Forgive my student loan!



  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    I didn't have a high paying job straight out of college. I worked my way up and paid my loans off. It was a loan not a gift. It was my responsiblity and I paid it.
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    Really? My husband put himself through school without taking any student loans and no help from his parents. Took him a lot longer, sure, but he graduated with no debt.

    This may sound harsh, but you chose the school and its tuition, you chose the amount of debt to accumulate, you chose your career's time to pay up.

    Choosing a career should be about doing something you enjoy, not doing something that will make you more than enough money to pay your loans.
    It should be about something you enjoy, but welcome to the real world. Sometimes you just have to suck it up.
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    It's the first ADULT choice you have to make in life to go to work or stay at school so why should you not have to pay like an ADULT?? no one forced you to stay on.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member

    Total outstanding student loan debt in America is expected to exceed $1 TRILLION this year. Millions of hardworking, taxpaying, educated Americans are being crushed under the weight of their educational debts, while the economy continues to sputter. Support a REAL economic stimulus and jobs plan. Support the Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012 (H.R. 4170).


    I wouldn't sign it.

    It's your bills. Pay it.
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    I still owe so much. I would love to not have to pay it back; however, it's not fair to the taxpayers to pay for part of my education.

    This, exactly. I would be upset if I had to pay back someone else's loan...
  • hanahlai
    hanahlai Posts: 281 Member
  • Arwhite1865
    Arwhite1865 Posts: 65 Member
    This "parent" takes exception to the "our parents generation" comment! The economy ebbs and flows, always has, always will. I know the issue isn't all that simple but when it bounces back, your generation will think you fixed it, and when it suffers again your kids will be blaming your generation!

    As to the student loans... These "parents" worked their a$$es off so my kids wouldn't have student loans. My oldest graduates with her nursing degree next month absolutely debt free. Her concession...she lived at home and went to the local university. My youngest is doing the same... In her first year at the local university. I think, if you have to do student loans, you should have to do the most economical choice, select a career where there is a demand, and if you are able to keep your marks up, then they should be forgiven them or portions of them forgiven. However there are people who go to university pursuing a degree "they are passionate about" that really doesn't have a job pay off in the end. There are others that go away to "party" and take out loans for living expenses as well. Those cases should have to pay them back.

    Part of the issue is that so many people have degrees now that they aren't as "valued" as they used to be thus making the job market so much more competitive. That's just my opinion though! :flowerforyou:

    I don't understand why you would take exception when I was not speaking about you or anyone in particular. Is it not true that college-aged people are receiving the country in a much worse condition than their parents received it? The economy does ebb and flow, but there are hardly any points in this country's history when that has ever happened. There is a reason why my generation is referred to as "the lost generation". The only reason I brought it up in the first place is because people have come in here talking about people "whining" and young people having a bad work ethic, as if the student loan debt crisis, which has occurred as a result of the wider economic crisis, is purely the fault of the people who took out the loans, when this is not the case.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    My husband is still paying over 200 a month on his student loans, he graduated in 2008, we will still be paying on them for at least another 5 years! It sucks monkeyballs!!!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Is there a petition for Canadian student loans... Flippin OSAP.. i'd sign that in a second..
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I am what I'd call a liberal in every way. I wear Teva sandals, drive a Subaru, and buy organic food.
    I signed a contract when I took out student loans. I did that with a clear head and the knowledge that there were no guarantees when I graduated.

    I paid my student loans. It took me a long time but I did it.

    I have a hard time with this act. I pay my bills because that is what I committed to.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    I still owe so much. I would love to not have to pay it back; however, it's not fair to the taxpayers to pay for part of my education.

    This, ^^^ Both my husband and I finally paid off ours December 2011. We chose to go to school and chose to incur the debt.
  • Lance_K
    Lance_K Posts: 104 Member
    Please don't assume you know everyone else's situation. Some people didn't have the luxury of working 2 jobs in high school to save for college. Some people worked 2 jobs in high school and college to help support their family. So student loans were the only option to pay for college. I agree forgiving student loans isn't necessarily the best option but it would help a lot of people out.
  • kanga1980
    kanga1980 Posts: 22
    Options SLFA.pdf

    Here is a link of the proposed act. I wasn't sure what I thought of the act at first. But this doesn't just make loans disappear- it provides a structure for a fair and reasonable repayment model.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    Really? My husband put himself through school without taking any student loans and no help from his parents. Took him a lot longer, sure, but he graduated with no debt.

    This may sound harsh, but you chose the school and its tuition, you chose the amount of debt to accumulate, you chose your career's time to pay up.

    Choosing a career should be about doing something you enjoy, not doing something that will make you more than enough money to pay your loans.
    Choosing to sign on the dotted line for a loan is legally binding. That is something that needs to be considered before embarking on an educational career.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    Options SLFA.pdf

    Here is a link of the proposed act. I wasn't sure what I thought of the act at first. But this doesn't just make loans disappear- it provides a structure for a fair and reasonable repayment model.
    Thank you for posting that.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Really? My husband put himself through school without taking any student loans and no help from his parents. Took him a lot longer, sure, but he graduated with no debt.

    This may sound harsh, but you chose the school and its tuition, you chose the amount of debt to accumulate, you chose your career's time to pay up.

    Choosing a career should be about doing something you enjoy, not doing something that will make you more than enough money to pay your loans.

    Not in this world.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Please don't assume you know everyone else's situation. Some people didn't have the luxury of working 2 jobs in high school to save for college. Some people worked 2 jobs in high school and college to help support their family. So student loans were the only option to pay for college. I agree forgiving student loans isn't necessarily the best option but it would help a lot of people out.

    Fine. While you're at it, pay my bills. It's only fair right.?

    Plus, you know, it would help me out.
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    I didn't have time to read all the posts- but in today's world, education is VERY EXPENSIVE. There is no paying your way without loans, or at least it wasn't an option for me. Even if I were to go to a community college, followed by a state school, I would have had to take out loans. I came from a low income single parent family. There was no way my mother could be expected to pay my education costs. I CHOSE to go to a private college that had an amazing music education program and choir. I have cherished my experiences and they have helped me in my career as a music teacher. I would not have gotten those experiences from another school. I am okay with paying back my debts- as I do each month, on time. I am not okay with the interest rates that are on some people's student loans. I am so thankful I consolidated my student loans after graduation and locked in my lower interest rate. I would really be hurting if I had to pay the 7-8% some people do. I personally do not think that is right- loans on education should not be for profit. I think that we need to EMBRACE education in this country. FUND our schools so they are not forced to continue hiking tuition a disgusting amount each year, and support our need to educate each and every person in this country. That is all for my rant- :)
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    Pay my loans! Oh, wait, I have no loans because I've worked my butt off for 20 years paying everything off.
  • normanmac
    normanmac Posts: 34
    I went to school as a single mom on grants and student loans. When I graduated I had a student payment book 3 inches thick. I was also unemployed. I called my lending institution, explained the situation and they condensed all my student loans into one, reduced the payment (which extended my time) to something I could afford and after many years I paid it off. I figure if I can do all of this as a single mom, others can do the same.