What's some advice you would tell your 16 year old self ?



  • h_wst
    h_wst Posts: 9
    Stop listening to yourself. Those kids you think are "perfect".... guess what? They're f*ked up in the head just like you. Trust me we all hide dirty little secrets. Also whatever you do *dont* date Jessica. She's a lying slut who will ruin your life. Also this is really really hard to say but DON'T go out with Lee. He is controlling & abusive and even though he would give you two great wonderful little girls your still just a kid yourself & when you finally wise up and leave him at 22 (after he's put a gun to your head) your life will be a lot harder because you have the two of them to take care of. Go to college (major in interior design not graphic design) & have fun! Go to parties, get drunk, & stop living in your head. You really are beautiful, smart & funny!!! I love you & even if you don't listen to me thats okay because we'll still wind up with our beautiful daughters (who we love so be nicer to Kailey.... and don't let Lee pick Mackenzie's middle name... he's an idiot who chose his own name... go with Grace!)
  • KellieNause
    Dear 16 year old me,

    You really DO have enough time to play soccer and be class president. Please don't give up soccer.

    Don't get a job at K*Mart, unless you want an insane, obsessed stalker to find out where you live, where your grandparents live, and have him follow you all day, every day for 3 months.

    Stay the **** away from Adam. Focus on how amazing Nick is, he cares so much about you and in a few short years he'll be your husband. Please try not to hurt him...

    Stop denying your true spirituality. You're NOT a Christian. Stop pretending, you'll be much happier when you aren't living a lie.

    Mother is wrong. You do not need to bleach your hair or go to the tanning bed. You are not fat. You are 130 pounds of ****ing muscle. You do not need to make your self vomit to be beautiful.

    Lauren will burn herself out, so don't fight with her. She'll ruin her own life eventually, just sit back and wait for the show.

    Hug Mary, and don't turn the other cheek when you see her track marks - she WON'T get better on her own...

    Have fun...

    Love you.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    START EXERCISING NOW! So you won't be fat as an adult!
    Be a little more open minded.
    Don't worry about being the "perfect child" your parents will still love you no matter what.
    Take the risk and go to college in virginia instead of staying local. Yes your future husband will follow you there, he's not going anywhere :-)

    Love, me
  • Goal4Good
    Goal4Good Posts: 115
    Dear 16 yr old me,

    At 25 you will look back at photos when you were 16 and think, Damn I was skinny! Why did I think I was fat then?

    At 35 you will look back at photos when you were 25 and think, Damn I was skinny! Why did I think I was fat then?

    At 45 you will look back at photos when you were 35 and think, Damn I was skinny! Why did I think I was fat then?

    At 50 you will look back at photos when you were 45 and think, Damn I was in the best shape of my life then! Why did I think I was fat?

    At 51 you will realize you spent the better part of your life conviced you were fat and obsessing about being fat, when you really weren't at all. You will then think, I was a damn fool!!! Why did I waste so many years beating myself up and believing the negative things in my head?????? At that point, you will finally be happy cause you got a clue! So do yourself a favor. Don't waste your life focusing on your imperfections. What you are seeing is a flawed image you have manufacturered in your head.

    Kick the lies you tell yourself to the curb now. Don't wait till you are 51. Do it now.

    From: The older, smarter You.
  • beccci91
    beccci91 Posts: 214
    Dear 16 year old self,

