I hate water



  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Caffiene will assist in dehydrating you. For every glass of something you drink with caffiene in it, you should add back that much to your total fluid content. That is coming from a physician.

    The dehyrating impact of caffeine is very minimal and more than made up by the water used to make the drink.

    Actually, as has been covered multiple times in the thread, water is a stronger diuretic than caffeine and you also build a tolerance to caffeine's diuretic effect, so it can be ignored entirely. And doctors do not get nutrition education in med school, so unless they specialize in a field where they are taught nutrition, like say, bariatrics, they are not experts.
  • Reknim
    Reknim Posts: 7 Member
    Try some tea. White tea, green tea, oolong tea. Even the flavored teas...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Does anyone have any water substitutions that would work almost as good as water, but taste better?
    Thank you!
    Drink whatever you want. Don't like plain water? Diet soda, non-diet soda, Crystal Lite, coffee, tea, juice, milk, sports drinks, beer... All hydrate you just about as effectively as water, the only downside is that some of them have calories you would have to account for. Hydration is all about FLUID, not about water.

    Not True. cafeeinated drinks (teas, soda, coffee, etc) do not count as 'water', caffeine is a diuretic and therefore dehydrates you, at least that's what I believe.... I know cutting soda has helped me -- i drink 15-20 glasses of water a day.

    Please read up on the facts re caffeine. It CAN be counted as your daily fluid intake. As can milk and fruit juice.
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    I drink water and when I can find it a water called HINT....it has just a hint of flavor, no sugar, no calories....... But adds enough flavor to the water to make it more palatable... I have never like sugary drinks, or milk, just would drink iced coffee or tea.....
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Does anyone have any water substitutions that would work almost as good as water, but taste better?
    Thank you!
    Drink whatever you want. Don't like plain water? Diet soda, non-diet soda, Crystal Lite, coffee, tea, juice, milk, sports drinks, beer... All hydrate you just about as effectively as water, the only downside is that some of them have calories you would have to account for. Hydration is all about FLUID, not about water.

    Not True. cafeeinated drinks (teas, soda, coffee, etc) do not count as 'water', caffeine is a diuretic and therefore dehydrates you, at least that's what I believe.... I know cutting soda has helped me -- i drink 15-20 glasses of water a day.

    I am not referring to what is healthy or not. This argument is about water. For crying out loud - ANY fluid mostly consists of water. If it didn't contain water - what would it be????? HUH? What???? What is a cup of tea without water? Tea leaves. What is coffee without water? Coffee powder. What is soda pop without water? A cup of sugar and whatever other artificial agents they put in sodas. What is milk if water is removed from it? Milk powder.

    I challenge those who disagree with this fact to create a drink without using water or any type of fluid containing water such as milk.
  • seehawkmomma
    Does anyone have any water substitutions that would work almost as good as water, but taste better?
    Thank you!

    Tea. I drink lots of fruit teas, both iced and hot.



    Just because there is WATER in it does not make it equal.

    Yes. It does. Water is never pure. It is as close to a universal solvent as exists. It is impossible to make it pure. Tea is 99.99% water, and so is drinking water.

    Also, water in ANYTHING counts as water.


    Right, so John Smith drinks sweet tea ALL DAY that counts as his water intake? I have to politely disagree.

    You know, you seem really tied up in this "do things I don't like" pattern. Why is it so important to you that you and others do things you don't like; so much so that you try so hard to shame them into doing them? It really is possible to be healthy and not do anything you absolutely hate, and not a lot you really dislike. And it's just as healthy. Why?

    Considering the amount of research that has been proven that water is in fact water I stand by what I have said previously. I didn't realize that I was "trying to shame anyone". I do not think that it is possible to be completely healthy without the proper intake of water. However, like majority of people on here I am not a doctor, but the research I have done and the doctors I have talked to nothing can sub water better than water.

    There have been some great advice about adding fruit or cucumbers slices which is great.

    But what I've said is MY opinion. Which is way someone has posted on here to hear other peoples opinions.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    You are all crazy!!! LOL How can you not like water??? I don't get it...it's like not liking bread or air...I never even thought about whether water is tasty, cuz it's not...it's flavorless!! However, when I am thirsty or hot it's the only thing that quenches my thirst, and it's so good for you!!! I just don't get it. :tongue:

    Personally, I don't drink anything. I never get thirsty it seems (I've had soup for lunch, & 2 cups of water today & I had to force myself to drink them...). It's not that I don't like water, I just need to find more ways to encourage myself to drink it.

    But water does have a flavour - my fiance thought I was crazy, until I made him try different waters. (also, try eating something, than drinking water - it has a taste that most people don't notice because they were brought up to think of water as flavourless - it's not really anything I can explain though, it just tastes like water)

    Also, I'm pretty sure that there's people who don't like bread. Just like I'm sure there's things you don't like that people would think you were 'crazy' for not liking.

