Doctor says I should lose 75lbs...!?



  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Your doctor is silly.
    Go for 175 if you want. This is not about your doctor, it's about you. You know where you are healthy.

    America is country full of people who are literally EATING THEMSELVES TO DEATH.

    Yes, indeed, don't listen to an educated person who is trying to council you on your health. LISTEN TO YOURSELF, AND DO WHAT FEELS GOOD. :explode: :noway:

    I live in Montana, but you must be from the Great State of DENIAL.

    If all the Doctor did is flip open a BMI Chart and throw out a weight based on height, how is that educated? That's what my old Doctor did, I fired him. I can look that up on the internet.

    I'm still not in a healthy BMI, but all my periphery vitals are beyond healthy (Resting HR, BP, blood sugar). My new Doctor is ok with that. I'm not completely OK with that, I think i can be better. But I am not blindly following a persons advice because they're "educated". After all, have you seen the advice Dr Oz gives out?
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    Focus on body fat % rather than weight. Based on the picture of you at 175, you might have more muscle mass than the average person at that weight, which makes you look like you weigh less. So take measurements, see how you feel, and don't worry too much about the scale! (Though, for reference, I'm an inch shorter than you and weigh 150 pounds right now, and I feel like I've still got at least ten pounds to go. I reckon you'd look rockin' at 150. :flowerforyou:)
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    I would try not to worry too much about a number (I know easy to say right?) Instead, focus on what you and the doctor agree on; your need to lose some weight to avoid health risks. After all, there is no way to bypass 170 on your way to 150, so just focus on cutting body fat in order to get healthier. If you get to 170 with a healthy BF% then revisit the issue with your doctor as regards health risks and decide then whether or not you need to cut more weight.
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    Your doctor is silly.
    Go for 175 if you want. This is not about your doctor, it's about you. You know where you are healthy.

    America is country full of people who are literally EATING THEMSELVES TO DEATH.

    Yes, indeed, don't listen to an educated person who is trying to council you on your health. LISTEN TO YOURSELF, AND DO WHAT FEELS GOOD. :explode: :noway:

    I live in Montana, but you must be from the Great State of DENIAL.

    I agree that 150 is a good weight for that doctor to suggest. However, we don't know if he factored in body composition in asking the OP to lose 75 pounds. I'm sure that if she reached 175 and was in a healthy body fat % range, he wouldn't ask her to lose another twenty-five. Doctors are awesome and educated, but at the same time, he can't necessarily predict what would be the perfect ideal weight for the OP, and it's good that she has a reference point at 175, where she knows she looked pretty damn good.

    Chill out a bit, grumpy pants. :tongue:
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    Find a weight where YOU feel healthy. This isn't about what your doctor says (ultimately when you reach a healthy weight he will be the professional and know if you are there are not), or your husband or your family - its about YOU and how YOU feel about your health and weight. That being said, some women feel healthy and sexy when they are over weight so you do need the medical opinion to know for sure. But you need to listen to your own body. If you reach 175 and you are eating with amazing habits and exercising a ton and you feel like if you lose any more weight it will be unhealthy - then maintain there.

    I'm 5'8 and originally was going from anywhere between 150-170 depending on how I felt at 170 then 160 etc. I realize now that I could probably pull off 140 after seeing other girls my height at that weight. It's also about build - if you are built larger, you can pull off 175 better than someone built tiny could. Just go with it. Work hard and when you arrive, you will arrive! :)
  • wingednotes
    wingednotes Posts: 274 Member
    I'm so sensitive to other people's thoughts, so I understand where you might be coming from. But that being said, these people are not living in your body, only you are. You'll know when you are comfortable. Accept that others are most likely just trying to be helpful, and then shut them out and do what you think is best for your body.
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    I agree with what pretty much everyone is saying. I went from 336 to my maintenance weight of 170. My trainer and doctor actually agree that I'm doing great and to just tone up and not lose any more. But the wellness/insurance program at work strictly goes by BMI and they say I should weigh 137-159. People who do not understand body fat versus BMI and make suggestions strictly on BMI should shut it. LOL
    Your picture at 170 looks amazing. I would definitely follow everyone elses advice here and check body fat, consult trainer/nutritionist, etc and forget what the doctor thinks.
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    Rule of thumb for woman's weight...medium frame: At 5', weigh about 100 lbs...for every inch over 5', add 5 at 5'9", you are looking at 145lbs...

    than +/-- 10lbs for small-large your range is anywhere from 135-155lbs...

    to find your frame size measure your wrist...6" med frame...more than 6, large frame, smaller than 6 small frame...
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Rule of thumb for woman's weight...medium frame: At 5', weigh about 100 lbs...for every inch over 5', add 5 at 5'9", you are looking at 145lbs...

    than +/-- 10lbs for small-large your range is anywhere from 135-155lbs...

    to find your frame size measure your wrist...6" med frame...more than 6, large frame, smaller than 6 small frame...

    this made me sad cause according to that I should be 95lbs. Damn 33 more lbs to go
  • 150 doesn't seem too farfetched for your height.
    I'm 5'10 and my goal is 150.
    I chose that number because it's the middle of the acceptable range (150-165lbs) for my height and frame.
    Using one of the thousands of calculators online you'll find that they mostly suggest a healthy weight range of between 145-160lbs for a 5'9 woman with a medium frame.
    However, you don't need to listen to anybody :) Stop when you are comfortable with both your health and your appearance :)
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I would shoot for what you are comfortable with (175 sounds good) and when you get there you can reassess and determine if you want/should lose more.