    DO NOT sleep with Zandur
    You are not fat but you will be if you keep eating crap
    Don't worry, you will get out of that house soon enough but in the meantime find a healthy way to channel your anger
    The therapist will really help you, go see her earlier than I did
    DO NOT get kinky with Elliot, Joe and Mikey
    GET OVER CALUM FOR CHRIST SAKE - he is just stringing us along and you do not want to be used by him at Sarah's 16th
    Save your money, and if you do really need to spend it DO NOT spend it on food, save up for a laptop or something
    Revise harder for your exams, you know you can do a lot better
    Sarah is lying!! Do not make up all those things about yourself just to make you sound cooler
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    Oh I won't go in detail, but it would have been amazing if I knew then what I knew now ;(((
  • anima_gemella
    anima_gemella Posts: 243 Member
    dear me, do not get engaged to tht prick when u turn 18
  • myers0machine
    not to get with the group of lads i did and get up to well lets say thinks aha but hey if i didnt i wouldn't b the person i was today we learn from mistakes
  • emmabrackpool
    emmabrackpool Posts: 61 Member
    please don't get a curly perm it will look sooo stupid!
  • Symphonic_Silence
    Dear 16 year old me,
    You will come to make certain decisions in a few years time. Trust your instinct as you were100% right, remember to listen to your inner voice as it will save you one hell of a lot of heartache.
  • zeikiya989
    Tell your parents or someone about the abuse you are going through, bottling it up inside, shutting yourself off from the world and turning to food is not going to make it go away.
  • NamiObsidian
    Dear 16-year-old self,

    Be more assertive to those bullies! Keep making those grades!

    ...and PUT THAT GOSHDARN HUGE BOWL OF ICE CREAM DOWN!!!!!!! You'll weigh over 300 pounds if you keep eating like that!

    Love, Me

    PS. You really do have friends. Believe in them.
  • Aineko
    Aineko Posts: 163
    I know she wouldn't listen anyway, but for the purely therapeutic purposes:

    M., couple of important and not so important things:

    1) I don't know what to tell you about THAT PhD (and yeah, you will get one). You will not like it when you finish it and you'll find yourself only qualified to do the one thing you do not want to do (in other words - unemployable). But then, if you do not accept that one and move to NZ, you will most likely not meet J., so I'd say just go with it but prepare yourself for some tough times.

    2) In few months bombing will start but it will last only couple of months and most of the ppl you know will go through it OK, so don't stress too much (EXCEPT: call that cute Albanian guy you just met on that seminar; make him promise you that whatever **** starts happening in the country, once it's over he will contact you and let you know he is alive and well. Otherwise you'll spend your life wondering if he survived, googling 'A. K., architect' hoping to find out that he lives somewhere in the world happily and safely)

    3) when you get your first computer, and you will in few years, stay away from MSN chat rooms. If not, that emotionally immature guy will mess up with your ego for the next 10y. And when he, 10y after, makes the final move and removes you from his facebook list two days before you thought of doing the same you'll end up wondering once again how the hell he dares being able to cut contact with you!? (whose being emotionally immature now, ha?)

    4) so when you get that computer, instead of spending time in MSN chat rooms better follow up on that programming paper form the 2nd year. Learn web development, for example. It might even help you with 1).

    and the most important: when you meet J. - don't change anything :).
  • asgard825
    asgard825 Posts: 1,516 Member
    Don't smoke--
    Invest in Apple--
    Aerobic exercise not just for girls--
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    Some of these posts are heartbreaking. And this whole thread is wonderful.
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    These are beautiful.
  • Heidi_M78
    Heidi_M78 Posts: 143 Member
    Do not find your birth mother.,
    Watch what you eat during your pregnancies.
    Study further
  • hazev74
    hazev74 Posts: 252 Member
    Dear 16 yr old self

    Treasure your mother she will be gone too soon!
    Go to France, India, Nepal with your twin sister, the loser you stayed behind with is long gone! She had a ball!
    Just say no!
    Respect yourself more, some day you will meet the right one and have 2 lovely boys x

  • vincewalker23
    dont ever drink. dont ever smoke, and stay away from vaginas til at least 30 yrs old..
  • Masterchef2000
    Masterchef2000 Posts: 127 Member
    Dear 16 year old self,

    As effed up as life is gonna get and has been, keep doing what you are doing. You are going to lead me down the path of eventual happiness that I wouldn't change a thing about.