minutes before my work outs sometimes- I find that with some of the classes I do if I get the boost of protein it really helps.

    Also, when I am done my 2.5 hour workouts on Saturday mornings, it is really important to get protein into your body within 30 minutes. This is not always possible so I will do 1/2 a scoop.

    I only mix mine with water b/c I find it gets really thick with milk.

    I never use it as a meal replacement because I love my food....but when I cannot eat anymore I might drink some calories!

    I really like the product but it is very expensive!