    Of course water has a flavor. We never actually see "pure" water. We ultra-purify and deionize water (so it won't hold charged contaminants) in our labs, and even then it isn't "pure." To get our "almost pure" water it costs us about $200/gallon... (Funny aside: The owner of the company came in and old milk jug filled with water next to the coffee maker. Our shipping clerk had been bringing water from home because the water at work was so awful it made undrinkable coffee. the owner asked what the milk jug was for, and someone said it was for Bonnie's "special" water for coffee. He was a little pale when he came into my office to ask if Bonnie's "special" water came from the lab. He was terrified that the whole plant was drinking $200/gal water in our coffee! LOL) Tap and bottled water is easily 0.1% "not water." Minerals, metals, you name it, are in there. The contaminants give it a flavor, and since they all have different "contaminants" they all taste different. Some mineral waters even ADD contaminants to "enhance" the flavor. I've been to water tastings. Like wine tastings, but with waters.
  • paul7799
    paul7799 Posts: 98 Member
    Try True Lemon. Or maybe even Mio. I say this as I hate water. The only thing that got me to drink more water was Lady-friend who was worried about me. Yes, not a water fan. Have you tried iced tea with no sugar?
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    There really aren't any substitutions for water. Your body is 60% water, not 60% lemonade.
    However, maybe try squeezing some lime or lemon into it. And maybe keep a pitcher of it in the fridge so it can always be nice and cold and refreshing.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    There really aren't any substitutions for water. Your body is 60% water, not 60% lemonade.
    However, maybe try squeezing some lime or lemon into it. And maybe keep a pitcher of it in the fridge so it can always be nice and cold and refreshing.

    Have you read this thread and the references given here? Lemonade is WATER. And the body's water? Isn't pure either. It's full of electrolytes. All liquids count as water. Anything else is pseudoscience.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Does anyone have any water substitutions that would work almost as good as water, but taste better?
    Thank you!

    Tea. I drink lots of fruit teas, both iced and hot.



    Just because there is WATER in it does not make it equal.

    Yes. It does. Water is never pure. It is as close to a universal solvent as exists. It is impossible to make it pure. Tea is 99.99% water, and so is drinking water.

    Also, water in ANYTHING counts as water.


    Right, so John Smith drinks sweet tea ALL DAY that counts as his water intake? I have to politely disagree.

    You know, you seem really tied up in this "do things I don't like" pattern. Why is it so important to you that you and others do things you don't like; so much so that you try so hard to shame them into doing them? It really is possible to be healthy and not do anything you absolutely hate, and not a lot you really dislike. And it's just as healthy. Why?

    Considering the amount of research that has been proven that water is in fact water I stand by what I have said previously. I didn't realize that I was "trying to shame anyone". I do not think that it is possible to be completely healthy without the proper intake of water. However, like majority of people on here I am not a doctor, but the research I have done and the doctors I have talked to nothing can sub water better than water.

    There have been some great advice about adding fruit or cucumbers slices which is great.

    But what I've said is MY opinion. Which is way someone has posted on here to hear other peoples opinions.

    There have been a lot of links to articles stating why you can include other drinks in your daily fluid intake, how about you counter that with some citations to that research you are refering to
  • seehawkmomma
    Does anyone have any water substitutions that would work almost as good as water, but taste better?
    Thank you!

    Tea. I drink lots of fruit teas, both iced and hot.



    Just because there is WATER in it does not make it equal.

    Yes. It does. Water is never pure. It is as close to a universal solvent as exists. It is impossible to make it pure. Tea is 99.99% water, and so is drinking water.

    Also, water in ANYTHING counts as water.


    Right, so John Smith drinks sweet tea ALL DAY that counts as his water intake? I have to politely disagree.

    You know, you seem really tied up in this "do things I don't like" pattern. Why is it so important to you that you and others do things you don't like; so much so that you try so hard to shame them into doing them? It really is possible to be healthy and not do anything you absolutely hate, and not a lot you really dislike. And it's just as healthy. Why?

    Considering the amount of research that has been proven that water is in fact water I stand by what I have said previously. I didn't realize that I was "trying to shame anyone". I do not think that it is possible to be completely healthy without the proper intake of water. However, like majority of people on here I am not a doctor, but the research I have done and the doctors I have talked to nothing can sub water better than water.

    There have been some great advice about adding fruit or cucumbers slices which is great.

    But what I've said is MY opinion. Which is way someone has posted on here to hear other peoples opinions.

    There have been a lot of links to articles stating why you can include other drinks in your daily fluid intake, how about you counter that with some citations to that research you are refering to

    Thats one website. The research I am talking about has been done thru books, doctors, and multiple websites. I am not going to base my entire thought process based on ONE website.

