SeaCliff Steppers



  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    HI Eileen
    go wear fit sounds so cool. On the other thread they talk about heart moniters to wear. there is to much out there for me to choose from I get overwelmed but that sounds like it is one of the best one's yet. your doing so great I see 26 lbs way to go
    also hi everyone hope your all having a wonderful day:flowerforyou:
  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    Hi....anyone else out there from Sea Cliff Steppers besides Mary and I???
    Hi Mary, how is it going being back in your routine now??
    Stay motivated, try some new food, different exercises. Go to the park and hit a tennis ball with your kids, walk along the beach at night or go for a bike ride.
    Took a 10 minute ferry over to Shelter Island from Greenport yestersday, it was AMAZING!
    Hope all is well, stay in touch!
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    HI everyone
    I know Eileen I think it just us. I don't know where everyone else went . The ferry sounds great. I hope your enjoying yourself.
    I am having a hard time getting back on track. I am sleeping to late. So I made a plan for thursday and I am going to get going on it. You are so right about the food I am getting bored of eating the same thing. I asked the girls from the 300 club for some good recipe's and thoughts and they are like you so helpful.
    By the way congrats on the 34 lbs I hope you have a wonderful day
  • pmw211
    pmw211 Posts: 6
    Hi to all,

    I am so sorry that I haven't been communicating with everyone. We have been busy with our new addition. Her name is CALLIE and she is adorable and so good natured. We got her on the 27th of July from the Town of Oyster Bay Shelter. I had been searching online and there she was. She is about a 1 1/2 to 2 yrs. old. She is Golden Retriever and Collie mix. So needless to say, I am getting to walk everyday.
    We go morning and again when I get home from work. I hope it's working. I think I am down about 7 lbs. I hope everyone is well. Take care and I promise, I will sign on more often.

    :bigsmile: Pat
  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    Wow, Your new puppy sounds cute....Since the name is Callie, i am assuming it is a girl!
    I have a Golden Retriever and Mini Daushound, they love their walks!!
    I am so proud of you losing 7 punds, that is go girl!!
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Hi pat and Elieen
    well I started working again this week and I told roberts and mantkis to come check us out so hopefully they will. Not much else is new. I have a Daushound also ,but he is long hair. the mini are sooo.. cute.
    Well i hope your enjoying this wonderful weather.
    Tkae care have a great day
  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    Hi Mary & Pat,
    Wow Mary ..I didn't think you were going back to work until September! Have you seen any other teachers?new principal??

    Hope all is well with you all...staying healthy, enjoying the summer!
    How are the life style changes going with food and exercise....are you getting back into a routine??

    I am off to California and then a cruise to the Mexican Riviera!!
    I have family staying at the house to look after things......I will stop into school when I get back!!
    Talk to you soon!
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Hi Eileen
    I go to work during the summer when then need me only but's it's great that I can work
    I hope you have a wonderful trip you have lost so much your doing see great Congrats.
    Take care Mary
  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    Hi Mary,
    That's awesome that you can make extra money over the summer!

    It is great having the extra time to relax and focus on me this summer. I am feeling great, working out but having fun doing it. I am amost at my goal weight. Let's see how I do on the cruise. I am eating healthy, avoiding sugars and processed food, but the cruise may be a challenge! I do plan to work out every day so I will be happy if i don't gain. I just have to pick my "pleasures" carefully!

    How are things going with you. I know you said food was getting boring. Think about walking down to the library and picking up some low fat cook books. Weight watchers has some good recipes that are quick and delicious! You just need to shake it up a little!!!
    How is the exercising working out?? Still swimming?? Remember exercisetv is on the computer. You can access it from MSN. It gives you tons of different exercises to do that might shake things up for you. Remember, you need to "confuse" your body, shake it up a little!!

    Letme know if there is anything I can do to help!
    Talk to you when I get back from vacation!
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    HI everyone
    I see that noone has posted in a while so I thought I should. I am just trying to get back on track. With eating and working out and my medcine which I have seem to mess up the harmone's the docter has me on. BUt I am trying and that is what is improtant to me at this piont
    Eileen how was vaction I hope your trip went well and I here you look amazing!:happy:
    Well I hope everyone enjoy's these last few weeks before we all go back
    Take care have a great day. Mary:flowerforyou:
  • jiminy
    jiminy Posts: 2
    Hey, it's Karen. Walking my little puppy, Louie ,has been the majority of my exercise this summer-- Keeps me going 3x a day. Food is no problem for me anymore. I have a shelf in the refrigerator that is just for healthy food. I haven't brought soda, ice cream, or cookies into the house all summer. I have only taken off another five pounds but I feel great .
    I don't want summer to end. Shorts, flip flops, porch time with the neighbors, no schedule......... I will deal with reality next week. I hope everyone is well. See you soon.
  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    Hi Karen,
    What kind of puppy did you get? The girls must me so excited!
    I'm proud of you losing 5 pounds, that's awesome! Keep up the healthy eating and exercise....slow and steady wins the race!
    See you next week when reality hits!!