dry cleaner forgot to charge- what would you do?



  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    They did mess up....but.....I also agree that what goes around comes around. They will appreciate your honesty and you will feel better about it. I believe in doing the right thing and I always try to do just that.

    A few years ago when I was in school, I found someone's expensive Ipod stuck in a cushiony chair. I turned it in to the lost and found of course. It never even occurred to me to keep it. A few days later, I left my wallet at a gas station. (it had fallen off the roof of my car) OOPS! A guy called me when I just a few miles down the road...I hadn't even realized I left it there. (luckily I had my number in the wallet!) He left it for me at the gas station counter. Nothing was missing from it. How awesome is that?

    I told my teenage son this story later that night and he asked me why I didn't keep the Ipod? I simply said....it wasn't mine, it was my duty to return it since I had found it.

    Bottom line..you received a service and they deserve to be paid. Hope this helps! :flowerforyou:

    I've had it both ways. I lost my wallet some time back--left it at the manicure place. Someone found it and turned it in. My number wasn't in it, but they remembered me and had it for me when I got back. Nothing missing--not even cash. Twenty five years ago I left my purse on the sink while I was in a stall in a public restroom (I was young and trusting) and it was taken. Mall security found the purse and wallet in a trash can but all money and credit cards, and my ID, were gone. It doesn't matter to me that not everyone is honest. MOST people are. On this thread we have 2 who wouldn't (if you count the OP who said he wouldn't) and what--20? 25? who would. That says a lot. I'll pay it/urn it in/return the change, every time and it seems most everyone else would too.

    Penn Jillette says if you ran up to a stranger on the street just about anywhere in the US, and handed them your car keys, and said, "Can you please park this for me and leave the keys under the mat? My wife is in labor and I have to go." and ran away, almost every time your car would be parked with the keys under the mat. I think he's right. Most people are honest.
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you :smile:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i know my dry cleaners and other neighborhood mom and pop stores pretty well, so yeah i'd go back and pay. especially since most of the time they will do something extra or give me something free every now and then. i'd feel like i was stealing if i didnt pay and they didnt mean to give it to me for free
  • sortin
    sortin Posts: 78
    On this thread we have 2 who wouldn't (if you count the OP who said he wouldn't) and what--20? 25? who would.
    To be fair, there's 2 who SAY they wouldn't, and 20-25 who SAY they would. As was said, integrity is what you do when nobody is looking (and you know you won't get caught). Saying you'd do something is one thing, actually doing it requires being put in that situation.
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    It's a few dollars and could cost someone their job. Pay it.
  • tinksmommy2006
    Personally, I would call and pay but that's because I'm a Christian and I would feel guilty if I didn't.
    No offense but being Christian or any other religion has nothing to do with it.

    With that said...I would call and pay. It is human error and I wouldn't want it to happen to me.
  • ahadj
    ahadj Posts: 257 Member
    On this thread we have 2 who wouldn't (if you count the OP who said he wouldn't) and what--20? 25? who would.
    To be fair, there's 2 who SAY they wouldn't, and 20-25 who SAY they would. As was said, integrity is what you do when nobody is looking (and you know you won't get caught). Saying you'd do something is one thing, actually doing it requires being put in that situation.

    Ha! So true. This is exactly what I thought scrolling through this thread.
  • samrybarczyk
    samrybarczyk Posts: 32 Member
    I wasn't planning on it because if you ask me, they screwed up. I did everything they asked, they are just too stupid to call the new number I gave them and are probably calling the old number. Obviously if they really wanted payment they could ask my company how to get in touch with me, so I know I'm not in the clear.

    They're to stupid you say? Whatever happened to human error? I'm sure you've made mistakes before and just because a mistake was made does not mean you have the right to be dishonest.
  • EnuffaMyButt
    EnuffaMyButt Posts: 111 Member
    My thought is, Karma baby! It all comes back around. But, you're the only one that has to sleep with the decision you make.
  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    I am a big believer in karma and I would pay. Maybe when I was younger I would just wait until they brought it up (and if not, then free clean clothes), but all I can think about is now how I would feel if I were in their shoes.

