Tell me your secret weight loss tips!!!

Hi All,

Been using MFP for 2 weeks now. Have lost 5lbs and I'm really happy with it. I have 40 more lbs to go. Not insurmountable but it's going to be tough. I would love to hear all your tips and advice and what worked for you.

Thanks so much guys,
Kitty xo


  • creature275
    creature275 Posts: 348 Member
    hard work...dedication....more hard work and dedication...there is no miracle fitness answer out there for the most part, stay dedicated to your diet and pick a program and stick with it
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    Don't use MFP calorie settings, they are too generic and cause you to under eat. Be sure to eat your BMR plus TDEE minus 15%
  • lambeas
    lambeas Posts: 229 Member
    The best mantra for keeping yourself motivated

    " You will never regret going to your workout, but you will always regret missing it" AND " when you find the excuse " i have no time" turn OFF your TV/phone/blackberry and computer"
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    Drink lots of water, eat lots of veggies and work out...
  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    Eating every 3 hours works well for me!
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    Think of QUALITY over quantity. Make sure whatever your calories are, it doesnt matter if you are eating 1200 or 2100, the biggest factor is quality. Get rid of processed foods if possible.
  • kinzytg
    kinzytg Posts: 42
    Slowly but consistently increase your activity, any activity, little things add up and it gets easier. I started with walking the dog, the walks got longer and faster. More taking the stairs, more yard work and cleaning versus TV time. Five months in I got a really nice elliptical to use while watching my favorite TV shows. The ability to eat just a bit more with those "earned" calories but still see nice steady progress is a lot easier than just dieting and will work long term (I hope ) to keep it off.
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    Exercising hard at the gym. I take all the morning, 6 am classes five days a week. They include Les Mills Bodypump, Bodycombat and CX works. Also, I put in the calories for my exercise, and eat back about half. I have lost inches and weight this way. Good luck to you. You can see these classes on Youtube. Many gyms offer them.
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    Find a way of eating that works for you. Hit your caloric/macro goals. Be flexible, rigidity usually ends in failing over the long term.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Mine is fear.

    Fear of disease. Fear of being fat (I'm vain, I admit it). Fear of having to take meds everyday. Fear of dying.

    Any one of those things could happen whether I maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly or not. But if they do, I want to at least know it wasnt because I didn't try!
  • nmpresto
    nmpresto Posts: 157
    Do not go in all or nothing because the first time you go over your calories, skip the gym etc. you will give up. Realize that you won't eat 1300 (or whatever your number is) calories every single day, some days you will over sleep your 5am gym alarm and you will want that piece of cheese cake at that book club/baby shower/get together.

    Slow and steady wins the race! Best of luck!
  • Bmontgomery613
    Bmontgomery613 Posts: 200 Member
    The best tip I've heard is that "it's a marathon, not a sprint." You're not going to win the battle every day, but if you just keep showing up, you'll get to your goal. Other than what works for you. Take the advice that sounds right in your own mind and forget the rest. Everyone has their own way of doing it.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    I agree with the hard work dedication, etc etc. DOn't undereat, eat back your exercise cals and don't get discouraged.
  • ezramedic
    ezramedic Posts: 119
    hard work...dedication....more hard work and dedication...there is no miracle fitness answer out there for the most part, stay dedicated to your diet and pick a program and stick with it


    You won't see results over night - but if you commit, no excuses, then you'll see changes!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Log everything you eat. Exercise EVERY day, even if it's a short walk. If you earn exercise calories make sure it's quality food, not a piece of cake but do treat yourself once in a while, in moderation! If you're hungry, eat something. Drink plenty of water. Measure yourself because you will have days/weeks that you wont see the scale move but the inches are melting off. Just keep working at it and have faith in the fact that you have chosen to change your lifestyle and be healthy/happy! Be proud of YOU. You can do this!
  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    I would definitely say to try to eat healthy foods, not diet foods that you're not going to want to eat for the rest of your life. Also, don't give yourself a list of good foods and bad foods that you are or are not allowed to eat. I did that--mainly, I never eat like fried food or pizza or anything like that, ever. I also really limited my sweet intake, and I have like a set of sweet teeth (which is really awful), and lately, going through some tough times emotionally and stuff have turned to emotional eating and just eating large amounts of sweets and stuff I feel is "forbidden". It's thrown me off by 4 or 5 pounds, when I only had about 10-15 to lose. Let me just say, gaining the weight back when you go back to eating "normal" is no good. I ate too little for too long and I know there's a debate about starvation mode and everything, but really, I can't eat normal amounts anymore to maintain weight. I was eating at net 1,350 a day (maybe my logging wasn't EXACTLY accurate, but wasn't off by much) and I was gaining. Don't shoot your metabolism in the foot by trying to lose weight too fast because then you won't be able to ever maintain it!
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    Everything I do with food and exercise is done for me and me alone. With discipline, patience and commitment. Some days I really don't feel like eating right or lifting one more rep. But I do them anyway because I am doing them for me. :)
  • KittyHeff
    KittyHeff Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks a million guys. Some really really great advice. Going to sit down and go through each post one by one and take on board all the great tips!!! :happy:
  • a3e1glatter
    Hi. Congrats! I've lost 12 pounds in about 2 1/2 months. What I've noticed is the weight loss is not linear. There was a two-week period where I stopped losing completely. it was very very frustrating. I had originally set my net calories to 1000 (I know that seems low but I'm a small person and I guess my system is pretty efficient so I don't need much more than that to maintain or gain), but after that two weeks. I dropped it to 900 to kickstart my weight loss again. It worked like a charm. I really do like to eat so I exercise to get the extra calories available for each day. I find I'm happier if I exercise and have more calories to eat then on the days that I don't exercise, because 900 cal is so miserably low.
    As for food, I find that liquid egg white omelets with 1/2 serving of shredded cheddar (about 100 cals)
    Unflavored, nonfat or lowfat Greek yogurt with a fruit cup added to it and some stevia (125 cals) have been a big help.
    Dinner isnt a problem if you just limit yourself to a meat and a vegetable. Personally I'm staying away from beef because it seems to stay longer in my system weighing me down!
    My sneak cheat of the day is always frozen semisweet chocolate chips, Simple and yummy!
    Hope that helps! I love mfp-keeps me honest!
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Don't use MFP default settings... or you'll be writing the usual "omg i'm always over on protein" post :)
    I changed my default to be 40% protein, 30% carb, 30% fat -- your results may vary but the default is something like 55% carb and 15% protein which is completely backwards imo.