Discrimination against skinny/fit women



  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I've gotten a lot of negative comments. Hell, just last night was a great example. But screw it! As long as you're doing something for yourself and in a healthy way, who cares?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If you're thin and eat something healthy, you eat like a rabbit and need a cheeseburger.

    If you eat something considered "fattening," you're warned that it will catch up to you.

    Although I actually loved being told that the donut I was eating at work a few years ago was going to catch up to me when I hit 30. Because I was 35 at the time. :laugh:
  • ciaoella
    ciaoella Posts: 10
    I've gotten a lot of negative comments. Hell, just last night was a great example. But screw it! As long as you're doing something for yourself and in a healthy way, who cares?

    That thread last night was absolutely disgusting and horrific! It's probably best that it was locked by the time I saw it because there were a few internet doctors and double-standard apologists in there that had me RAGING. By the way, you look fab and I'm glad that you're able to say screw what they say!
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I've gotten a lot of negative comments. Hell, just last night was a great example. But screw it! As long as you're doing something for yourself and in a healthy way, who cares?

    That thread last night was absolutely disgusting and horrific! It's probably best that it was locked by the time I saw it because there were a few internet doctors and double-standard apologists in there that had me RAGING. By the way, you look fab and I'm glad that you're able to say screw what they say!

    Thanks, yeah it really got out of hand and shocked the crap out of me. Couldn't believe the way it turned.
  • maggie16sweetxoxo
    maggie16sweetxoxo Posts: 314 Member
    I've noticed my skinny friends tell me i look skinny and they guess my weight is aroung 110 ( ahah its 140.5) and my slightly larger friends or people i know arnt so nice about it... so i guess i understand what your saying, anybody seen Hair Spray or Queen Size? I like the movies, but i feel like the over-weight girl just hates the skinny one because she is skinny!? like what the heck? Don't get me wrong there are some very nice larger ladies that i know! :flowerforyou: just my opinion
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    My only thoughts are that women who are overweight big time and do nothing about it do nothing but make snide comments about my weight and how I don't eat anything or how I am skin and bones. It's very rude and annoying!
  • Anaconda62
    Anaconda62 Posts: 181
    Just a bit off topic, but on the subject of generalizations:

    I know very, very few mean women. The women I know are kind, no matter what their size. I am sure I've been luckier than most to NOT know that many catty women who put others down. Maybe when I was in high school I knew some, but since I've become a grown-up (and I'm 50!) I have learned that women can be great friends and supporters.

    I know there are many women who stereotype other women, though. I used to have a woman boss and my Mom would say things like "women bosses are horrible." She'd never even had a boss that was a woman. Another time, one of my friends and I were discussing why one of our departments had so much trouble with dissenssion among its ranks. She immediately surmised that it was because there were a bunch of women in that department. It just so happened that there were more men there than in ours and in our department we all got along very, very well.

    I think jumping to conclusions about how women (or men) are this way and that is a detriment not just to our gender but to the whole human race. It's the same as when making assumptions about other cultures or races. People are far too different for there to be just one pattern of behavior amongst so many millions.

    And that's my two cents.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Skinny/fit & feminine women can pretty much write their own ticket in a number of facets in life. It is much easier to go through life as a skinny or fit woman than as an overweight woman.

    I don't know, I'd say white, middle class, males have a way easier go of life in America than skinny/fit & feminine women.

    Umm...this is complete crap, sorry.

    ...I am also in the only group that doesn't receive preferential hiring due to fitting into some minority.

    hahaha, says the middle class white guy! Perhaps you don't receive preferential hiring, but it's actually not my imagination that the job I did get, after 7 years of school pays me less than they would you after the same amount of school, statistically it's true.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Skinny/fit & feminine women can pretty much write their own ticket in a number of facets in life. It is much easier to go through life as a skinny or fit woman than as an overweight woman.

    I don't know, I'd say white, middle class, males have a way easier go of life in America than skinny/fit & feminine women.

    Umm...this is complete crap, sorry.

    ...I am also in the only group that doesn't receive preferential hiring due to fitting into some minority.

    hahaha, says the middle class white guy! Perhaps you don't receive preferential hiring, but it's actually not my imagination that the job I did get, after 7 years of school pays me less than they would you after the same amount of school, statistically it's true.