    Some doctors may agree with what you have to say or what that website has to say but considering that when you have coffee thats not water anymore....thats caffeine and COFFEE.....not water. If you like I can throw some websites your way if that helps?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Does anyone have any water substitutions that would work almost as good as water, but taste better?
    Thank you!

    Tea. I drink lots of fruit teas, both iced and hot.



    Just because there is WATER in it does not make it equal.

    Yes. It does. Water is never pure. It is as close to a universal solvent as exists. It is impossible to make it pure. Tea is 99.99% water, and so is drinking water.

    Also, water in ANYTHING counts as water.


    Right, so John Smith drinks sweet tea ALL DAY that counts as his water intake? I have to politely disagree.

    You know, you seem really tied up in this "do things I don't like" pattern. Why is it so important to you that you and others do things you don't like; so much so that you try so hard to shame them into doing them? It really is possible to be healthy and not do anything you absolutely hate, and not a lot you really dislike. And it's just as healthy. Why?

    Considering the amount of research that has been proven that water is in fact water I stand by what I have said previously. I didn't realize that I was "trying to shame anyone". I do not think that it is possible to be completely healthy without the proper intake of water. However, like majority of people on here I am not a doctor, but the research I have done and the doctors I have talked to nothing can sub water better than water.

    There have been some great advice about adding fruit or cucumbers slices which is great.

    But what I've said is MY opinion. Which is way someone has posted on here to hear other peoples opinions.

    There have been a lot of links to articles stating why you can include other drinks in your daily fluid intake, how about you counter that with some citations to that research you are refering to

    Thats one website. The research I am talking about has been done thru books, doctors, and multiple websites. I am not going to base my entire thought process based on ONE website.

    Some doctors may agree with what you have to say or what that website has to say but considering that when you have coffee thats not water anymore....thats caffeine and COFFEE.....not water. If you like I can throw some websites your way if that helps?

    Nice way to not answer the question. An the website you are talking about is from the mayo clinic. The last time I looked my coffee was coffee and water. Please throw some websites my way as I requested in the first place.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Does anyone have any water substitutions that would work almost as good as water, but taste better?
    Thank you!

    Tea. I drink lots of fruit teas, both iced and hot.



    Just because there is WATER in it does not make it equal.

    Yes. It does. Water is never pure. It is as close to a universal solvent as exists. It is impossible to make it pure. Tea is 99.99% water, and so is drinking water.

    Also, water in ANYTHING counts as water.


    Right, so John Smith drinks sweet tea ALL DAY that counts as his water intake? I have to politely disagree.

    You know, you seem really tied up in this "do things I don't like" pattern. Why is it so important to you that you and others do things you don't like; so much so that you try so hard to shame them into doing them? It really is possible to be healthy and not do anything you absolutely hate, and not a lot you really dislike. And it's just as healthy. Why?

    Considering the amount of research that has been proven that water is in fact water I stand by what I have said previously. I didn't realize that I was "trying to shame anyone". I do not think that it is possible to be completely healthy without the proper intake of water. However, like majority of people on here I am not a doctor, but the research I have done and the doctors I have talked to nothing can sub water better than water.

    There have been some great advice about adding fruit or cucumbers slices which is great.

    But what I've said is MY opinion. Which is way someone has posted on here to hear other peoples opinions.
    What research? Please, show us this peer reviewed, scientific study that proves that the only hydration the human body gets is from water. Prove to us that the human metabolism has absolutely no idea how to extract the water from all foods and liquids consumed in order to maintain hydration levels. If you believe it can't, let me ask you this. Do you believe that the human body can extract nutrients out of food we eat? Then why do you seem to have this misguided idea that it can't do the same thing with water? Water is a nutrient. It can be extracted and absorbed from many sources. You do not need to drink water alone for hydration. Everything counts toward hydration.

    The only "study" that claims only pure water hydrates that I've ever seen wasn't a real study, it was a marketing scheme by the bottled water industry to increase sales. Seems like you bought into it.
  • axhandles
    Me Too! I have said this myself for so many years I believed it and would frequently become mildly dehydrated, leading to serious sluggishness. As has already been stated if you increase your H2O intake dramatically for a few days your body will begin to crave it and you will find that drinking the water to slake your thirst changes your dislike for it. Try to recognize caffeine in drinks as this is a natural diuretic(Helps the body flush out fluids)and so is watermelon. Milk has too many solids in it to really be considered a substitute for water but whatever works! I really like herbal fruit teas sweetened with fruit and splenda. I usually brew it stronger so I can add ice then add raspberries or whatever fruit matches and mash it up. have you tried cutting up apples, oranges, kiwis, etc. and soaking them in water in the fridge during your day? I like that too. Good luck, and let us know how things turn out!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Me Too! I have said this myself for so many years I believed it and would frequently become mildly dehydrated, leading to serious sluggishness. As has already been stated if you increase your H2O intake dramatically for a few days your body will begin to crave it and you will find that drinking the water to slake your thirst changes your dislike for it. Try to recognize caffeine in drinks as this is a natural diuretic(Helps the body flush out fluids)and so is watermelon. Milk has too many solids in it to really be considered a substitute for water but whatever works! I really like herbal fruit teas sweetened with fruit and splenda. I usually brew it stronger so I can add ice then add raspberries or whatever fruit matches and mash it up. have you tried cutting up apples, oranges, kiwis, etc. and soaking them in water in the fridge during your day? I like that too. Good luck, and let us know how things turn out!

