Doctor says I should lose 75lbs...!?



  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Get your body fat measured, and go off that instead.
    Weight and BMI are a very blunt tool and don't work in all situations.

    But it sounds like to me you are simply in denial about how heavy you are. Yeah yeah, people can say "oh you look GREAT, don't lose any weight!!" But most people are people pleasers; if your health is involved, this is serious business. Don't listen to Yes Men. In America almost EVERYONE is overweight, so we have a very skewed idea of what is healthy and looks good.

    And also, I think it happens alot when people think that pounds look alot more then they are....I lost 10 pounds but to me I "looked" like I had only lost 4 or 5. I think people have a poor idea of what weight loss looks what I am saying is after you get to 150 you may discover that it really isn't as skinny as you thought it was.

    Figure out what you need to do and DO IT. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Just aim for 175, then see how u feel. I wouldn't worry about the end number too much for now. You'll know when you get there! X
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Your doctor is silly.
    Go for 175 if you want. This is not about your doctor, it's about you. You know where you are healthy.
  • lumina0o0
    lumina0o0 Posts: 498 Member
    You looked amazing at 170, I wouldn't go based on what your doctor said. When I was 5 months pregnant with my daughter I weighed 160 (which is my goal now) and my OB told me I was 11lbs over weight...(mind you I was 5 months preg and lost 20 lbs in those 5 months and I'm 5'7"). I thought that my weight was awesome. Get down to 175 and see how you feel. If your doctor still complains then ask if he could check your %of body fat. If it's healthy and you feel good. Then stay there.
  • InTenn
    InTenn Posts: 99
    Free advice from someone who knows nothing about you or your doctor....

    Go after your goal of 175. Then see how you feel.

    I was 240. My initial goal was 200. I reached that, and set a second goal at 185. If I get that, I may stand pat or I may go for 175.

    You can't lose it all at once anyway. Pick the spot, get there, then evaluate if you want to go further.

    Good luck.
  • incendia3
    incendia3 Posts: 57 Member
    I am 5'10" and am currently at 199. My profile picture was taken about 2 weeks ago. I only want to lose 20 more lbs. As an adult, at my thinnest I weighed around 165...I was too thin. You need to take into consideration your body type and bone structure, not just height. I'm Amazon-like. What is considered my ideal weight for my height makes me look like I have an eating disorder...and a huge head. I suggest not focusing too much on pounds, but more so on measurements, clothing and lab results...(cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure). When you are comfortable with the way you look and are healthy, then you are at the correct weight.
  • stewartjl
    stewartjl Posts: 17
    I am 5'11", started out at 240 lbs, have lost 46 pounds (I lost 20 lbs prior to joining MFP) and currently weigh 194. My original goal weight was 190, but after losing almost 50 pounds I have re-evaluated and now want to lost an additional 15 for a total of 65 lbs. My advice: You should set what you think is a realistic goal and see how you feel and look once you reach that goal. I personally found it so easy to lose the weight once I started, that I wanted to lose more and believe I can maintain the weight loss. I think your goal weight needs to be something you can realistically maintain and a weight you think is healthy for you. Take it a day at a time and see what you think about your weight once you reach 175.
  • kellyo15
    kellyo15 Posts: 51
    Don't stress too much about the numbers. I would say that if you are making a change to get healthy and fit, it'll take your body where it should be. Everyone is built differently, and according to your current picture and your 175 pound picture, you look proportionate and healthy. If you got to be about 175-170, and were healthy with good habits, I highly doubt your physician is going to tell you to keep losing weight. They're likely just going by BMI standards. Good luck :)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Get to 170ish and see how you look and feel. If you have a healthy body fat percentage and are happy, stay there. If not, try to lose a little more. Just remember, body fat percentage is more important than BMI or the number on the scale.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    The least educated on weight and nutrition are usually doctors!
    Yea, cause they don't go to school for that kind of stuff or anything.

    Based on 'actuary' tables, and the formula you use, the range for your height can be from 125 to 170. You could be very lean (think long distance runner) or very muscular (heavy weight lifter) and your weight will change accordinly.

