What's some advice you would tell your 16 year old self ?



  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    Dear 16 year old self.

    Be more outgoing. Don't slack off in high school, it will only make college harder. Don't cheat and don't steal. You WILL get caught. Speak up for yourself. Don't cut yourself. It doesn't help you in any way. Don't starve yourself. You will screw up your metabolism. You will marry Todd. So don't worry about it. Have fun and be safe.

    Your 27 year old self
  • sfoxy219
    sfoxy219 Posts: 103
    Dear 16yr old me,

    TALK! Stop being the quiet weirdo in the corner. Your not stupid and your not always wrong. You will miss out on so much because your to afraid of what others have to say. **** THEM. Don't try to act like others because it's cool, you look stupid and it's just not you. Also all those "cool" chicks got knocked up and fat after high school.Stop purging, taking laxatives and trying to restrict. It's addicting and I still can't stop what you started. Get into a healthy habit of exercise and we might actually be thin/fit one day. Don't kiss dee and tell josh to wait till you get back. Don't let him control you.


  • roblow65
    roblow65 Posts: 156 Member
    keep the baby
  • Emv79
    Emv79 Posts: 245 Member
    Dear me,

    Enjoy every minute, because time goes by SO fast.
    So stop looking at the "cool" girls in school and wishing you were them, approach the guys that you find attractive instead of telling yourself you are not "pretty enough" and don't forget to live a little in your 20s...enjoying your job and career is great and the extra cash is welcomed, but it should not be ALL your life.
  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    Buy Apple.

    My 16 year old self knew this :)

    But did your 16 year old self do this?
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    Hey, sweetie. Stop crying over that boy. You're stronger than that. And you're gonna find it out as soon as you open your eyes. Wanna know a secret? He won't want her in five years, either. He doesn't have a clue what he wants, and really, he's a bit of a loser. A very charismatic loser, but still a loser.

    And so is that next guy on the horizon. And the one after that. I can't be sure about the one after that one, because you're gonna be very happy with him in five years. Not even I know the end of that story yet. But you're gonna love him to death, regardless of how it ends.

    Keep your head held high and don't ever let anyone tell you you're not worth it. Because you are. You have so much potential. You just have to grasp it.

    So what are you waiting for?

    PS - I love you. See? You're gonna learn to love you in time, too.
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 684 Member
    Buy Apple.

    ^^^^^ This
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    for me it would be, "Don't **** Chad!" He was gay and It was a one time thing. I told my best friend in privacy. Then next thing I know every-one at my high school is referring to me as the chick that slept with that gay dude. lol I know horrible right. I was mortified!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Dear 16yr old me,

    TALK! Stop being the quiet weirdo in the corner. Your not stupid and your not always wrong. You will miss out on so much because your to afraid of what others have to say. **** THEM.


    This too, I think I only talked to, maybe 2 dozen people in my high school, I had over 400 in my graduating class. I didn't do any sports, clubs, choir, band, etc. I was a loner that was scared of my own shadow.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Don't move in with him, better yet, don't date him. Have more respect for yourself. Stay in school. Call Grandpa.
  • csw92
    csw92 Posts: 35 Member
    When you fix up that 69 camaro don't try to drift around that curve going out of town, you'll break your femer and two bones in your arm.

    Go volunteer, stop fighting to get out of doing tests... You're going to have to do them anyway.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    when they ask if you want to help the government with an important training and then keep having you back day after day. turn them down so you never have to live with the guilt of taking another mans life.
  • Dear Self,

    No, you're not supposed to feel apathy everyday for extended periods of time. The room is not supposed to look grey, and it is not normal to be afraid to walk down a hallway. There's also a reason why every few months you go through a phase of not going to sleep and painting all night long.

    Don't bother with the eight antidepressants, they won't do anything for you, because you're bipolar.

    For the love of god, don't start any relationships with Rob.

    Oh yeah, remember that guy who sat near you in Biology, Enriched Math and Biotechnology in high school? Well, you're going to end up marrying him, so please do the proper 'first date' thing instead of starting your relationship with drunken sex during first year of university ( not saying it won't be fun/end up well). He's also a keeper.


    Me (and you)

    p.s. you are beautiful.
  • Dear Self,

    Stay in school you ****ing idiot. That is all lol.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Just because you got pregnant is no reason to marry him.

    No, the baby is NOT starving... KEEP BREASTFEEDING!!

    You deserve better. Always remind yourself YOU DESERVE BETTER.
  • Quel1970
    Quel1970 Posts: 91 Member
    Take lots of pictures of yourself (EVEN NAKED) because it's a lot more difficult to have that body after 40......

    On a more serious note:

    When you fall in love at 24, appreciate every moment with that man because God will take him in only ten years....
  • jaydubbayu
    jaydubbayu Posts: 456
    Take your SAT's, go to College, and bowl in college. It's one of the best ways to hone your skills in order to become a professional. If that doesn't work out, you'll have a degree. And put that BONG DOWN, STUPID!!!
  • stefanieprice07
    stefanieprice07 Posts: 22 Member
    Dear 16 year old self.
    This is your junior year of high school, act like it!
    Stop quitting so many things, you really are good at them, even if you are not the best.
    JUST WRITE THE DAMN ESSAY, hours<years
    Oh, and don't stop taking the medicine because your stupid boyfriend doesn't think it's cool. It got prescribed to you because you need it!
    P.S. Smile more :)
  • ktdid626
    ktdid626 Posts: 185 Member
    Love yourself more. You're a cutie. You're not fat. Stop crushing and start talking to guys. Being shy only makes you feel bad. Guys will love to date you if you let them. Don't go to college right away. You'll hate it, and come home in three years. When you do pick a college, make sure its more than an hour from home - your family only slows down all the dreams you have for yourself. Stay away from frat boys. Listen to your dad more than your mom. I know, but his simple pleas are always right on time. He loves you. Don't push yourself in academics. It's the only place you push yourself in life, and it makes you miserable. Push yourself to be happier in your body, and join a gym. You will only discover your true calling after eight months of intense learning and meditation. Everything will turn out okay. Don't take life too seriously. Enjoy yourself more.
  • Dear 16 Year old self

    JUST DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!