    Aha, now we're branching into feminism. Or, as I like to call it (and all of you that know by heart the 'definition' of feminism can scream it in my ears all you like...it still doesn't mean that's how it's practiced), 'Women for the Betterment of Only Women', or...if you prefer, 'Down With the Man!'. If you believe in equal rights, equal pay, etc...you're a humanist (learned this in a feminist discussion the other night...and it's true).

    And, as a woman (read: minority), there's a very good chance you DID receive preferential hiring. So...bad that you MAY be getting less pay...good that you got a job. I'd be considering myself lucky were I you at this point.

    Now, as a disclaimer...I DO believe in equal rights. I DO believe in equal pay for equal work. I DO believe that if you are physically, emotionally, and mentally capable of a job, you should get equal consideration. If this means I believe in feminism, by it's 'definition'...great! I don't care what it's called, to me it's just common sense. What it also means though, is that if I, as a white, middle class, straight male, am better qualified than you, a woman, or you, an 'African American' (hate that term too...are you, meaning any 'race'...not just black, American or no? I'm not an 'American American'? I'm AMERICAN!! Just like you! As long as you continue to separate yourself by definition, you unfortunately will remain...separate =(....), a Mexican American, or any other minority who has successfully lobbied for 'equal rights'...I should freaking get the job.

    Sadly this isn't the case...is it? Odd how that ties into your discussion.

    Now, ladies...sorry about the derailment here, please..lets allow this to go back to topic, I don't want your thread closed. My only reason for bringing it up was an example of how discrimination can exist without the person being descriminated against being a minority, or the person descriminating being 'mean'.
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    Just a bit off topic, but on the subject of generalizations:

    I know very, very few mean women. The women I know are kind, no matter what their size. I am sure I've been luckier than most to NOT know that many catty women who put others down. Maybe when I was in high school I knew some, but since I've become a grown-up (and I'm 50!) I have learned that women can be great friends and supporters.

    I know there are many women who stereotype other women, though. I used to have a woman boss and my Mom would say things like "women bosses are horrible." She'd never even had a boss that was a woman. Another time, one of my friends and I were discussing why one of our departments had so much trouble with dissenssion among its ranks. She immediately surmised that it was because there were a bunch of women in that department. It just so happened that there were more men there than in ours and in our department we all got along very, very well.

    I think jumping to conclusions about how women (or men) are this way and that is a detriment not just to our gender but to the whole human race. It's the same as when making assumptions about other cultures or races. People are far too different for there to be just one pattern of behavior amongst so many millions.

    And that's my two cents.

    I think that's it exactly... you get an echo back of what you put out.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Now, ladies...sorry about the derailment here, please..lets allow this to go back to topic, I don't want your thread closed. My only reason for bringing it up was an example of how discrimination can exist without the person being descriminated against being a minority, or the person descriminating being 'mean'.

    Actually, you very nicely brought it back around to the original topic. The fat against skinny or skinny against fat dynamic is one that some people would put in the category of "reverse discrimination", and I dislike that term. Either it's discrimination or it's not, and in my view, it is wrong whether the victim of discrimination is considered a minority or not, or whether it is socially acceptable to make fun of that group or not. The double standards certainly do exist (in the male/female dynamic as well as in the fat/skinny dynamic and many others). I was trying to point that out to the first middle class white man that made the comment implying that it was okay to make fun of skinny girls because they "have it easier" (a few posts up from mine), which wasn't you. But you illustrating indignation at the male/female “reverse discrimination” that I ignited, shows nicely why it’s just as wrong to make fun of skinny girls as it is to make fun of overweight girls, follow?
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I've gotten a lot of negative comments. Hell, just last night was a great example. But screw it! As long as you're doing something for yourself and in a healthy way, who cares?
    Karma is a *****
  • missym357
    missym357 Posts: 210 Member
    If you're thin and eat something healthy, you eat like a rabbit and need a cheeseburger.

    If you eat something considered "fattening," you're warned that it will catch up to you.