    Please read the responses throughout this post regarding caffeine. And milk can absolutely be counted as fluids.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Milk is an emulsion, it's milk solids suspended in WATER. Of course you receive hydration from it. Like I've already stated, water is a nutrient, and your body extracts and absorbs it from all sources, just like it would any other nutrient from any other food.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Does anyone have any water substitutions that would work almost as good as water, but taste better?
    Thank you!

    Tea. I drink lots of fruit teas, both iced and hot.



    Just because there is WATER in it does not make it equal.

    Yes. It does. Water is never pure. It is as close to a universal solvent as exists. It is impossible to make it pure. Tea is 99.99% water, and so is drinking water.

    Also, water in ANYTHING counts as water.


    Right, so John Smith drinks sweet tea ALL DAY that counts as his water intake? I have to politely disagree.

    You know, you seem really tied up in this "do things I don't like" pattern. Why is it so important to you that you and others do things you don't like; so much so that you try so hard to shame them into doing them? It really is possible to be healthy and not do anything you absolutely hate, and not a lot you really dislike. And it's just as healthy. Why?

    Considering the amount of research that has been proven that water is in fact water I stand by what I have said previously. I didn't realize that I was "trying to shame anyone". I do not think that it is possible to be completely healthy without the proper intake of water. However, like majority of people on here I am not a doctor, but the research I have done and the doctors I have talked to nothing can sub water better than water.

    There have been some great advice about adding fruit or cucumbers slices which is great.

    But what I've said is MY opinion. Which is way someone has posted on here to hear other peoples opinions.

    Where is this so-called research about beverages other than water not counting as water? That evidence doesn't exist, in contrast to the pages of evidence from leading experts at the Mayo Clinic and and other places provided in this thread alone to show that tea, coffee, soda, milk, juice, etc, etc, in addition to all the water in foods, count toward the 8 glasses for women/11 glasses for men, required per day. Five different people have produced medical evidence of this from well-respected medical sources. If you are going to insist that this isn't true, you need to show your evidence. That you "do not think it is possible" is not evidence, nor is anecdotal evidence of research you have done or nameless, faceless doctors you have talked to whose credentials no one can check have done. What research have you done? What are your credentials that your evidence is better than that research done at the Mayo Clinic? In what journals was it published?

    As to shaming, you have posted numerous times that if you are a "grownup" you must do things you don't like in order to be healthy. A number of people here, including me, disagree, and your repeated use of "grownup" and "adult" implies that if we disagree, and believe you can be healthy and not do anything you hate, and very little you dislike, we are not adults. This is not true, and I'm trying to figure out why you are so adamant that you yourself MUST do things you yourself have said you HATE, and are so insistent that other people must too.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Me Too! I have said this myself for so many years I believed it and would frequently become mildly dehydrated, leading to serious sluggishness. As has already been stated if you increase your H2O intake dramatically for a few days your body will begin to crave it and you will find that drinking the water to slake your thirst changes your dislike for it. Try to recognize caffeine in drinks as this is a natural diuretic(Helps the body flush out fluids)and so is watermelon. Milk has too many solids in it to really be considered a substitute for water but whatever works! I really like herbal fruit teas sweetened with fruit and splenda. I usually brew it stronger so I can add ice then add raspberries or whatever fruit matches and mash it up. have you tried cutting up apples, oranges, kiwis, etc. and soaking them in water in the fridge during your day? I like that too. Good luck, and let us know how things turn out!

    Really? What percentage of milk is "solids?" And how many "solids" is "too many" for it to be considered hydration? How does water "flush out fluids?" What chemical in watermelon is a diuretic? How does the diuretic effect of caffeine compare to, say, water's diuretic effect? Is the research proving all this available from PubMed or Elsevier?
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    There really aren't any substitutions for water. Your body is 60% water, not 60% lemonade.
    However, maybe try squeezing some lime or lemon into it. And maybe keep a pitcher of it in the fridge so it can always be nice and cold and refreshing.

    Have you read this thread and the references given here? Lemonade is WATER. And the body's water? Isn't pure either. It's full of electrolytes. All liquids count as water. Anything else is pseudoscience.

    Uhm. Yeah, and I also studied biology for four years. Is that a pseudoscience, too?