Are your company benefits tied to your health?



  • AshleyRKnutson
    AshleyRKnutson Posts: 98 Member
    We can get $100-$200 a year for doing healthy wellness checks and show that we are trying to lead a healthier lifestyle. We also get points for healthy activities such as fitness assessments, 5Ks, etc. and we can use those points to "buy" things like sports tickets, kid toys, movie tickets, HRM, household items, etc. It's pretty nice.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    My workplace is going in the opposite direction. People are looked down upon for their food choices, gossiped about, and at the annual health screenings - most people don't go because nosey people gossip about their test results too. No one here cares if we're working on our health and often I feel like I'm the only person that is. They did just instate a policy that we can't use tobacco products and we have to get nicotine tests. That's about all. Our insurance is horrid and they just changed it from a good policy to our current one to save the company money by screwing the workers. Our company also owns an entire building that is empty and when I had people on the healthy bandwagon, we offered to bring exercise equipment to the empty space so we could workout during lunch. We were told no and given some excuse about it being a security risk for us to A). Walk over there {2 blocks away} B). To let multiple people have keys to the buidling C). To be seen out in public shuffling in and out of a random building. So, the space sits there... it's a damn shame too. I could be on a stationary bike or an old elliptical or jumping rope or doing a workout DVD on an old TV..... it makes me sad how unvalued my health is as a worker. They wonder why everyone is sick all the time here. :(

    Wow, this sucks for you. Glad you are here, though, working on your health regardless of what your company does.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Working in the medical field, it's common knowledge that BMI is essentially irrelevant, so we use body fat percentage instead.

    I thought about that and what would happen if they did switch to a hard stop at 30. I'm sure there are some people here who's BMI is considered 'unhealthy' because they are very muscular. Seems like they would have to start going by body fat percentage.

    And while I'm thinking about it (unrelated to the above), I'm feeling a little slighted for the people who get points for WW, since I don't do, and never have done, WW, so I can't get those 5 points per week. Grrrrrrr......
  • jarredondo
    jarredondo Posts: 297 Member
    Gentex Incentives for 2013:
    Hit your Numbers:
    BMI <30 = $75
    Blood Pressure <140/90 = $75
    LDL Cholesterol <160 = $75
    Glucose < 126 = $75

    and an additional $360 of for a Tobacco-Free Lifestyle

    If you spouse also is covered under Gentex Insurance it is double or nothing. If you both hit your number you get $150, if one of you miss, you get 0.
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    We get a $20 reimbursement through BCBS if we go to a gym 8 times or more a month. Motivators like this would be great to have on a health plan. Would motivate others (myself included) to make better choices.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Are my benefits tied to my health? Absolutely. Both my husband and I are self employed and have to pay for our own health insurance. The healthier we are the less we need to use the insurance.

    That would DEFINITELY be an incentive! :glasses:

    We actually call it our health ASSURANCE. This is the reason why we go to the gym every day, eat the way we do and take supplements. We literally can't afford to be sick.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    My old company had this. Bad thing was, even the discounted premiums were out of control! So, either way you were screwed when what you had to pay. And their level of how you got points was almost impossible for those not on any kind of plan. Glad I got out of there before it kicked in. I want to do this because I want to do it...not because my company forces me to. That's going too far in my opinion.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Yes. We are rewarded by lower premiums based on thinks like smoking, bmi, regular preventive medicine visits (physicals), etc. They also offer discounts to certain gyms, weight watchers, smoking cessation courses, etc.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Our health insurance is through my husband's employer and they don't do anything like this.

    We USED to get a huge discount on a gym membership if you went 12x per month (or a smaller discount if you went 8x per month) but they dropped that perk.
  • ljnftw
    ljnftw Posts: 81 Member
    Gentex Incentives for 2013:
    Hit your Numbers:
    BMI <30 = $75
    Blood Pressure <140/90 = $75
    LDL Cholesterol <160 = $75
    Glucose < 126 = $75

    and an additional $360 of for a Tobacco-Free Lifestyle

    If you spouse also is covered under Gentex Insurance it is double or nothing. If you both hit your number you get $150, if one of you miss, you get 0.

    At first I thought that said TABASCO FREE lifestyle. I would have to change jobs!!!