help i just ate a WHOLE pizza



  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Pizza is my food weakness. I've been doing this for 6 months now and about midway thru I decided to order a pizza. I was really low on calories that day and ate 5 pieces. I was sick for 2 days afterwards. Now when I want a pizza, I get a lean cuisine pizza which is like a personal pan size from Pizza Hut for between 300-400 calories. So now I can have my pizza and not worry about looking at the whole thing and not being able to eat it.

    But like most has said, chalk it up to a learning experience and eat normal tomorrow.....normal meaning within your calorie goal. Also, drink lots of water cause the sodium is a killer for water retention. We're all human and will make errors in judgement. Just recall this day and how you are feeling about it for the next time that you are tempted to binge on pizza or anything else. One lesson was all I needed. LOL
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    In fairness, I dont think that the OP is too bummed out by the people that are 'keeping it real' and shunning her for eating a pizza. I mean, she has all the positive support from the 90% of people that all said "dont beat yourself up about it and do better tomorrow" basically.
    I frankly think that a little bit of sour comments and sweet comments is a good blend. Like I know I fubared by eeating what I did last night, and I hardly binge myself like that, so I know that I shouldnt beat myself up over something I ate, because I cant change that. My friend's list can be as mean or as nice as they want, but in the end, I am not going to get bummed out about some-one I hardly know saying "shame on you" over doing something I hardly do.

    It is kinda nice though, to see alot of people defending the OP. It shows that there is a good sense of community on this website. Those that are being frank about it, its good to show some tough support.

    OP, everyone has said the same thing more or less, so do your best next time and dont feel bad. I dont think anyone on this website is trying to be generally mean and troll you.
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    Also, I think it's like 3500 calories per pound of fat, so unless your pizza was 3500 calories or more, it's not going to make a difference to your overall weight gain - as long as the rest of your day was fine.

    Best of luck :smile:
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    It's amazing how people can make excuses. So, you must be a fitness buff in order to decide to put a slice of pizza down??

    I was a BINGE drinker for 15 years. I don't buy it for one split second that ANYONE can't learn to break a bad habit, an emotional binge eating habit...

    Until a person chooses to see it for what it is, nothing can be done to correct an undesirable habit.

    That said... nothing in my initial post was shaming, shunning, etc... I posted exactly what I would have told myself in her situation, exactly to a T.
  • audreygonzy
    audreygonzy Posts: 161 Member
    Oh you'll be just fine! I did the exact same thing the other night...and kept going but I ended up losing a pound. Everyone deserves their days!
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    The way I see it, there's two possibilities here:

    1. You feel upset and sorry for yourself for eating too much pizza (been there myself). You then let the guilt build up. And finally, you decide that you've messed up so bad that the only solution is to say screw it and have some ice cream and get back to your quest for a healthy life sometime around January 2013.


    2. You admit you made a mistake. You look at the nutritional fallout of said mistake. You maybe decide to do 1 thing next week as a little penalty (let's say workout 1 extra hour sometime during the week or an extra handful of minutes daily). You realize past is past and you decide to not let it affect you in a negative way going forward. Get a great night's sleep, wake up and have an awesome day!

    I'd go with the second option. :)
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Whatever happened to the old saying, if you don't have anything nice to say, STFU!!!??

    That's very nice of you. But... s*** don't get done by niceties, not usually anyway... not when nutrition & fitness are the goals. Keeping it honest & real is the best way to deal, just sayin'...

    That might be true for some people who are fitness buffs (not me--nagging me is the LAST way to get me motivated to run or exercise), but for people who are emotional over (or under) eaters (and many others with defeatist attitudes), that kind of attitude just alienates them from trying and participating in the first place.

