Thin but not gorgeous?



  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    My friend thinks I'm too skinny so she changed my info messing with me. And I'm not younger than 18 I'm actually older. 18 was just my favorite age so I used it. And I do want a healthy body which is exactly why I'm asking for exercise routines to help me gain muscle and help me get toned and to look good.

    I don't buy it, sorry. Classic internet excuse is "someone hacked my profile". You need help, please seek it.

    Also, 90% of your friends are obviously pro-ana, so I think your problem is real. Surrounding yourself with pro-ana's will only make you sicker.
  • maxdwolf
    maxdwolf Posts: 18
    As many people here have said, lifting weights is a good thing. You can even get most of what you need through bodyweight exercises.

    That being said, I'm still a little worried with the way you worded your message. It does sound a bit like there might be a body image issue there. Gorgeous, depending on how you define it, is an attainable goal for only a few of us, at least physically. Almost everyone here has some sort of body image issue, but I think most of us realize perfection is not a worthy or realistic goal. I just don't want you to get too caught up in your looks. It's the person that matters.
  • pixieewillbethin
    She didn't hack my profile. I go on hers all the time and mess with her info just because. And she does the same to me. If I had an eating disorder wouldn't I want to be the lowest weight possible? I wouldn't be asking for an exercise routine to help me gain muscle to help me look better.
  • pixieewillbethin
    Thanks for the link! Looks awesome.
  • JeepBrah
    JeepBrah Posts: 150
    Its because most woman only do cardio because they think when they hit weights they will be some kind of monsters with big arms and **** but thats bull**** start doing weight training and ull get a nice body
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    You changed all your goals in your profile once you were called out on it. You're still trying to lose 10 lbs. Avoidance isn't the answer. Good luck with your health, you're going to need it. Hopefully you will gain wisdom along the way.
  • pixieewillbethin
    I know what you mean. I'm not saying I don't have a body image issue going on because I sorta do I guess since I don't like the way I look. I want to look a certain way but I don't want to look unhealthy. I am obsessed with looking good and I watch everything I eat but it's not in a bad way.
  • fordguy74
    fordguy74 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm not here to judge, but i think you look too skinny now. I can't speak for all men, but i like a woman with some curves. Get some advice from a nutritionist then go from there.
  • pixieewillbethin
    The ticker came from when I started and weighed 115. I'm usually on the go and only use the iPod app. I usually just use the food diary to keep track of what I'm eating and I don't worry about weighing in. Can you guys please stop being so judgmental? People with eating disorders don't want to gain muscle. I would appreciate it if you guys would just answer the question about how to get toned rather than peg me with an eating disorder.
  • pixieewillbethin
    The ticker came from when I started and weighed 115. I'm usually on the go and only use the iPod app. I usually just use the food diary to keep track of what I'm eating and I don't worry about weighing in. Can you guys please stop being so judgmental? People with eating disorders don't want to gain muscle. I would appreciate it if you guys would just answer the question about how to get toned rather than peg me with an eating disorder.
  • tinydreams
    any cardio should tone up and bring "everything together"
    and sit ups are definitely the way forward 20 a day do it for me!
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    I'm not here to judge, but i think you look too skinny now. I can't speak for all men, but i like a woman with some curves. Get some advice from a nutritionist then go from there.

    Great Answer... While i think you are a pretty girl! I agree with this... Women with Curves is sexy!
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    your ticker says you are still aiming to lose 8 lbs... is that still correct? i would re-focus on strength training - you do not need to lose more body weight. seriously just start lifting weights or doing yoga(power/vinyasa or pilates) and you will see the difference.
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    . I would appreciate it if you guys would just answer the question about how to get toned

    Strength Training.... Start Lifting Weights
  • PamelaGailJacobucci
    Lift weights. Heavy ones! :)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    any cardio should tone up and bring "everything together"
    and sit ups are definitely the way forward 20 a day do it for me!

    Uh no.. Cardio does not tone you up and bring everything together.. if anything, all it does it eat more muscle along with the fat.
    Sit ups are also pointless unless you lose the fat thats on top of the abs.

    To OP:
    To echo everyone else, Lift weights.. and heavy ones at that.

    I just started barbell lifting and I am seeing awesome changes in my body already.
  • badgranola
    badgranola Posts: 67 Member
    Lift weights. Heavy ones! :)

    ^ exactly
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Your profile suggests your issues may be more mental than physical. Your ultimate goal weight is 88 pounds, so apparently gaining muscle is counter to your aims. I would suggest you seek counseling to address your body image problems. I've had an ED - your profile is rather textbook...

    However, if you are focused on building a healthy body, weight training will benefit you enormously.

    This. I'm also 5'4, and when I was toned and solid muscle I weighed 130.

    Under 100 pounds is way too small for you. I'd suggest adding a lot more muscle.
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    I know what you mean. I'm not saying I don't have a body image issue going on because I sorta do I guess since I don't like the way I look. I want to look a certain way but I don't want to look unhealthy. I am obsessed with looking good and I watch everything I eat but it's not in a bad way.

    I think most of us go through that - the poor body image, but we do get more confident and happier with ourselves as we get older. Once I got into my 30s I learned to appreciate my body - it wasn't perfect but it was pretty good!

    Anyway, strong is the new skinny, so go for some resistance training and don't be scared of the scale creeping up whilst your body gets firmer.
  • missym357
    missym357 Posts: 210 Member
    Lift the weights, girl!! That will get you 'toned'!! Don't focus on the number on the scale- it doesn't mean much if you look in the mirror and don't like what you see. Lifting will change your body composition and help develop some beautiful muscles. You may even gain some weight, but it will look bombshell and best of all, you will hopefully learn to love your body and respect it through the process.