    Although I actually loved being told that the donut I was eating at work a few years ago was going to catch up to me when I hit 30. Because I was 35 at the time. :laugh:

    Haha...very true. I remember in high school, it was going to catch up with me in college. After college it was, "yeah, I was your size when I was that age, then I had kids". After I had kids people started to shut up, but now I'm hearing that it will catch up with me when I hit menopause- which may or may not be true.
  • missym357
    missym357 Posts: 210 Member

    Now, ladies...sorry about the derailment here, please..lets allow this to go back to topic, I don't want your thread closed. My only reason for bringing it up was an example of how discrimination can exist without the person being descriminated against being a minority, or the person descriminating being 'mean'.

    I would make the case that the skinny woman is a minority. I cannot go into walmart or kohls and find clothes that fit and the fact of the matter is, I know very few people in real life that are what would be described as skinny.
  • asphyxiac
    asphyxiac Posts: 12 Member
    I've gotten a lot of negative comments. Hell, just last night was a great example. But screw it! As long as you're doing something for yourself and in a healthy way, who cares?

    That thread last night was absolutely disgusting and horrific! It's probably best that it was locked by the time I saw it because there were a few internet doctors and double-standard apologists in there that had me RAGING. By the way, you look fab and I'm glad that you're able to say screw what they say!

    I'm actually unsurprised by what happened the other night. People can become fervent in their 'anti-ED' crusades, to the point where it becomes a witch hunt. However, I am surprised by some of the responses given by individuals in this thread. Although I realize that MFP users are likely to be more self-absorbed/vain than the general population (this is just a given - it's a site centered around physical fitness and improvement, much of which is appearance based), I'm astounded by the fact that some users have inferred that individuals who behave rudely toward them are doing so out of jealousy.

    It's far more likely that someone who behaves rudely toward you is simply a rude person in general. As in, they would be mean to you no matter what you looked like.

    I'm perplexed by people who believe that a stranger would hold the exact same aesthetic standards as themselves, and then be jealous of the fact that they (the stranger) conform less to that aesthetic ideal than the individual in question.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
  • mhanley1961
    Agreed, second row is best
  • westcoaster09
    I deal with this on a daily basis. My MIL tells me everyday that I am getting too skinny ( I am 5'8" and 166) and she is always bashing on her skinny sisters or complete strangers.
  • NaturalinCO
    NaturalinCO Posts: 164 Member
    I wasn't really noticed when I was heavier, so I don't know what's worse-- being invisible or being accused of having an eating disorder because I'm thin.

    I have never had an eating disorder or looked remotely like I had one, but at my heaviest I definitely related to being invisible. Partly by choice, but it seems everyone else was a-ok co-signing my invisibility. Now I see fit women, (I'm not a fan of skinny for myself as it is terribly unrealistic and to me the word has a nasty connotation, anyhoo) and wonder what works for them that I may not be doing and could be. I definitely see a confidence in fit women that I have gotten a taste of over the past 8 months and I'm hooked. I just figure, if you want change you're the one who has to do it. Don't hate on folks who took their health into their hands and got it done - or are getting it done *shrugs*
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Having never been really thin or fit I cannot comment.

    But you sound like are kind of confusing discrimination with criticism.

    Discrimination is where you are deliberately excluded from social groups or organisations because of a physical characteristic. What you are experiencing is fat people being envious and teasing you about your weight. You are not being told you can't vote or be employed or get equal pay because of your weight. You aren't being sent to the back of the bus or anything.

    I did experience a lot of discrimination when I was morbidly obese.

    Discrimination = being denied jobs because of your weight (check)
    Discrimination = having people say you're not welcome in their homes because of your weight (check)
    Discrimination = having absolutely no friends in HS because of your weight (double check)
    Discrimination = being ignored in clothes stores when trying things on (triple check)

    And if you're wondering how I know those things weren't to do with my weight.
    After I lost weight I started getting promotions at work. I started having people want to be my friend. It's a completely different feeling, the way people treat me now.

    I dislike that people are hard on each other about their looks. Women AND men need to stop criticising each other so much and be more supportive. It isn't right that women criticise you about your weight and it's not right when it happens in reverse.