    Shoot for your comfort zone, but more than a weight, shoot for fitness. You can be 'normal weight' and still be unhealthy.
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    Keep in mind that bone mass and body structure play a role in what is a healthy weight for your. Most of those charts that trainers/doctors use do not take that into account. If you think 170 is a good weight for your, given your height and body structure, then you should stop there.
  • mandie0378
    mandie0378 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm also 5'9 and at my healthiest I was between 170 - 180. Sounds like the doctor is using that BMI crap. I remember how thing I was at 145, not to mention 115.
  • aejbx4x7s
    aejbx4x7s Posts: 111
    I'm also 5'9 and currently weigh about 142 with a GW of 135. That said, I have a VERY small frame and at 143 do not look like you did at 170. One of my good friends is also about 5'9, but has a bigger frame than I do. When she is at 145 or 150, she still looks thinner and more fit than I am at the same weight. From your picture, it seems like 170 is a healthy and attractive weight for you.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    id look into finding a new doctor... My first doctor wanted me to be 125... I haven't been 125 since middle school lol. My new dr that Ive had now for 4 years wants me to be 180-190 but Im aiming for a little lower than that. He told me Id still be overweight at 180 but he knows Im built a little larger and couldn't pull off 125.
  • mystic_elegance
    mystic_elegance Posts: 258 Member
    Everyones bodies are different, the doctors cant fit everyone into their size/weight chart. I am one those people who dont fit into the chart on account of my natural body shape and large breasts, chart says I should be 145 pounds but my doctor agress that is too low for me. What really matters is what you personally think and feel. If at 175 you are healthy and feel great then go with 175. When people look at you they dont see a number they see you, try not to get caught up on the numbers. Good luck to you :)
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    id look into finding a new doctor... My first doctor wanted me to be 125... I haven't been 125 since middle school lol. My new dr that Ive had now for 4 years wants me to be 180-190 but Im aiming for a little lower than that. He told me Id still be overweight at 180 but he knows Im built a little larger and couldn't pull off 125.

    Nothing like only listening to people who say what you want to hear. :noway:
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Your doctor is silly.
    Go for 175 if you want. This is not about your doctor, it's about you. You know where you are healthy.

    America is country full of people who are literally EATING THEMSELVES TO DEATH.

    Yes, indeed, don't listen to an educated person who is trying to council you on your health. LISTEN TO YOURSELF, AND DO WHAT FEELS GOOD. :explode: :noway:

    I live in Montana, but you must be from the Great State of DENIAL.
  • I too had concerns when I was told I needed to be in the 140's (I'm 220 and 5'7). When I spoke with my primary, he said BMI is a terrible way to come up with a goal weight. Instead, focus on your body fat percentage. Aim for 25%. When you get there, you may be 160, 170 or 180. You just don't know until you get closer.

    100% agree with this, especially for women. 200% if you haven't had kids yet, body fat plays a huge part in being overall health. 22-25% BF is perfect. Guys can use the BMI numbers without too much issue, but not women IMHO.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I am almost 5'11 and my goal weight is 170-180. I think being 5'9 a goal of 150 is reasonable but I think 175 is a great personal goal! You have to do best with how you feel at that weight and how easy it is to maintain. Good Luck!!!

    I understand that the numbers match up, but I don't think I would look right at 150.

    This was me at 170, for reference.


    I think it depends more on your frame, you look great in this pic. Maybe just focus on toning when you reach your goal. I'm 5'1 and 128 and one doctor called me obese....yeah ok. I could stand to tone and maybe lose ten lbs but i'm not obese. Now if a nutritionist said I was obese I might listen.
  • rmac18
    rmac18 Posts: 185 Member
    I believe that it is more about body fat % than weight. Too much body fat can have health risks but if you have more muscle then you can weigh more and that's a fact. I also have found that it is much easier to set smaller more reasonable goals that you can work towards and hit, feel good and then set a new goal. I find that setting a goal of 15-20 lbs that is some type of milestone (say 200 lbs or 20 lbs lost or something like that) works best. The reward yourself with something and set a new goal. Just get comfortable with the lifestyle of healthy living. I wouldn't worry about the end yet, just start small and then keep going until you are where you want to be and then work on healthy maintenance. That will be a great example for your children. I think it is worth it to have your body fat checked periodically as well as measurements. When your clothes don't fit then that often tells you more than your scale.