    That might be true for you personally, but I don't think it's true generally. The whole problem with emotional eaters is that their view of food is warped by their emotions and feelings; getting them to see food in a realistic and impersonal way is really the only way to help them.
    The OP knows why whatever happened happened: it was either an emotional response, or a hunger response (if she's on an extreme low-cal diet), or both. She'll figure it out without being shamed and judged and carry on. Or she won't and she'll continue the same behavior. Either way. . .I'm sure not going to make someone who feels like crap even worse.
    She asked for help; I don't think she's comfortable with just "she'll either figure it out or she won't." The whole point of her post is how to prevent it from happening again and to seek advice on how to figure it out. I fail to see how being realistic about someone's issues makes them feel like crap.
  • wingednotes
    wingednotes Posts: 274 Member
    As someone who suffers from binge eating disorder, I have certainly eaten a pizza. I've also been known to drive to multiple fast food locations and order meals at each one - eating one while going to the next location. Its under control now, thanks in a large part to this site. But I have to be always mindful that a slip up is possible. For the rest of my life, I will need to plan every meal and log my food. A slipup, gone unchecked could result in a full blown relapse.
    What is interesting to me is that I initially read this post and related. Then I read some of the people who were harsh with comments akin to OMG that is MESSED UP of COURSE I would never eat until I was sick!!!
    I took that badly. I thought they were being unnecessarily mean.
    But then it made me realize how NOT normal and NOT ok binging is. Many (most?) people do not do this. They have never known that desire to eat until it hurts. They cannot understand why someone would do that.
    I think it was extremely helpful, for me anyway, to remember that binging is not something that is ok to do once in a while and just move on. A big part of me wishes it was. It is a sick thing to do. Remembering that reaction will help keep me straight.
    With that said, to the OP and others - I think that there are many who relate. You are certainly not alone with the pain associated with binging. But there is a better, healthier way to live your life and treat the body you have been given.
    Good luck on your journey.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Start eating more during the week and you'll be less likely to go out of control. You eat less than 1300 calories. When I used to do that I binged really bad on weekends. I now eat 1800, am still losing and don't lose control.
  • raw14
    raw14 Posts: 22
    I have a serious problem with over eating. If it is there I will eat it until it is gone. For me, I've learned to make healthier alternatives because I know I am going to over eat certain things.

    Pizza is huge for me. Here is a recipe I use that is about 600 calories for a whole medium pizza.

    Recipe: 1 packet yeast, 1 cup warm water, 2 TBS applesauce (no sugar) or just blend up some apples, 2 1/2 Cups Whole Wheat FLour. Let rise 5 mines. Split in two and you have two doughs for about a medium pizza. I then blend freash tomatoes and Italian seasonings and sprinkle with 2oz Sharp Cheddar (more of the cheese taste for less). I load mine with veggies, but you could do whatever. One pizza the way I make it is about 600 which 1 slice of Costco pizza is 700. It tastes great and I love that I can eat a whole pizza and not feel guilty. :)

    Stick with it. every journey is a learning experience!
  • Vegan_Runner
    Vegan_Runner Posts: 133 Member
    Drink plenty of water, eat light for the next couple of days and do some sort of exercise. Logon to NetFlix, or a cable channel and do some sort of pilates, yoga, cardio..etc..inside your house.
  • Rabid_Hamster
    Rabid_Hamster Posts: 338 Member
    How big was the pizza? Personal size?..... Medium? Large? Who made it?
  • That sounds really good!

    When I want pizza I get myself a (large) brown rice tortilla shell and coat it in olive oil (I don't like red sauce), light mozzarella, some slices of fresh mozzarella balls, and basil (if you like tomatoes, throw those babies on there) and put it in the toaster oven. Even if you eat the whole thing it's 356 calories total.
  • Don't feel bad. I went to red lobster last night and ate a whole 12 oz ny strip and a few cheddar bay biscuits. So today I walked up and down steps as much as I could and just ate a normal day.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    I had a similar kind of night last night, except I went home after work, after doing well and sticking to my meal plan, and I ate a Kit Kat bar, half a bag of chips and then ate a bunch of fresh baked cookies .................. felt gross afterwards but didn't feel guilty!! It was an off day - my body wanted food, and while I could've fed it something a bit better, I still FED IT .. and today I woke up to a new day, and I've been 'good' today and did my workout and it's water under the bridge!!

    last time I did this it was awful too!.had a bowl of cereal, mixed rice krispies with shredded wheat.. figured, what the hell. the day is shot, so I added a slice of italian bread (left over from take-out at work the night before) with peanut butter... a kid at school gave me home made easter candy. choc covered pretzel with a bunny on top, choc covered orea, some krispie things.... ate half the bag thinking GEt it Out OF THE HOUSE... (yes pretzel and oreo, 3 krispies).... not sure what else. felt physically horrible for 2 days. it was really a food hangover.....ugh....
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Do you mean an 8 slice pizzaria pizza?
    Wow, it must have been good.

    Don't beat yourself up, just make sure to eat right and workout tomorrow.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    As long as you're under your weekly deficit by the end of the week, and that doesn't mean eat under 1000 cals for the rest of the week, you should be fine.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    tomorrow get back on track and do some exercise :)
  • sjjacobs1
    sjjacobs1 Posts: 17
    Agreed, tomorrow is a new day. Just do as you normally would. It happens and the worst we can do is beat ourselves up.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    The main thing I've found, for me, is not quitting. No matter how many times I screw up, I don't give up. My progress may not be as rapid as I like, but I screw up less and less often, and I am making forward progress. And that what really counts.