    BMI charts say I should be around 115-125 because I am short. Well I am also muscular and solid....I would be absolutely sick if I weight even 125. My original goal was 150 but I felt very good at 165 so that's what I am shooting for again.

    Sometimes we don't realize how much weight really is....when I was told I needed to lose 60 pounds I was shocked, I didn't think I need to lose that much, but in reality I did. But at the same time charts and BMI do not take into account your muscle mass and overall body make up. It's important to meet somewhere in the middle of what you think and what the charts say and of course tweeking along the way.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Don't listen to your doctor. If you feel comfortable at 175 or even 170, aim for that number. I'm 5ft1" and my doctor wanted me to get down to 101 pounds. I told my doctor that I'm not getting down to that weight and that I would be anorexic if I did. I know my body and what weight is good for me. The biggest I ever was, before I've started gaining weight was 125 pounds. It took me 4 years to get up to 145 pounds. I don't even want to get down to 125 pounds or 145 pounds. I have a body fat goal that I'm aiming for. I don't focus on scale weight. I don't care about my scale weight. I'm focus on my body fat percentage, pounds of fat and inches loss. Scale weight loss and Fat loss aren't the same thing. I'm aiming to lose fat and when I lose the amount that will get me down to my body fat percentage number, I will look thin, but still will be classified as being obese on the BMI chart and I'm okay with that. I don't focus on the BMI chart either. I want to be healthy according to the Body Fat Chart. The fat on my body is what will cause health problems, not the scale weight number on my scale.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Your doctor is silly.
    Go for 175 if you want. This is not about your doctor, it's about you. You know where you are healthy.

    America is country full of people who are literally EATING THEMSELVES TO DEATH.

    Yes, indeed, don't listen to an educated person who is trying to council you on your health. LISTEN TO YOURSELF, AND DO WHAT FEELS GOOD. :explode: :noway:

    I live in Montana, but you must be from the Great State of DENIAL.

    No need to be so rude.

  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    I updated my main photo today to a full body shot, so you can get an idea of what I look like.

    I weigh 224 pounds, and a doctor recently suggested a goal weight of around 150 for me. I feel like that's a bit too low for me. I'm 5'9", and at my healthiest, and most fit, I was 170. I haven't been 150 since age 13. I don't know what to do, or what to aim for. As of now, I've set my sights on 175, I feel like that's fair.

    I'm confused on this whole thing, because my family is screaming at me that 25 pounds is enough, my husband says I'm fine the way I am (though he supports me, fully.), and my doctor is telling me that I'm becoming significantly obese, and 150 is a healthy weight. I'm just confused. Help?

    150 is a healthy weight for 5'9 woman.

    Fact is many people are de-sensitized to what people should weigh because everyone is overweight.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Why don't you just get the first 25 to 50 off and see how you look and feel. Why grewl over it until you get there.
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    Set 3 goals. First to get under 200. That should be the easy one. Next, goal 175. You seem committed to that one, so it seems very likely you will get there. Then ,see how you look and feel. Keep that 150 goal out there. No doubt your doctor is hedging. He says 150, you get to some other number close by and everyone wins. Setting interim goals worked well for me. Having to set new goals (and they absolutely must have a timetable, by such and such a date) is a great feeling. You will love it. Good luck.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Yeah you look excellent at 170, maybe just keep going and then ask the Doc to reevaluate you at 170.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    According to a BMI chart your healthy weight at 5'9 is 125-169. Doesn't seem like 150 is too low to me, but 170 is barely over as well.
  • baycat107
    baycat107 Posts: 165 Member
    The Dr. is probably using some outdated chart, which doesn't allow for frame size or muscular builds. I am 5'8" and I have always been at the top of those charts for my weight. When I was young and weighed 145, I had a friend who also was 5' 8" and weighed 145. Except I wore a size 10-12 and she was a size 16. But I was athletic while she was a couch potato. It made me realize that, (and I have heard since) that muscle is denser than fat. And so muscular people weigh more. 165 is pretty comfortable for me. Good luck!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Agree w/everyone else who said that you should get to 175 and see how you look/feel and how your body fat % is there.