What is your WHY??



  • antoniosmooth
    antoniosmooth Posts: 299 Member
    I decided I needed to get serious about my nutrition because I'm getting older and its getting harder to stay in shape simply by working out.
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    To be more confident and successful. I especially want to lose weight for my career. I've lost too many roles for dumb reasons...
  • wattswarming
    wattswarming Posts: 9 Member
    Some very interesting comments here!!! I hope those of you suffering depression get help for that too!!! If you do, your weight and health issues may become easier to manage!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I'm here to hold myself accountable. I've never been huge, I carry my weight pretty well, but I've always been a little chubby, I'm done with it. Also there is a lot of health issues in my family I want to try and avoid while I'm still young enough to nip it in the butt before it happens. I'm here to get healthy basically, my only goal is to get to a healthy BMI even if its at the high end
  • JessieArt
    JessieArt Posts: 275 Member
    lol I can so relate to many of you!! Except for being hot... that probably isn't in my future although I had my moment before I had 4 kids!!

    What are you talking about? You are beautiful!
  • JessieArt
    JessieArt Posts: 275 Member
    I'm here to keep track of my calories. If I don't stay around 1200 calories a day I don't lose weight. I have to track everything. This is a fun way to do it.

    I want to be heatthy again. I was in pain for so many years. I finally had a hysterectomy 2 days before Christmas. Now I actually feel good enough to do something about my weight and health. I want to feel pretty again.
  • jaydubbayu
    jaydubbayu Posts: 456
    I'm a father of 2, and I'm turning 30 this year. I love my kids, and I want to instill in them a sense of discipline when it comes to eating right and exercising. I felt like a total hypocrite when it came to telling my daughter to eat right. Plus, I gained 30 pounds in 3 years. I had stayed 190 for 10 years straight, without doing anything. Quite frankly, I'm suprised I stayed that weight. But anyways, my wife also wants to lose weight, and she saw that a month of MFP improved me a great deal. So she's on board, and she's taking a proactive approach to her weight loss as well. I feel great about that, because I inspired her to be healthy and I feel great about that. I don't want to wake up 10 years from now, sweating when I walk 2 mph and getting heart problems, diabetes, etc.. I've already made myself proud from my strides so far.
  • tammila7
    tammila7 Posts: 2 Member
    :smile: My why is a lot of things.
    First, the style that I want can't be achieved successfully with a huge belly. I know that is vain, but i am embracing it.

    Second, I want to be able to bend my knees and be more fit and healthy.

    Third, because it is time to let go of the emotional baggage that contributed to this weight. I have spent the last 20 or so years "talking" about getting in shape but never doing anything about it. I have to made the decision to stop talking about it and be about it.

    Fourth and foremost, I have a great body hiding under all of this (there is that vanity again!) and it time for her to come out and enjoy life.

    That is my why. Now to work on the how. Any suggestions?
  • Coryd2012
    Coryd2012 Posts: 132 Member
    to get my sexy back ,
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    I want to be able to do the things I want (like krav maga classes) without wondering if everyone is looking at me and going, "Heh. The fat girl isn't gonna last long." The process of proving everyone wrong is my motivation.

    There's also a guy. He's pretty special. I've promised him a sexy picture for every fifteen pounds lost. I'm looking forward to his response. :D
  • Tunia85
    Tunia85 Posts: 212 Member
    Because everywhere I go, my friends ask "Oh you've gained some weight...look how cute your hips are... " Give me a break!!! I want to tell them to ... it :laugh:
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    Because I'm really vain. Seriously. I don't want to be like all the other big-bellied, middle-aged guys out there. That's not me. I'm better than that. :glasses:
  • Package02
    Package02 Posts: 97
    It doesn't have a lot to do with the way I look...

    I die when I'm going up a set of stairs and in all seriousness, if an apocalypse happens, I'd like to be able to take care of myself.

    The #1 rule in Zombieland is Cardio so good thing you're working on that now.

    Mine would be just to live longer. There's so much to see and do that I wanna spend as much time as I can here. Now If I only had the money to travel the world :grumble:
  • Tunia85
    Tunia85 Posts: 212 Member
    I'm doing it for me, because I know I SHOULD, and because I know I CAN. Now I'm out to prove it to myself, and no one else.

    Awesome answer!!!
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    Because I hate myself. I even hate my face, so if I at least have a decent body, I don't have to be 100% ugly. My mother was always around 400lbs and died from it at age 48 (blood clots). I gained weight after having my daughter at age 20. I was depressed, and just didn't care about myself enough to see what I was doing to myself when I was eating for comfort or to reward myself for my life sucking. (not because of my daughter. other stuff)

    So now I'm 34, I've wasted the last 14 years of my life being out of shape, and even ballooning up to 210lbs. I've decided I need to get my body under control and take back my life. I've lost 50 lbs over the past year by myself without a gym membership or surgery. I've just been exercising, and watching what I eat, counting calories etc. I have another 30 to go to get to my goal weight.

    I wanna be a better example for my daughter. And I have a wonderful boyfriend who has been talking about wanting to marry me in October. So I think I owe it to both of them and myself to take better care of myself and be happier with how I look. Those are my reasons why. :drinker:

    Hate is a very strong word to use about yourself. I have had to learn that not matter how much I may hate the state I got into, God made me & He don't make junk! I made a bit of a mess of my body but I must love who I am because God does & who am I to critisise Him?? You are you just struggling to find out how to work out how to be comfortable in your skin. Keep at it girl but try & love yourself for all the good stuff. It's there but less easy to see when the first thing that hits you is fat! Be proud of what you are acheiving!
  • ThatOneNerdyChick
    ThatOneNerdyChick Posts: 24 Member
    I went from being comfortably thin to being obese within 8 months after being put on a medication, I went from 125 to 207, Worst part was, when I hit 207 I entered high school. I became the butt of everyone's jokes, i was the "fat" kid, I was called ugly and was severely bullied. After 9 months of hard work, i got down to 147 and was feeling good about myself again. but the past year has led to a 27 lbs regain and Im disgusted with myself. I've begun doing what my mother does, binge eating to sooth anxiety and stress. My why, plain and simple, is to feel good about my body again, to not become diabetic like my father, and to learn to deal with my stress and pain without turning to food 24/7.
  • jpfost
    jpfost Posts: 194 Member
    to be able to do all the activites i love to do, be healthy, and of course to look good!
  • kfrazer04
    To see the person I am inside.

    I think that i could be SO DAMN beautiful.

    This is exactly why I'm doing it!!!
    I couldn't really think of how to explain it other than because I want to be happy... honestly I've been thinking about how it would feel to be completely free to be me again. There are so many things in my life that I don't do (every day!!) that I want to do so bad... either from not being fit or from being ashamed of the weight that I've gained. I won't just go hang out with old friends and have an amazing time again.
    Losing weight for me is going to change my life... I can't wait :)
  • kfrazer04
    lol I can so relate to many of you!! Except for being hot... that probably isn't in my future although I had my moment before I had 4 kids!!

    OMG you are gorgeous!!!!
  • soon2b_1fitmama
    to find motivation and to keep track