How do you report a group?



  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    While I would be concerned if someone weighing 300 pounds was only eating 1000 calories a day, I would not if that person was 5' and 110 pounds. <1200 is not unhealthy from everyone. We have to learn not to paint with so broad a brush.

    In which case, it would not be defined as 'Very Low Calorie', and would not come under the remit of the group in question.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Oh phew, just in time!!!! a fellow busybody has reported it to the mods. We are all saved from the small group of people expressing their right to discuss subjects freely in a group open to other people of like minds. Whatever would we do without the MFP wannabe police checking up on possible under 18's sneaking in to discuss a subject with people they trust since they are too embarassed to discuss at home! Thank goodness busybodies have ruined their open lines of communication because its against the rules for which there are already a large number of Mods to govern. Lucky for them they have lives of obesity, fatness as misery ahead because their accounts will now be banned as a result of such well considered nosiness. Wow!

    Hyperbolic much?
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    Is it actually promoting VLCD's or is it discussing them?

    i do not promote anything, it is a safe place from insults to discuss what ever they want.

    i really dont care if a person eats nothing but jelly beans for a diet, their business, but the should not be insulted for it either.

    i am pretty sure everyone on this site is an ADULT.

    Hey, chill. I was just asking a question. I actually don't have a problem with it at all.

    i can ad that disclaim to the description if it will make the nosey people happy

    I think you misread my question although I'm not sure how. I don't for one, have an issue with the subject being discussed. People need access to information from people with 1st hand experience. I think a group is an ideal place for that to happen.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Your concern is understandable based on your personal history, but I cannot see where this would be against any site rules.


    if you read the community guidelines you would
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member

    In mice and stuff, lovey. Those are pretty crude studies, and they don't consider all the negative health implications (low bone density, for instance.... )
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    "Mommy! Timmy took my french fry!"
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Video games made me fat and promote sitting down and watching tv, we should close those groups too while were at it!
    Video games can be part of a healthy lifestyle. Starving yourself, on the other hand, cannot.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I've read studies that say anything under 800 is too low (instead of the 1200 used here). I've also read studies that say anything under 1100 is too low. I don't think that the group is against the rules. It doesn't sound pro-anorexia.

    Short people (5' and under) have bmr's less than 1200. So, again, I don't think it's our place to judge and I don't think it's against the rules.
  • sthrnspirit
    :flowerforyou: I
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    not sure where to report it, just check the people in that group are not small and have sedentary life, i.e. under 5ft with a desk job, as an 1100 calorie goal would be normal for a calorie deficit for that type of person.

    I'm 5'4", with a desk job, working from home, so I dont even walk to a coffee shop in the day, which means for my height/weight/lifestyle I maintain at 15-1600 calories and need 1200 to create a deficit for dieting.

    A low calorie group for concern would be below 1000 cals.

    Some are as low as 800.

    that's nothing, bad, but some are open about their body issues, and E.D. and unless there are this many fake profiles, there are detailed open diaries of women eating 300-500calories a day, and saying they hate themselves and feel gross, but mention they have no intentions of getting help or changing
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    I've reported this to a site moderator.

    I inadvertently reported it initially to the moderator of the group itself, and didn't get very far. But I did get a *charming* pm from the group host. A lovely lady. Very warm.

    awww thank you LOL
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I went to the group thread and did not see anything outrageous. It is a group of folks that do not want to be told to follow a strict 1200 cal eating style. It's ok! I did not see anything promoting diet pills, drinks, shakes, eating disorders, etc. There is no call to arms, riot or agenda to recruit others.
    They are, in fact, adults and can decide what is good, bad or indifferent for themselves. We all did and we are here in one group or another or several.
    Your concern for your fellow beings is fantastic but don't get distraught over something that you cannot control. They are not hurting anyone and, hopefully, will mind their bodies for any snags!

    it must be the mid day i need to go eat lunch syndrome, but I can see who we don't want standing by on a suicide prevention hotline

    "you're an adult, you have to make that choice"
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    articulate too.
  • savedchild8
    savedchild8 Posts: 148 Member
    Just thought I'd share this information because I know of a few people who have had gastric bypass surgery.

    I do understand your concern, but there are some who are required to keep their calories this low, while under doctors care.

    ****After three months, most gastric bypass patients can resume a regular diet. However, the diet is generally restricted to between 1000 and 1200 calories per day. This reduced calorie count is essential for successful weight loss following bariatric surgery.

