Falling off the wagon on weekends?



  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 303
    I fell off the wagon this weekend...I even think I got run over by the back wheels as it was careening out of sight, given how I feel this morning. ~sigh~ I'm trying to be good today, but already this morning I woke up famished (how that is possible given what I ate yesterday, I don't know)..

    Still, when pondering it earlier today I came to the realization that as long as I don't go over maintenance calories all I'm really doing is delaying weight loss rather than putting pounds back on. From now on, if I do slip, my goal will be to not go above maintenance. That way I don't feel like I am sabotaging my efforts, I might just be delaying them by a day or two. Dunno why, but that thinking feels like it will help keep me on board with this.

    Edited to add: My biggest problem on the weekend is not having time to work out consistently - our gym is only open a short while on Sundays, and while hubby got in a nice 1.5 hour workout in the morning while I stayed home with the kids, somehow I never go to go (had to go grocery shopping and cook dinner which ate up most of the afternoon). I did try to go out for a walk after dinner, but no way was I gonna run - it was C.O.L.D. And raining. And just nasty. I'm a wuss, obviously. :laugh:
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    I dont fall off the wagon exercise or calorie wise its not eating the right foods. Lots of sodium! Uggg
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    No, because I am not young enough or cool enough to go out drinking anymore, haha :)
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    If you KNOW you are going to go over on a weekend then you can bank some calories, say eat 50 or 100 less per weekday and then use them up on your Saturday night. :-)
  • SlimSammy2012
    <~~~Truly Guilty of this sort of. At work, I am regimented with eating and the times I eat and snack appropriately. Then, the weekends have me running around doing errands or out riding and the timing sucks! Missed snack and time cause me to eat the wrong foods and at the wrong times. Makes my weekly routine so important to adhere too!

    Have been having a hard time latel since the recent Text Dumping of me about three weeks ago! All hel# has broken loose with me!

  • anarod0513
    anarod0513 Posts: 119
    I used to have to re start every Monday morning. On the weekends I would splurge like there was no tomorrow, unfortunately gaining every single pound I had lost the week before. On Monday I found myself upset and wondering what the point of exercising was. I found, foil my case, that cheat days do not work. Instead if I want something I eat it, but I use portion control. For example, this week I had a party I went to, I knew there would be beer. I had my beer but limited it to three, stayed under my calorie goal for the day, and guess what..... No starting over this Monday!!!! Also, in my case, planning my meals in advance help me a lot.
  • cdbjr2000
    cdbjr2000 Posts: 63 Member
  • dblbutts
    dblbutts Posts: 11
    I have had very few weekends that are good. I go out to eat or not sure how things are cooked or don't remember to log it or really don't want to log it cause of how much I ate. You name it I think I have done it. But I keep going and I know I am doing better cause I don't give up. :flowerforyou:
  • emma110984
    emma110984 Posts: 125 Member
    Most weeks I was putting on 2lbs from Friday to Monday... then I gave up alcohol, and decided to just drink it on big important occassions. This has helped me so much with weight loss and not snacking!!! It was always 1 step forwards, 2 steps back... no it's pretty much forward!
  • chelchelt
    chelchelt Posts: 77 Member
    I do the same thing. The only time we have time or family is on the weekends so we end up going out to eat or bar-b-quing or loungin and snacking on whatever is handy. I found this weekend was a lot better becasue we stayed outside all day Saturday and Sunday. Even if we were just lounging the snacks weren't right there to grab and for the most part we were active. Between playing with the kids and running back and forth for water and playing catch with the kids I think I burned off more calories then usual.
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    Thanks for the timely thread. I feel your pain. Weekends are definitely a problem for me. For one thing, my hubby and I enjoy cooking, so we tend to make very elaborate dinners on weekends. And that means we also split a bottle of wine, at least 2 nights, sometimes 3. And it isn't just the calories from the wine that is a problem, it is the lack of self-control that happens after drinking wine. (ie. wine leads to desserts).

    One way I try to combat the weekend effects is to exercise more during the day on weekends. The other thing I do is try to eat light on Monday and Tuesday. Usually, any extra calories disappear by Wed. That only leaves 3 days to actually make progress. No wonder I am stuck on a plateau!!

    I'd love to hear other useful strategies for this issue.
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    all the time--- was just angry at myself... falling off on weekeneds and eating great during week, leads to maintanence not loss. so I am right there with you....
  • opiesquish
    Everyday is a new day and like the others said, log it!! Alcohol and pizza is high in fat and calories, but moderate your intake!! Find a lower calorie drink, eat one or two pieces of pizza. I feel that when you make something taboo and you eat it you feel more guilt.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    If I'm being honest with myself I think this is probably the thing that's holding me back. I always give myself a 'free day' on Sunday but I'm starting to suspect my 'free day' is out of control and keeping me from losing weight.

    So I am going to cut out the free day and keep my calories in check all week. *sigh* It's gonna be hard! BUT I will do it.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    This is why I changed my weigh-in day to Friday or Saturday instead of Mondays. Even if I didn't do "bad" calorie-wise on weekends, I always had something more sodium packed if I went out to eat than if I cooked at home, so my weight was always up a couple pounds on Monday morning, but back down a few days later. When you realize it's just normal fluctuation, it's nothing to beat yourself up over.
  • DevilishDessert
    yes, lol, i wont eat pizza to many cals, i go for Chinese, lol but i drink to much alcohol weekend, and feel guilty the day after
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    Yep. My husband and I usually end up eating out 1x on the weekends at least and then he likes to go to our local bar and have a few. Now I'm trying to fit this into my weekend by making sure we hit the gym first on Friday nights and on the weekends as well even if its only for cardio. I have to do something or I feel guilty.
  • wagon0619
    wagon0619 Posts: 38 Member
    I know this is only me, but I find that in the week following my bad weekend(not every weekend), I tend to lose more weight. I weigh in on Friday mornings, and it seems like those weeks more pounds come off.
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    My weekends are essentially my time off. I try to make the best choices I can, but they're never as stellar as they are during the week. I don't beat myself up, I just move on. Everyone has a few days where they make choices that aren't awesome, if you beat yourself up every time you're going to give up before to get where you wanna go.
  • sarawoertink
    sarawoertink Posts: 62 Member
    I was literally just complaining about this. I work so hard all week and lose maybe 1-2 pounds. Then the weekend comes and I will have a few social beers or go to dinner at a friend's or have a few snacks (even if they are healthy snacks.) I don't do anything extreme, but then on Monday I am heavier than Friday by at least 2 lbs!!! It is definitely discouraging to try so hard to lose a few pounds when it is so easy for it to just come right back. I'm not giving up though!