    You'll feel better about yourself if you step up and point out what happened and pay. :)
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    I would pay. No question.
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    Integrity is becoming a lost trait in our world. I say, keep your integrity and pay the bill. It's owed for a service provided. Just my opinion.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    On this thread we have 2 who wouldn't (if you count the OP who said he wouldn't) and what--20? 25? who would.
    To be fair, there's 2 who SAY they wouldn't, and 20-25 who SAY they would. As was said, integrity is what you do when nobody is looking (and you know you won't get caught). Saying you'd do something is one thing, actually doing it requires being put in that situation.

    Wow. Cynical. But I suppose no one here's actually had the dry cleaner's forget to charge them. I know I haven't. Probably you're right, and we wouldn't do what many of us have done in similar situations, because when it's a dry cleaner, that's different.

    I'm still gonna live as if most people are honest, though, if that's okay with you.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    On this thread we have 2 who wouldn't (if you count the OP who said he wouldn't) and what--20? 25? who would.
    To be fair, there's 2 who SAY they wouldn't, and 20-25 who SAY they would. As was said, integrity is what you do when nobody is looking (and you know you won't get caught). Saying you'd do something is one thing, actually doing it requires being put in that situation.

    And it was ME who said that. But, while doing it requires being in the situation, knowing you would do it, DOESN'T.
  • niss63
    niss63 Posts: 82 Member
    Personally, I would call and pay but that's because I'm a Christian and I would feel guilty if I didn't.

    Is there some reason that you need to bring your religion into it? I'd do what is right because it's right, and because morality is about doing what is right even when there is no penalty for doing wrong. Since you say you'd pay because you'd feel guilty, why would your christianity matter to the question?

    No offense but being Christian or any other religion has nothing to do with it.

    With that said...I would call and pay. It is human error and I wouldn't want it to happen to me.

    For her, being a Christian has everything to do with it. That is her value system and she is simply explaining her decision based on her value system.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I would pay because I feel that is the right thing to do. Small business needs the money as much as you do.
  • Firefighter_Jay
    Firefighter_Jay Posts: 426 Member
    I would go back and pay. Do the right thing, because it's the right thing to do.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    The company I work at offers a pick-up and delivery dry cleaning service from a place in the area every Monday and Thursday. I've used this dry cleaner in the past (over a year ago) at their store location, but never did the pick-up/drop-off. Last Thursday I decided I would try it. I called the cleaners to find out how it works, and the lady said she would call me after they picked-up the clothes with the price, and that I could give her my credit card number over the phone. She asked that I staple a piece of paper to the bag with my phone number and contact information, so I did. She didn't want to take my credit card then because they have to look at the clothes first to see what to charge it as, and she didn't want me to write the credit card number on the paper for privacy. Well, they never called and I've already got my clothes back (they were dropped off at my office today). I noticed on the ticket they have my old phone number listed (probably from when I came into the store a year ago) but that number is now disconnected. I attached a sheet with my current cell phone number to the bag of clothes (as the cleaner employee requested), so my question for you all is... would you call them and pay? I wasn't planning on it because if you ask me, they screwed up. I did everything they asked, they are just too stupid to call the new number I gave them and are probably calling the old number. Obviously if they really wanted payment they could ask my company how to get in touch with me, so I know I'm not in the clear. But if this happened to you, would you take it upon yourself to pay or just enjoy your clean clothes? Feel free to justify your response.

    I would call and pay because while they are probably making a mistake, they are making an honest mistake. I would hope that if I were them the person would call, and quite frankly anything else is stealing.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    If this is a cleaners that you will use often then I'd say "yes" I would go pay for them. If it's a one shot deal and you'll never see them again, well I'd say "no".
  • Katie1951
    Katie1951 Posts: 314 Member
    I try to treat people (businesses) like I would like to be treated. If you're ok with someone not paying you for services rendered just because of a mistake, then don't pay. If you'd expect to be paid even though you messed up, then pay up.

    I'd call and pay up, my conscience wouldn't let me do otherwise.