    Read more:
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    It's a group and they don't go on the regular forums promoting this, they are doing the right thing and minding their own business...

    Groups are still subject to the same MFP rules that are in place:

    In addition to the Main Forums, MyFitnessPal also offers Groups which contain their own message forums. Group forums are self-moderated. Each group appoints it’s own moderators who are responsible for ensuring the group’s (and MyFitnessPal’s) guidelines are followed. The guidelines below are in two sections: those that apply site-wide, including Groups, and those that apply only to the Main Forums.

    Group-Specific Guidelines
    21. Groups Can Establish Additional Group-Specific Guidelines
    Group Administrators may establish additional guidelines for their Groups as long as they do not interfere with MyFitnessPal’s sitewide guidelines. Members of the group must adhere to these group-specific rules.

    22. Group Moderators Must Uphold Site-wide Guidelines
    All group moderators are required to uphold the MyFitnessPal site-wide guidelines to the best of their abilities. Failure to do so will result in the loss of their moderator privileges and possibly the shutdown of the group.

    Are you part of the group or go in there? If not why do you care? leave them be! they aren't bothering anyone!

    Video games made me fat and promote sitting down and watching tv, we should close those groups too while were at it!

    LOL My fork made me fat! BAN ALL FORKS! Hehehe
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    For God's sake, the way the OP is carrying on here and some other people, anybody would think they were bloody experts in weight control and all it entails!!!!

    It is probably a private group to stop busybodies interfering. Some people don't like it, tough on you really, good job you aren't members of it really isn't it.

    Why don't you let them discuss whatever it is they wish to discuss and you go your merry way and discuss whatever it is you discuss.

    Personally, I don't agree with many things on MFP, in fact, some stuff that gets spouted on these boards smack of a load of old rubbish, but each to their own.

    If anybody wants to control others, why not join the police or stand for Government!!! :mad:
  • Sorova
    Sorova Posts: 101 Member
    People can of course choose to eat whatever they want, but they don't always get to choose what they discuss on someone else's forums.

    From the perspective of those who manage the website, there is a legal risk in allowing their forums to be used as a place to discuss potentially dangerous diets. Think about it - even if some of the people in that group (or any group created to discuss/promote a potentially dangerous diet) are behaving safely and have sound medical advice, some of those people may not. All it takes is one 16-year old girl with litigious parents who lies about her age on her profile, starves herself sick, and ends up in the hospital or worse. Her parents may try to sue the operators of MFP, saying they promoted or encouraged starvation diets. If I were running MFP, I would make every effort to prevent that from happening, and if it happened despite my efforts I would at least want to be able to prove to a court that I took reasonable efforts to prevent it.

    Also, people keep saying, "it's their choice, leave them alone" - but the issue of choice is a thorny one when it comes to potentially ED behaviour. An adult (or teen) may choose of their own free will to eat a starvation diet, but in the case of eating disorders the ability to choose or think reasonably is distorted by the illness. A person may have "the right" to starve themselves, in some sense, but there are also very good reasons for people who care to try to stop them anyway. I think that it's reasonable for people to err on the side of caution (i.e. intervention) when it's a very young girl (the people most at risk of EDs) or on a place like a diet site where EDs are often found. I think that people who report these groups are doing just that. It would be a better world if it were more difficult to find online support for ED "lifestyles."
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    I've reported this to a site moderator.

    I inadvertently reported it initially to the moderator of the group itself, and didn't get very far. But I did get a *charming* pm from the group host. A lovely lady. Very warm.

    awww thank you LOL

    You'd be cranky too if all you ate all day was a few grapes.
  • sthrnspirit
    I went to the group thread and did not see anything outrageous. It is a group of folks that do not want to be told to follow a strict 1200 cal eating style. It's ok! I did not see anything promoting diet pills, drinks, shakes, eating disorders, etc. There is no call to arms, riot or agenda to recruit others.
    They are, in fact, adults and can decide what is good, bad or indifferent for themselves. We all did and we are here in one group or another or several.
    Your concern for your fellow beings is fantastic but don't get distraught over something that you cannot control. They are not hurting anyone and, hopefully, will mind their bodies for any snags!

    it must be the mid day i need to go eat lunch syndrome, but I can see who we don't want standing by on a suicide prevention hotline

    "you're an adult, you have to make that choice"

    ahem! You do not know me. Do not make such rash statements. Very uncalled for and ignorant!
    I stated my opinion without bashing anyone!